Legendary Item 2

The other day I obtained my 259th Nintendo DS game. And it was no normal game, good readers, it was in fact… this:


Yes fellows, I now own the second in the Club Nintendo exclusive Game & Watch Collection series (I barely need mention I already own the first in the series)!

What is this game – which I remind you is unavailable in stores – you ask? It is none other than Parachute and Octopus coded for the DS. Here is an image showing both games in action:


Remarkable, wouldn’t you say? But it doesn’t stop there! No, my friends, this humble DS cartridge also contains the brand new remix game Parachute x Octopus which is an unholy combination of both (let’s ignore for the moment reviews that say it’s terrible).

So where did I obtain this? Club Nintendo of course! It cost 800 ‘coins’, which are obtained by registering games and hardware. 800 coins equals about 16 Wii games, about 27 DS games, or about 5 hardware systems (DS, Wii, 3DS etc.). I’m proud to say I now own all three actual packaged games Nintendo has made available through the system (for which I spent a total of 2800 coins!)

Time for an honest disclosure: I haven’t yet played this. In fact I haven’t removed the shrinkwrap. But I love it nonetheless 🙂

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