I Boldly Went

Yes, my friends, from an equally mysterious source, I very recently managed to obtain this fine treasure:


OMG part 2! It’s a factory sealed box of Star Trek trading cards all the way from 1992! Look at the sheen of the pristine shrink-wrap! What fabulous treasures must be sealed inside?

Let’s find out:


Oh, alluring black and pink and blue! These packs just scream ‘Open me!‘ don’t they? Interesting how the divide between the TNG and OS packs is horizontal now compared to the series 1 box isn’t it?

Here’s a closer look at two of these little pouches of loot:


And here are the exact cards from the rightmost pack in the above photo:


A ‘Vulcan Lyrette‘?? It’s difficult, in English, to describe just how truly terrible most of the OS series cards in this set are. I loved looking at and reading each one of these marvelous cards! Here’s a shining example:

IMG_2806 IMG_2807

If we had a merciful God, I would be joking. Alas, I am not 🙂

Oh, but the TNG cards! They are wondrous! Doctor Leah Brahms! The last tragic moment of Tasha Yar’s life! Lwaxana Troi! Doctor Pulaski! Even the wonderful, wonderful Q! Surely a better card set couldn’t possibly exist?

And then there’s this work of art:


Yes my friends, resistance to the charm of these cards is positively futile!

So, my original offer stands. I purchased these not only for myself, but for each of you as well. I just know you want some of these, and my condition is trifling.

Simply, in 100 words or less, complete the following sentence in a comment:

“Excluding the obvious choice of Reginald Barkley, the Star Trek: TNG character I most identify with is _____________ because ____________ “

Serious answers only please! Let’s join the United Federation of Planets together 🙂

5 Responses to “I Boldly Went”

  1. mycroft says:

    Excluding the obvious choice of Reginald Barclay, the “Star Trek: TNG” character I most identify with is Stephen Hawking because the rest are all made up.

  2. Bernard says:

    Excluding the obvious choice of Reginald Barkley, the Star Trek: TNG character I most identify with is Livingston because he’s a fish.

  3. Robert says:

    Oooh! These comments have raised the bar high!!

    Can it be raised even higher?

  4. mycroft says:

    Excluding the obvious choice of Reginald Barclay, the “Star Trek: TNG” character I most identify with is Howard Stern because he is the King Of All Media.

    Signed – Not Mycroft (but you can send my cards care of his address)

  5. JeanLucPicard says:

    Excluding the obvious choice of Reginald Barclay, the “Star Trek: TNG” character I most identify with is Captain Jean-Luc Picard because he is me.