Last Word

So, in summary, I went to Australia for a few different reasons.

The primary reason was to catch up with family and friends:

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The second was to consume vast quantities of delicious Australian junk food:


The third was to enjoy the weather, and the surroundings:

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And the last (but far from least) was to buy KLS a vast collection of belated Christmas gifts:

Dsc02260.jpg < 'Souvenirs' But if I were to summarize the trip in a single image, it would be this: Dsc013081.jpg < Australia 2008 In 3 weeks I drunk at least 54 cans and 5 1.5 litre bottles of Lift. This does not include food that came at a restaurant, at which I always chose Lift (or the inferior Pepsi equivalent, Solo), which would account for perhaps an additional 30 or more 600ml bottles. That's an average of about 1.8 litres a day (which is, I suspect, an underestimate) or about 1000 calories per day from Lift soda alone. (As a shocking aside, my calculations also estimate upwards of A$175 spent on Lift soda alone...) Needless to say, Lift was the fuel that kept me going through an entirely entertaining trip. Thanks to friends and family for letting me stay, and thanks very much to KLS for letting me go 🙂

2 Responses to “Last Word”

  1. Bernard says:

    That’s an appalling amount of sugar each day.

    I actually prefer Solo because it’s light on the fizz so you can slam it down fast. It’s a thirst crusher.

  2. Robert says:

    Same with Lift.

    One the last day, at Taronga Zoo, I got a 600ml Lift with my fish’n’chip lunch (as Adam said, who wants to eat red meat at a zoo?). Anyway, the heat was torturous that day and I was parched. I sculled the Lift in one very satisfying go, and then ate the food.

    Within 30 minutes another 600ml was in my hand and half gone…