
Yesterday we visited Brighton. Rather than use words, here’s the day in a picture…


Seaside resort! Pebble beach! And – uniquely British – the Pier.


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The first shot above shows the ruined old (west) Brighton Pier. The top right shot shows the Royal Pier, which contains amusement arcades, amusement rides and oodles of food stores. At one of them, I bought some candy floss…


Backing up a bit… the above was after lunch. Here’s lunch:

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We also went on some rides on the end of the pier:

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The mouse was the best of it’s kind I have ever been on. A very intense ride with many fast corners and spins, the three of us went on it and had a blast.

Brighton was amazing. My thoughts of England, for almost my entire life, includes the seaside resort. It was a great experience to finally visit one 🙂

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