When Verizon Told Me How Much An iPhone Upgrade Cost, I Told Them To ‘Saugen auf da Bein eines Hundes’!


Since I apparently am not eligible for an upgrade, it would cost me $650 to switch my Droid phone for an iPhone when they are released next month.

I calmly explained to the Verizon monkey that this is actually more expensive than if I canceled my current contract outright, paid the early termination fee ($300), then signed up for a brand new contract and choose an iPhone ($200). In an act of stunning genius, his only response was “Smartphones are expensive.”

So what about the ‘early upgrade plan’. Since my contract is one year old on February 8, surely I could take advantage of that plan (which I got when I signed my current contract) to upgrade to an iPhone for a one-time fee of $20?

Well, the problem is Verizon canceled the early upgrade plan entirely on January 16. Only the most cynical person would suppose this date had anything to do with the iPhone launch 2 weeks later…

In short, looks like I’ll be waiting till Feb 2012 for my iPhone.

At least I’ll get an iPhone 5 then 🙂

(BTW to JAF, since our contracts are essentially identical, I’m pretty sure all the above applies to you as well.)

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