The Shirt

Based on feedback, the shirt I wore to the con Saturday seems to have been a hit 🙂


I originally tweeted the image from Japan; specifically from a KFC in Asakusa. It was the result of using the ‘beauty mode’ of my digital camera on a shot of Bernard. No other effects were used, and the result was hilarious and priceless!

A couple of weeks ago I had the idea of printing it into a shirt and wearing it to the con. I had this done at a shop in the mall. It only took about 15 minutes and cost $25. The image quality is high, but I don’t think it will survive many washes 🙂

The whole shtick was premeditated, including posting the images without referring to the shirt. I told Colin Baker it was my brother on the shirt and he pointed without me asking!

I noticed many. many people glancing at the shirt, both at the con and on the NY streets. It certainly stood out amidst the sea of Star Wars and superhero shirts!

The funniest reaction was from cosplayer Monica Lee (who was on Heroes of Cosplay). When I walked up to her she actually raised her hands and gave a little shriek! “Your shirt!”, she said. When I explained it was my brother, she said it was scary!

All told, a great success and I’m glad I made it.

The shirt is now in storage, and will remain there for the foreseeable future. Will it ever again see the light of day? Time will tell..,

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