Birthday Aquisitions #1: Books

I used to semi-regularly post about stuff I’d recently bought (or received as gifts) but haven’t for a very long time.

But I watch a lot of streaming on YouTube (and that’s a blog post right there…) and I enjoy when the streamers show off new loot they’ve obtained and how proud and happy they are to have it.

So, for one week only (?), a return to those types of posts! It was my birthday recently and I pulled in quite a haul! I’ll go over much of it this week in five posts starting today with the books.

And even though I bought much of this stuff for myself, I’m still calling them birthday gifts πŸ™‚

There’s the ‘normal’ books. An eclectic selection perhaps. Sin-A-Rama is the updated and reprinted version of a book I bought two years ago and haven’t read yet (it’s an art book of pulp covers essentially). The book on the bottom is an anthology of lurid men’s adventure magazines from post-WW2. 

The manga. Obviously I’m a big fan of Fairy Tail (yes I own 57 volumes…) but of this pile the Junjo Ito books would be my favourites. He’s a master of horror manga and almost everything he has done is a classic.

Two art books and an RPG monster manual. The Fire Emblem book was surprisingly inexpensive (<$20) and will be worth owning for Tharja alone! Thanks to AJW for informing me of Tome Of Beasts (which now has entered my siseable ‘monster manual’ collection).

An unusual gift (from KLS) you may think? It’s an art book of women from Hammer Horror films. I’ll get back to this on Wednesday…

Loads of pulp! Almost all of the above cost only $0.01 (plus $3.99 P&H) from Amazon and after buying a few like this in Oz I’m now on a ‘1970s Conan ripoff’ binge! Keen-eyed observers may note the Kothar and Brak series are both incomplete in this photo… but I already had the other volumes πŸ™‚

Speaking of Conan, and possibly stretching the ‘book’ definition, I got this old AD&D module as well. If anyone is interested, I’ll review this on the blog. 

And last but not least some Guy N Smith books. I’ve wanted to read The Sucking Pit for years and now I am I can reveal it most certainly wasn’t worth the wait. From the same author of the ‘crab series’ books, this is about as pulpy a horror novel as you can imagine and was probably written faster than most would read it! The Walking Dead is the sequel from ten years later (1985) and will likely be equally trashy. But you don’t read Smith expecting high literature, so I’m satisfied.

The above are all now put into my sorted-by-category ‘to read’ pile, which has now grown to fill five shelves of a bookcase. When will I read them all? Who knows!

But read them I will, one day. And I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy them all πŸ™‚

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