Robot Claws

This is what this blog looks like:


See the black computer, in the lower right of the image? That’s a machine that runs the blog. It lives in Bernard & Lakshmi’s garage, as does a second computer (the silver one behind it) and a vast array of networking equipment. You can see the cabling disappearing into the wall connecting these machines to the rest of the house and the internet in general. This setup generates a lot of heat, and the fans are there to keep it cool. Even with them, it’s a bit like standing next to an oven πŸ™‚

Here’s Bernard’s description of the above photo:

This setup includes a dual-processor 8-core zeon with 32 GB of RAM and 2 TB of RAID 10 disk space, and the other machine is an i5 with 8 GB of RAM with 10 TB of (unused!) disk space. The internet connection is a gigabit enterprise switch utilizing a 100 mbs fiber connection.”

I am ahead of myself! Let me introduce my hosts. Here’s my sister-in-law, Lakshmi, cosplaying:


She put the mask on in Target, and when Bernard asked her who it was she said ‘Darth Vader’. We had a good chuckle at that one πŸ™‚

And here’s my brother, cosplaying as a banker:


Yesterday we went shopping. This meant we saw a good selection of potential gifts for AW like this:


…and a gaggle of pretty girls like this:


…and I even saw this:


There was a lot of shopping, and a lot of buying. Gifts were bought for everyone! Incredibly, my haul even included 2 (crappy…) gamebooks purchased from a second-hand bookstore! Given I traveled with only a single tiny suitcase, I’ll certainly be mailing stuff back πŸ™‚

Today we’re off to see some museums. I’ve also uncovered some old photos and various other treasures that are going to have to make their way onto this blog in the next few days. So much to do and so little time in which to do it…

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