Ten Things I Saw At The Fair

I went to the local fair today, and this post is a sample of what I saw. Since I do these every year I’m guessing it’ll seem familiar, but I always enjoy going… even in the middle of a biblical rainstorm πŸ™‚

As usual the circus was there. They had all sorts of animals on show including these guys, camels ($10 per ride!), kangaroos and even apparently tigers (who were locked in their coach). The pretty carny-girl was cutting carrots in silence and bagging them for sale ($2) as a gaggle of goats looked on eagerly.

I couldn’t work out the theme of the scarecrow exhibit this year, but this was the winner. Is he holding cotton candy? I took this photo shortly after I arrived and the rain had started to fall.

I liked this horned sheep. He actually comes from Delmar, so he may live nearby. The sheep-shearing show (which I enjoyed last year) was canceled due to the weather, and the barns for livestock were full of miserable damp people and happy dry animals!

This satanic decoration – about 2m in diameter – was in the circus museum. It’s nose flashed like an evil angler fish, trawling for the souls of children. There were several like this, each as nightmarish as the others.

The art contest never disappoints but I wouldn’t have expected that string-and-nail art would win the 13-17 age bracket! Maybe I should try to make something like this?

The photography section includes a category of photos taken at the fair. Next year I should enter one of these…

This is a screech owl. He’d been shot and left to die, but was rescued and now has a pin in his wing. He was a short stubby beast that looks like he’s been through the wars but that’s only because he’s molting. He loved posing for the camera, leaning toward the lens every time πŸ™‚

As you know I love the rides. Because it was overcast all the lights were on, which was great, but because of the rain (and the fact almost no one was there) very few were running. This photo was taken shortly after I arrived, but when I returned to the midway a couple of hours later most of the rides had closed since the rain had become too heavy.

This was probably my favourite thing of the show: two baby porkers in a pen with a fantastic Charlottes Web themed piece of art on the wall behind them. I had to contort myself to get the above photo, and am pleased how it worked out. The piglets were hyperactive; it was a momentary miracle that one flopped down and feigned resting long enough for the photo πŸ™‚

I missed the start of the circus, and only saw a weird silent clown and the trapeze artist. By this point the intensity of the rain was incredible, and the sound of it falling onto the big top roof almost drowned out the audio. It also meant they couldn’t do the animal shows at all, so the whole performance was quite short. By the time it ended the puddles at the entrance were so large and deep they were unjumpable. My entire shoe was underwater as I walked through, and I gave up caring πŸ™‚

Everywhere was wet. It had become impossible to avoid puddles, and even my umbrella was useless (the rain cane through and ran down the handle). Most of the vendors and food stands had closed up, and I sloshed my way to the rides for another gander but turned back when it was clear they had closed as well.

I’d been here in rain before, but not like this!

It was obviously time to leave, and on the way out I saw some truly miserable people with no umbrellas or rain gear and sogged to the core. I waded through a temporary river toward the carpark chuckling to myself; I’d seen more rain these two hours at the fair than in the entire two weeks we were in Ireland!

But I like rain, and I like the fair, and as always had a pretty good time πŸ™‚

2 Responses to “Ten Things I Saw At The Fair”

  1. jf says:

    I love the expression on the owl’s face.

  2. mycroft says:

    Next year, wear gumboots!