Yes, I Still Love The iPad

It’s been more than seven months since we bought an iPad, and to say it has changed the way we use a computer at home is an understatement.  Almost 100% of our web-browsing is now done on the device, and I use it exclusively for email as well. I turn on my desktop rarely, and usually only to watch a video that is unsuported in the iOS (such as the new Ultraman movie trailer) or – ironically I realize – to update this blog.

That’s not to say I couldn’t do either on the iPad, it’s just that the WordPress app is currently woeful. Unlike the Books app, which in the last update turned the device into an incredible PDF reader. As you can see I made good use of this:


Yesterday was the long-heralded and greatly anticipated 4.2.2 update to the iPad OS. This gave the device several new features, including folders, multitasking, a new mail app, new browser functionality, the Game Center, wireless printing and a few other bells and whistles. I eagerly downloaded and installed the update, and here’s my impressions.


The shot above (the ‘desktop’ of our iPad) shows the new folders. To make one, just drag an app over another and hold it for half a second. They are an obvious feature that should have been there from the start, but I would have preferred had Apple gone even further with desktop customization. Such as adjustable icon sizes, ways to rearrange the grid or place items where we wanted (like Android does). Folders are a nice start though – the other features will come in time, I am sure of that.

Incidentally the background image of Sydney (click on the picture, I have included full-resolution screencaps in this post) was captured with the Maps app included with the iPad.

Frankly I don’t care about multitasking, especially since I rarely juggle between different apps. But it works and seems to work well. When I quit Angry Birds and switched to the browser before returning to the game had me exactly where I left off. A nice feature, but hardly necessary in the world of instant-start iApps. A bigger deal for the iPhone I reckon, for me multitasking just means a (new) slight pause every time I close an App.

The new Mail app is cool, and collects all your inboxes into one grand inbox. Thankfully this is entirely optional, especially relevant to micromanagers like myself that doesn’t want to cross the streams of my work and home inboxes 🙂


Game Center! What is this? Well, it’s a bit of an PSN for iPad, and includes achievements, friend lists, leaderboards etc. If you are using iOS, please send me – Richardjesperson – a friend request and we can compare our Angry Birds achievements 🙂

Now the big addition, for me, is the trivial ability to now search for words in-page in the browser. This has been my #1 missed browser feature since switching over to the iPad and I’m happy Apple not only added it but did in in an inobtrusive manner (since one goal of the iOS is to simplify everything). Here’s a shot:


To use it, just enter a word into the Search bar (upper right) and choose the new option to search on the page. Fantastic!

I haven’t used (or even discovered, to be honest) any of the other new features in the iOS, so I’ll end this review/tutorial here. I know quite a few of you use iOS on phones or the iPad, so I’m curious as to your opinions of the update (or the device in general).

For me the iPad has become all but irreplaceable, and 4.2.2 just makes a great thing better in my opinion.

2 Responses to “Yes, I Still Love The iPad”

  1. Bernard says:

    Do you need an app to update this blog? Doesn’t the WordPress admin site work on the iPad?

    I was going to get Lakshmi one for her birthday since all she really does is simple web browsing while at home. I was very impressed with the device while playing with it in the shop, but ultimately we didn’t feel it was worth the money. For the same amount you can get a very nice little laptop with more power and features.

    I’ll be interested to see the next generation iPad and other non Apple devices of that type, as they will only get better.

  2. washburnian says:

    Multitasking is particularly useful for music apps, such as tunein radio or lastfm (or pandora if you aren’t in aus). You can stream tunes over the app and do whatever else you want. Even better is to add that with airplay – you can then stream to an airport express enabled stereo – for me this is the best thing about the new update!