The End Of Time


This past Saturday we watched the third-last David Tennant Doctor Who special, The Waters Of Mars and it was, well quite brilliant. A massive improvement from Planet Of The Dead. The Doctor was taken to a place he’d not been before and… certain things happened. And the final 2-part episode was foreshadowed quite well at the end.

And that end begins next Saturday with part one of The End Of Time. We will of course watch it live (in HD!) and I am looking forward to it tremendously (those who may have seen the trailer will be with me in celebrating the nod to the Deadly Assassin-era Master to be seen in this episode!). And then… the very next day… I’m off to Australia!

So I won’t be able to see part two, in which Doctor 10 regenerates into Doctor 11, until I get back. It screens on January 2, so KLS is going to tape it and keep it safe on our PVR until I return when I can watch it in glorious HD. And try really, really, really hard not to have it spoiled for me in the interim.

Unless (of course) it screens in Australia or AW obtains a good quality copy during my stay 🙂

One Response to “The End Of Time”

  1. mycroft says:

    Talk to AP when you and BS are in N. visiting your m. and d. He’ll have it FS 🙂