Into The Dungeon!

Some months ago I purchased this at a con:


This is the Dungeon! board game, based on Dungeons and Dragons and originally released in 1975. This is the 1989 ‘new’ version, which added a couple of player classes but in all other respects is identical to the original. Our set is in fantastic condition except for one omission: the rules are missing! Luckily they were only an internet search away!

Here’s the board all set up and ready to go, with only the player selection yet to happen:


Each room has a treasure and a monster. The rules are simple: kill the monsters, take the treasure (each of which is worth a gold coin value), and collect as much as is required by the character you are playing. Here’s what we chose:


Both these classes require 30,000 gold to win. The wizard (me) can cast spells but is weak at melee combat. The Paladin (KLS) is a melee fighter than can heal themselves. Within a few minutes of play we had easily plundered most of the level 1 treasures and KLS had obtained two +1 swords (making her more powerful at combat):


It’s a fun game since both the monsters and treasures are hidden, and there’s an element of strategy involved in planning your route and deciding if you’ll take it carefully and stay on the upper levels (with the paltry treasures) or delve deeper and risk terrible foes for big treasure rewards. I mostly did the former, but KLS dove ever-deeper in search of big ticket items.

Here’s me fighting off a green slime on level four:


The yellow ‘-‘ means it is immune to fire, which was half my arsenal. Luckily I had a lightning bolt (grey) and took it out easily. While I had amassed a kings bounty of treasures, their average value was low and KLS was fast catching up as she entered level five.

And then she entered this room:


Now on paper this battle didn’t seem that bad for her. With her two swords she only needed to roll 8 or better on two dice to kill it. She didn’t though, and the dragon counterattacked. This meant it got a 2d6 roll of it’s own… and it rolled a 2! This is the only way a character can die, and it has only a 1/36 chance of happening. Madelyne the (alliteratively named) Paladin was dead!


This meant all her treasure – about 15k worth – stayed in the room with the dragon. KLS had to restart with a new character, and she picked:


The warrior is a no-fuss type, lacking special skills but needing much less treasure to win. With her powerful melee attack, KLS planned to mop up the remaining level 2-4 rooms for a quick win. There was also a big pile of treasure in a Wight room that the wizard had dropped fleeing from a failed combat.


The race was on – me heading toward the dragon to cheese it to death with spells from outside the room (and therefore avoid counter attack) and KLS barreling to the wight to get the stuff I had dropped. As it turns out we both reached – and defeated – our monsters about the same time, but since I was closer to the dungeon exit I made it out first and was very narrowly crowned victor.

We both enjoyed the game far more than we thought we would! For such a simple design it’s a lot of fun, especially with the uncertainty of which monsters and treasures are where. We didn’t even venture into the deepest level (6), since the level 5 beasts were challenge enough. But next time we play we’ve decided to play cooperatively, and go for the full dungeon clear of all 80 treasures. That will be fun 🙂

One Response to “Into The Dungeon!”

  1. Bernard says:

    I’d play this game. It’s been a long time since I’ve played a board game.