Archive for the ‘Australia’ Category

I Painted a Landscape!

Sunday, April 25th, 2021

KLS’s work sent us a canvas and paints. It was to be used in conjunction with an online relaxation event but we were unable to attend due to another obligation. Regardless, I wasn’t going to let that canvas go to waste.

I decided to paint an Australian landscape! Lots of orange and yellow and red then, with a bright blue sky? Let’s see…

I’m not sure what kinds of paints these were, but they had strong fumes so weren’t watercolour. I’m an impatient artist so I applied them alla prima; if they mixed I fixed it as I went along.

I worked quickly, layering on colour after colour trying to reproduce the hues of my homeland. The brushes were flimsy and fell apart as I used them, and I became slightly high on the paint fumes.

I had trouble with the setting sun due to how I was applying the paints. But there’s no mistakes in art, so I forged on. I would revisit this part of the painting many times before it was complete…

The shrubbery was compromised by my brushes. Even the most talented artist in the world would have struggled here. I did my best.

And then, after about an hour of intense work, I was complete. Here’s the finished work compared to the reference image I had used:

You can’t see in the photo but the gray is slightly metallic and reflective. It lends the darker sky in the top right an ethereal quality. Also I’m particularly proud of my detail on Uluru:

This masterpiece is not for sale, and is indeed already proudly displayed alongside another of my pieces. It lets guests know they are walking into a talented home:

When Will I Be Famous?

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

For seven years between 1982 and 1988 I competed in an annual mathematics contest for high school students. In the earlier years this was held at school, but later on we went to a different location to take the exam. I recall in 1988 (when I was in 11th grade) we all sat in an indoor stadium somewhere.

I was awarded commendations in every year I entered, and actually won prizes three times. The first time this happened (in 1982) I made the newspaper:

Yes that’s the original cutting, which I still own. I placed second the following year (year 6) and in 1985 – when I was in year 8 – I won! Neither achievements apparently warranted a mention in the papers, although the prizes were better.

If I remember correctly I got $50 for second place and $100 for winning. The winning prize was given in the form of a bank account, which was my first bank account and the very same one I used until the day I left Australia!

Alas despite my photo being in the paper in 1982 I was not recognized on the street and hardly showered with respect and adoration from strangers. Celebrity, I was learning, was an elusive beast.

Luckily I had a second shot at stardom in the works, and for several years also competed in a young writers contest. Once again I received commendations for all/most of my short stories (which were no doubt awful) and in 1988 I was again in the paper:

This was a small big deal at my school if I recall, and netted me lunch with the principal (which perhaps influenced me becoming captain the next year?) but this measly name drop in the Newcastle Herald didn’t lead to free meals at fancy restaurants or designers sending me their clothes for free. Once again I learned a lesson on how difficult it was to become famous.

I also recall once competing in a spelling competition at Garden City mall, probably when I was in primary school. My memories of this are extremely vague but I think I won a gift certificate so I must have done well? There was a crowd watching but I doubt it made the papers.

Anyway after two appearances in the newspaper it had become clear to me that television was the true path to stardom, and that became my next goal. To facilitate this I became school captain (in 1989) and leveraged my newfound political power into appearances on local TV. But that’s a tale I’ve already blogged, and you can read about it here.

After two newspaper mentioned and three spots on tv I yet remained an average guy with nary an atom of celebrity to his name. In late 1989 I realized there were only two more paths open to me if my goal was superstardom. I rejected motion pictures as unfeasible, and instead looked seriously at a political career. But that’s perhaps a blog post of its own (if not one I already made)…

This tale would be incomplete without mentioning Bernards brush with stardom. During one of our weekly library trips in early 198X he posed for a photograph that featured in a story about Teletext. It was printed in a local paper and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a lovely shot:

He still has the newspaper clipping, alas not the text that went with it. In terms of column inches his newspaper appearance dwarfed my own, but I can assure you that he still had to pay for his movie tickets and his Big Macs. Even a feature story photo as large as this wasn’t enough for him to become a star!

Arcade Memories

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

I’ve been thinking about memories a lot recently, and how most fade and change over time whilst some remain sharp. Recent discussions with mum have shown me some of my childhood memories are flat-out wrong, which makes me wonder about others.

Spend enough time thinking/talking/listening about arcade gaming and you’ll invariably think/say/hear about how most people that were big on gaming in the arcades usually remember exactly where or when they first played a given game. This is true for me as well, be it Exed Exes in a Pacfic Highway fish’n’chip shop in Charlestown or Xain’d Sleena in the grubby foyer of that cinema on Hunter Street that became an evangelical church (and is now closed?) just to name a couple. I spent innumerable hours in arcades in those days playing every game and I can fondly recall so much of it.

