A few months ago I joked to SFL that the Sea Pony was the main reason I wanted to return to WoW. It’s a new pet, rarely fished up at a particular spot in the game.
It probably took me about 2 hours to fish the little bugger up π
Today is Bernards birthday, and we went to see War Horse. It’s a shmaltzy film about the brotherhood between a horse and a man. Although expertly dialed-in by Spielberg, we all found it quite enjoyable π
Later on we had a lovely meal of Chinese food.
For the rest of this post, some random images collected throughout the trip so far…
That sign is for a restaurant in Sydney. Look’s a bit dodgy doesn’t it?
Two different bread products. Note the last sentence on the rightmost one.
This is a child’s toy vehicle believe it or not! It’s about 4 foot tall in total.
The selection of fresh hound food in grocery stores is impressive. Some of it looks good enough for men.
Beautiful stencil graffiti seen in Mayfield.
I’ll keep you guessing about this last one π
That fellow is a three legged dog, who is probably called Dog-emi. The hand patting him is attached to SMC, and it was with she that I walked the entire Fernleigh Track from Kotara to Bellmont today.
It was very hot today, 37 actually, and the 20+ km walk took us about four hours. I had considered initially walking back again, but that was quickly dismissed as madness. Both Sue and I were well and truly knackered by the time we reached Belmont. A handy KFC provided lunch and a spot to recuperate while we waited for a lift π
That’s Sue! She’s exhausted!
And that’s me! I’m opening a 4711 refreshing towellete! Although it can’t really be seen in this shot, I was sweating like a dog π
As for the track, it’s very good and highly recommended (especially if the weather is cooler). The new section passes through a swamp and part of it is on a raised track above the water. On this particular leg we saw this fellow in a tree:
Look at him! A big goanna, about 1 m long. Everyone in Australia is quite used to these common guys (as once was I) but I find it quite novel now.
After getting back home I just lay around like a zombie for hours. The rest of the day was uneventful, filled with such curiosities as the following:
Yep, a peppermint Magnum. It was actually a bit too rich.
Lucky says “Goodnight”!
Last night we went to Wentworth Park, to watch the puppies run.
The races started at 6:45 and ran till 10 pm, 10 in total. We had no form or foreknowledge, and picked out dogs mostly randomly. And they ran like their tails were on fire!
The dogs are greyhounds and they chase a ‘rabbit’ (the orange thing that runs along the rail in front of them). Here’s a shot of one of the beasts as he was paraded before the race.
That’s Bernard placing a bet right there. And here’s the betting results:
RS: Bet $6 total, won $6.45 total (4 wins)
BS: Bet $103 total, won $10+? total (2 wins) {he has one ticket yet to cash}
AW: Bet $100 total, won $61 total (4 wins)
MB: unknown {we think he broke even}
Obviously I was the winner here. I attribute that to my natural affinity with hounds.
The dogs got faster when the sun went down. I got tired!
Probably because of my epic walk earlier in the day, when we finally got home I was knackered. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
What did you do on June 22, 2006? Don’t remember, do you? I know what I did, I played World of Warcraft. I know this because on that day I made the very first entry on this blog. And that’s special because today is the day I make the 1000th entry π
1000 entries in five and a half years! That’s almost exactly one every two days. It’s been going so long now that even I can’t remember most of what I have put on it. So I’m going to take today as a sort of ‘best of’ of my blog. After all, aren’t the nostalgic posts the best ones?
A few facts and figures first. There are 1000 posts in 14 categories that include a total of 3064 images. 705 comments have been made by a scant few 8 commentators. Since it has been impossible to create accounts for 5+ years this number is not likely to change soon. However there are three commentators out there that have never added a comment…
Here’s the timeline of significant blog events:
Sep 30, 2006:Β This nostalgic post about old homes,Β opened my eyes to using the blog as a sort of nostalgia tool and is what I consider to be a turning point. The post is worth clicking through today, not just for a re-read but also to see how much Google Earth imagery has improved in five years (compare to yesterday’s entry for instance).
Nov 18, 2006: It’s almost hard to believe now, but Yossi was once small.
Feb 14, 2007: An unspectacular post about a blizzard, and my pains (manually) clearing away the snow. Why do I cite this? It was clear by now the blog had become a part of my life: why else would I have taken such pains to document such a task, especially getting KLS to come outside as well just to take photos of me?!
