Great Southern Land

So I had to do a special blog post, and during my research typed ‘Oporto chicken’ into Google image search. Here is a screenshot of the results:

Picture 1

That’s only the second page of results! The funny thing is, I don’t believe either of us are actually eating Oporto in those photographs πŸ™‚

So what was the post? What was so special I had to crow about it? I’m sure you’ve guessed by now…


I bought my Australia tickets yesterday πŸ˜‰

Details to follow…

2 Responses to “Great Southern Land”

  1. Florence says:

    Tickled that those pics link to the ‘otaku archive’ on your blog! You have gone tag crazy…. *looks directly above comment*

  2. Robert says:

    What can I say… I’m a “coat-of-arms” otaku πŸ™‚