But what about the arcades themselves? One of my favourite Youtubers grew up in a British seaside town and – like me – spent his youth in the oceanfront arcades. He has more than once mentioned how he has very specific memories of playing the games but no longer has clear memories of the arcades that he played them in.

Do I? How clearly can I recall the arcades of my youth? Let’s find out.

I’ve picked three for this post: one in Newcastle city and two in Charlestown. These were probably the three I spent the most time in and – one would imagine – the ones I have the strongest memories of. There were of course many others, as well as countless hours spent playing video games in shops/cinemas/malls etc. For each arcade I have attempted to sketch the floorplan and list some memories. I’m relying on BS, AW and MMC to correct me where I (certainly) make mistakes. Let’s go…

Orbit 100 (Newcastle CBD)

Of course we start with Orbit 100, the king of Newcastle arcades in its prime. Even from the very start I will admit a slight tinge of haziness in my memory, since I conflate Orbit 100 and Orbit 600 these days and can’t be sure which was which. But I am 90% sure the Newcastle one was 100 and the Sydney (George Street) one was 600, so I’ll stick with that. (Interestingly in my ‘book’ about my return visit in 2000 I called it Orbit 600!)

I don’t know when it opened, but it was definitely very active in the early 1980s. I regularly visited when I was in high school since it was within (more or less) walking distance. It still existed when I left Australia in 1993, but by my visit in 2000 had become ‘Playtime’ and when next I visited Oz (in 2005) was gone for good.

As you can see in my sketch the arcade was two levels with two doors onto King Street very close to the Tower Cinema (which is now also gone). In the early days the arcade was mostly just standup cabinets with a few pinballs, but by the mid 1980s they had dedicated the areas on the inner front wall to cabinet games (large driving games mostly) and the pinballs had moved from the top level to the lower near the left door. Orbit was a very dark, smoky and noisy place, with small circular windows (like portholes) with darkly tinted glass. And yet it was a welcoming arcade, probably because it was slightly farther from the Hunter Street shopping and therefore only attracted enthusiasts.

A on my diagram was where a massive black & white Sprint cabinet seemed to sit for years. It was an ancient and often broken beast, rarely played, but probably kept as a curiosity. B was the showcase spot – the first game a customer would see – that was for what seemed like forever occupied with Dragon’s Lair. I recall they had a TV sitting on top of the cabinet so people that couldn’t get close could watch: this was how popular Dragon’s Lair was when it was released. Other games I recall taking this position included Gauntlet and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game.

C was where I would often sit on the top level and play imported Japanese cabinets. Of course I had no idea at the time that’s what they were, but Orbit had quite a few untranslated units they must have imported from Japan. These were often shooters, but I recall Tower Of Druaga and (a Japanese) Pac-Land as well. My fondest memories of sitting in the top level included playing Time Pilot and Star Force, both of which I loved in their day.

D was where I sat in 2000 and played Mars Matrix, possibly with AW. This was (and still is) the only time I ever saw or played the arcade version of the game and I remember it was right next to the door since every time someone opened it and walked in the bright sunlight shone onto the screen and irked me ๐Ÿ™‚

The ? in the above pic I am unsure about. I think they had cocktail (ie. sitdown) cabinets there, but for weird reasons I also recall Orbit selling snacks and drinks and maybe having a seating area? I know pinballs used to be on the top but eventually moved to the bottom, but I’ll admit I have vague memories of the part of the arcade where I now drew pinballs.

Timeout/Timezone? (Charlestown Square)

Given how I virtually lived in this arcade in Charlestown Square you’d think I’d at least remember the name! The planets aligned in 1989 when I both lived in a house within walking distance of this arcade and one of my best friends (MMC) worked here. Even better, the manager was mum to another friend! While I very often did pay for my games at this place, equally common were the games free, and those few years were the platinum years of my arcade gaming. (Fun fact: the manager trusted me so much she more than once had me walk the bags of coins over to the bank for donation!)

But… my memories of this floor plan also start to fade. Once again it was two-level, and given it was at a mall the front wall was all glass so the biggest and flashiest cabs were at the front to attract players walking by. It was a very bright and colorful place with the game volumes up loud and a family-friendly atmosphere. I expect I – ‘goth’ that I was in those days – was about as unsavory a character as that place saw. Mind you this was many years since the arcades had shed their reputation as hives of villainy.

A was where Bernard and I sunk dollars into Narc to beat it. We got better and better and while the game was as unfair as they come eventually were successful. B was where I played an arcade installment in the Thunderforce series to completion while some girl about my age watched silently. I was aware she was there but given it was an intense shooter didn’t get a good look at her. When I beat it I glanced around to see her and she was no-where in sight! Was she a ghost? I’ll never know. C was where I often beat Black Tiger, Slap Fight or Tiger Heli on one credit. I was very good at arcade games!

