The Year In Photos

It was a busy year for us, and we saw and did many things. Here’s a summary, in which I only selected photos with us in them. If you want to read more about any of what is mentioned in this post, go back and check the original entries which are all here on the blog.

The year started – as it has for over a decade – down in Oz, where Bernard and I were on the Gold Coast about to drive down to Newcastle. We went to the usual places and did the usual stuff and had the usual fun we always have, but all this was heightened due to the fact we’d never been to many of the places we visited on our road trip. It was a memorable vacation!

In March, back in the USA, we had a record-breaking snowstorm. On one day we got just shy of two feet of snow, and I almost wore the snowblower out trying to clear it. That was a busy day!

In May we went to Japan for the sixth time. We stayed in three cities and had a jam-packed vacation that was so incredible I already want to go back (and may already be planning the next one…)

August saw us jet over to Ireland for a holiday full of scenery and the usual laughs. Once again this trip brought many highlights, not the least of which was visiting Skellig which the Star Wars films have now made famous. KLS enjoyed Ireland so much she’s went again in December!

And then in September we went to New Hampshire for a few days, visiting some caves, a giant arcade and taking lovely train and boat trips. As usual we packed a lot into a few days and it was great.

And in less than two days I’m heading off again to Australia, to once again meet Bernard in a city we’ve never been (Melbourne this time) and then to once again take a road trip back to Newcastle. This time however we’ve leveled up our itinerary, and our drive will take us a lazy ten days through the interior of VIC and NSW and then along the coastal road heading north. It promises to be great, and you can (and should!) read all about it right here starting in a few days…

Until then, Happy Christmas 🙂

One Response to “The Year In Photos”

  1. Florence says:

    KLS’s face in the polar caves pic is the best!!!!!