25 Days Of Christmas!

Starting today, and for the next 25 days, you lucky buggers can expect a new Robot Claw blog entry every day! “What will they be about“, you ask? Well I don’t really know, but there’s been a lot of things I’ve been planning to blog about that I didn’t get to because of how busy I was so you can expect I’ll get to that in these next few weeks. In other words, the usual stuff 🙂

To get into the spirit of things, I’ve even designed a festive logo. Here it is:

Picture 1

Took me hours that did. I hope you like it 😉

So, so, so… what better way to start this special limited series than… an advent calendar! Today I cracked open this:


Here’s what it looks like open:


And here (spoiler alert!) is what was behind box 1:


Um, what is it? You’re guess is as good as mine since no (mini) instructions were included. Could it be a few bits and pieces of something bigger? Perhaps I shall find out tomorrow!

One Response to “25 Days Of Christmas!”

  1. Florence says:

    waaaa! that logo…

    …it calls to mind mr. octopus and snakus godus, while simultaneously showing how your artistic technique and graphic design has blossomed!

    i hope there’s a special logo incoming for commencement XD