When KLS visited Australia in 1992 I took her here (more than once) and on one memorable occasion as I was playing SF2 (at D) some young goon stuck joined in, picked guile, and pointed to my character on the screen and said (out loud) “Your arse is grass.”  I thrashed him mercilessly and he shuffled off without a word. It was probably the game superiority I demonstrated at that moment that convinced KLS to marry me ๐Ÿ™‚

I can recall that very shortly before I left Australia, possibly the day before, I was in this arcade playing SF2 (as I always did) when I just… stopped and walked away. I could effortlessly beat the game at that point with every character but the urge had left me and I just left the machine mid game.  I think I had gone for a distraction from the giant step I was about to make in my life and even the familiarity of my favourite arcade wasn’t distracting enough.

Hilltop Arcade (Charlestown, next to the cinema)

I have no idea what this place was called, nestled as it was between the Hoyts cinema and Sizzler restaurant, but it was – between about 1990 and 1993 – the biggest arcade that I frequented. And the emptiest, which was one reason I liked it!

While it had a lot of games the floorplan was massive with lots of empty space and given that when I visited I was usually the only person there except for the employees it often felt on the edge of insolvency. I recall it had a lot of pinball machines, all lined up against one wall, and I routinely ignored these in favour of the arcade games. This was the early 1990s so of course the place was dominated by fighting game cabinets (Simpsons, TMNT), shooting games (Operation Wolf etc.) and large driving cabinets but – as with Orbit years earlier – they had their fair share of Japanese imports as well (probably Sega Aero City JAMMA cabs if you’re interested) and it was these more than any other reason which attracted me, since I was able to play all manner of weird and wonderful – and often untranslated – games at this arcade.

A was where I first played Street Fighter 2, which would have been 1991 when the game was released. The arcade had a bunch of machines arranged in a circle and I’d ‘shop around’ for good joysticks before playing. I played SF2 here a lot since the place was so unpopular and – for a time – this was one of the few places you could enjoy the game on your own without some goon joining in to grass your arse!

B was a narrow hallway which led to an exit to a car park. People rarely used this exit, and when I sat in this hallway to play games I was usually alone and undistracted. This was where I played Snow Bros enough to eventually beat it, and also where I played a lot of In The Hunt, R-Type Leo and Cameltry. I also recall trying many weird Japanese action games that I had no idea how to play!

One specific memory I have of this place is when an attendant asked me to keep an eye on things while she (I assumed) went to the loo. It must have been just me and her in there at the time, and I think she just asked me to tell anyone that came in that she’d be back soon. She gave me some credits in whatever I was playing (Golden Axe: Return Of Death Adder perhaps?) before she left and once I had finished – which took a while – she still hadn’t returned! I waited for a while longer before I had to leave myself, and eventually I did. I wonder what she though when she came back!

Even though I’d stay there for sometimes hours at a time I have unusually vague memories of this arcade. The ? on my floor plan are a complete mystery to me, and the wall opposite the pinballs is equally unknown. What was this place called? When did it close? Is it perhaps even still there?

Did it even exist at all?

I could write a post a day on arcade memories and fill a year, but this is enough for now, and it’s time to turn this over to fellow arcade lurkers to correct me and fill in the blanks. I don’t doubt their comments will trigger further memories of my own…

Australian Stamps

Monday, January 4th, 2021

It’s time for another selection of stamps from the order I made a couple of months back. This time, let’s look through a pack of 200 Australian Stamps.

That’s all of them, with the exception of a tiny amount of repeats. They span about 60 years from 1949 to about 2008. Here’s the oldest one, which was also the only pre-decimal stamp in the pack:

You can see in the first pic that Australia has a standard stamp size (that continues today) in which the vast majority of stamps are printed. The second photo shows the smaller size, with some smaller (older) stamps at the bottom. Australia does of course print stamps in other shapes and sizes than these, but they are usually higher denomination or for specific commemorative purposes.

Looking at this specific selection it’s clear there are a few recurring themes. One is sports, and the above photo shows many of those in the pack. I was surprised by the absence of cricket stamps, but a quick glance online shows they have existed and were simply not in my selection. There were several Olympic themed stamps in my pack as well.

Vehicles were another theme, and I recall collecting some of the plane ones in my youth. The car series is quite handsome!

There were several train stamps as well, from at least four different series over a couple of decades. Obviously a popular topic of Australia Post.

Christmas stamps were extremely common, and this picture isn’t even all of them. Over 10% of the 200 were Christmas stamps, and they’re such a tradition in Australia that they even print Christmas stamp stamps, like this one:

There were actually two different stamps commemorating Christmas stamps!