May 12, 2007: First post dedicated to a movie review (Ultraman: The Next). Even today such dedicated posts are rare, but they’re usually good π
May 21, 2007: First post from a phone. Ignore the title, I was testing the functionality so I could blog from Hawaii.
July 16, 2007: Still one of my all-time favourite posts about a specific game. This tale is 100% true. What a great day that was!
August 27, 2007: Great post about Dragon mag and an old RPG for two reasons. 1) My first ‘retro RPG post’, 2) AW’s comment π
Pixels In My Eyes: This post, made in late August 2007, is, in my opinion, the best I’ve ever written for the blog. I don’t remember much about the creation of this post, but given that I very rarely plan any post beyond an idea, I expect I just wrote it all down as I thought of it with little revision. This is one of a very few incredibly personal posts about my thoughts that I’ve put out here for all to see, and even today when I read it it makes me powerfully nostalgic. This also happens to be the most-commented entry in the entire life of this blog.
Dec 31, 2007: First ever post from Australia. This was during the first of my (soon to be four) solo Australia vacations.
The Ten Worst Photos Of Me Ever Taken: What a post! This one will never go out of style. I love that I did this and it was well received. By the way, don’t I look a little like the Ancient Aliens guy in #8?
June 25, 2008: I wrote this post about cockfighting when I was in Puerto Rico, as a laugh. I later found out more than a few people actually believed it. I was surprised. I guess I can be convincing π
Dec 12, 2008: Funny cellphone entry made during the ice storm that killed out power for a few days. I don’t think I was faking that facial expression…
Jan 10, 2009: There have been many World of Warcraft posts on the blog (including, as I said, the very first one) but this one, describing a 54 minute long fight between me and a single raid boss, is my favourite. I can’t wait to start playing WoW again in the new year!
Jan 31, 2009: Read the text, look at the picture, read the comments π
Feb 8, 2009: I’m citing this because it is a very, very fond memory – the first time I got to meet a Doctor Who. He was a truly gracious person and I remember this fondly.
May 30, 2009: This is the most controversially titled blog post ever. Happily it is not without factual basis, and that’s not the only thing in this particular entry that demonstrates why we love Japan so much. We need to return…
June 6, 2009: This post can claim a lot. Not only is it full of Rilakkuma, but it also introduces my most-watched youtube video (over 45,000 views to date) and includes a now-legendary photo of me and Emi at the very end.
Doctor Who Video Games: Still my most-viewed post, and the number one source of redirects to this blog from Google. This was heavily researched when I wrote it, since I could find no such list online. Today this actual post is linked from a Wikipedia article π
Dec 22, 2009: The infamous ‘trojan cake‘ event. Still a good and funny story π
April 3, 2010: Hyperbolic post made from my cellphone when I was in line to buy an iPad on launch day.
June 22, 2010: This recipe post has my favourite opening line of any post I’ve ever made. I wonder if I should do more recipe entries?
July 28, 2010: My favourite post from England. Lovely Blackpool, in the rain. I’ll be back there one day.
October 21, 2010: A ghost story. Although my language may be flowery, you’d be surprised by how little I embellish the stories I post on this blog (and believe me, there are many others to come).
The Wish: A disturbing post, strangely real and incredibly melancholic. I was clearly in a funk that day, and this was the result. I’ll be honest and say I am proud of it, and I think it’s a powerful piece. But as with Pixels In My Eyes, these sorts of entries will probably come along only once ever 4 or 5 years.
April 25, 2011: For those that doubt my game-otaku-dom has reached the highest level! Going through the blog like I have, it’s remarkable how many game-related posts about truly arcane topics there are here. Even I’m impressed by my gaming knowledge and enthusiasm!
Tales From Green Hell (Part 1 & Part 2): I was so proud of these posts! To show off some spectacular photos supplied by my parents was a thrill. You can expect more like these in the future.
November 22, 2011: My other source of great pride this year.
Over five years is a long to time to keep this up, and 1000 posts is a lot of words. At times – including very recently – I have debated stopping and closing it once and for all, but it’s become a part of my life I feel I’d miss were it to end.
Given that I’m not close to running out of ideas, I don’t really see Robot Claw closing up shop any time soon π