This got me thinking “How did this company get these Australian stamps?” I bought the packs from a stamp dealer in Canada and I assume his various country selections originated from the countries themselves? Are there companies in Australia that collect used stamps (from envelopes possibly?) to sell to dealers overseas? If so, this could explain the frequency of Christmas stamps since I would expect most Australians are likely to send Christmas cards than use the postage in the rest of the year?

The most common topic – and this has always seemed to be the case – is of course Australian wildlife. Check your postcards I’ve sent you from Oz over the years and you’ll likely see animal stamps on them, including perhaps some of those shown above!

A few other stamps caught my eye, such as these two from series about children’s novels:

Or this example of a stamp about stamps (sort of):

There were many other interesting ones but this post is already too long. As with the previous packs I had a lot of fun sorting these and looking up details on many of them.

I still have more packs to go through as well. What will the next one be? Check back in a month or so and find out ๐Ÿ™‚

Paper Boys

Sunday, May 17th, 2020

In 1985 or 1986, Bernard and I got our first jobs. My memories are somewhat vague regarding certain details, but I seem to think it was Dads idea and he was instrumental in getting us a weekly paper run.

Every Wednesday we delivered a free newspaper called The Newcastle Star to a few hundred houses in a suburb called Redhead. Dad picked us up after school, we’d drive to a house in Gateshead to collect the papers, then drive to Redhead to deliver them. The three of us worked together and it usually took us several hours. I recall it was hard work, and not something any of us much enjoyed.

Redhead is an old sun-dried suburb known for its beach and looks very similar today to what I recall from then. We’d park our car with a bootfull of papers and each of us would pick a few blocks and walk around by ourselves delivering the papers.

The newspapers were big – both physically and by page count – and filling a shoulder bag with dozens of them made for quite a burden. They often came with a variety of additional advertising materials we had to combine with the papers ourselves, which increased the work time accordingly.

I believe we each settled on our parts of the suburb that we did every week, rather than switch it up. I myself walked the southeastern blocks closest to the beach, and my route included many of the lanes that run behind the houses. It was routine work: walk from house to house stuffing a rolled up paper into a mailbox or between fence slats or – if there was nowhere else to put it – putting a elastic band around it and tossing it into a yard.

I believe we ignored the – rare in those days – signs that said ‘no advertising materials’. Maybe due to some mechanism in place to verify the papers were actually delivered? At any rate the paper seemed quite popular in those days and even though I didn’t like delivering it I looked forward to reading it ๐Ÿ™‚

It was tough work in summer, sweaty and tiring and I’m sure sunburn was common! But the truly wretched times were when it rained. We experimented with ponchos and other means to stay dry but nothing worked well and mostly we just got very wet while doing our best to keep the papers dry. Heavy rain often delayed our ability to deliver, but there was a deadline so sometimes we had to do it regardless.

Some other memories:
– There were several houses with evil, ravenous dogs! I hated these, and even sometimes ran past them in fear of my life ๐Ÿ™‚
– We used to leave the car unlocked and the boot wide open so we could restock as necessary. In those days I suppose we didn’t consider thieves being a problem.
– I witnessed a dramatic car collision once at an intersection (near the church in the photo below) and was momentarily confounded as to what to do. But when the drivers got out and both seemed ok I walked on.
– A few times we were given actual product samples to deliver with the paper. These included washing machine detergent and some type of powdered drink. I think we just kept them ourselves – boxes of them! – rather than deal with the nightmare of carrying them ๐Ÿ™‚
– One time the paper included a game piece for a McDonalds game that awarded actual prizes. Naturally we kept most of these ourselves and I recall eating free fries and hamburgers for some time…

If we didn’t enjoy it and it was difficult, physical work then why did we do it? The pay was good! Although dad drove us and did at least a third of the work he let Bernard and I split all the pay, and we got $30 or more each every week, which is close to $100 today. For a 13 or 14 year old this was amazing money in 1985 and I still remember using my first paycheque to buy two records (amongst other things) which were the first I ever bought ‘with my own money’.

My pay funded my video game, gamebook and music purchases for several years. It enabled weekly trips into Newcastle for movies/arcades/shopping and bought me more lollies and McDonald’s than I ever thought possible! I still own some of the things I bought with those wages to this day ๐Ÿ™‚

In 1987 Bernard entered year 11 and chose to end the run. Dad and I continued alone for a while, but soon the Australian government started giving money to school kids (Austudy) and there was simply no need for us to work any more. I’m sure I sighed with relief after that final paper was delivered!

I would receive Austudy until just before leaving Australia and never worked again until I moved here. My first and last Australian career then: a paperboy. Hell in it’s day, but somewhat fondly remembered now.

Next time I visit I’ll go to Redhead and walk my route again for old times sake. I hope it triggers memories I haven’t even been able to remember for this post…