The Blue Highway

I’m extremely tired, so I apologize for the verbosity of this post. But… pictures!

We got the boat today:


It’s beautiful inside:


We cruised along the canal for about 3 hours…



And went through two locks, each about 16 feet high:


Before docking for the night in the town of Newark (we departed from Macedon if you’re looking at a map):


Ours is the boat in the middle of the above shot, taken from a bridge over the canal.

After dinner we played a game:


Tomorrow will be a long day of cruising if we hope to reach our destination. I’ll try to put a few more details about the boat and canal in tomorrow’s post. If you have questions, please ask in the comments.

2 Responses to “The Blue Highway”

  1. Bernard says:

    I assume you are the skipper?

    How do you drive the boat? What is the maximum speed? What is its stopping distance? Will you ever need to refuel?

    Do you navigate by the stars? What type of sextant do you use? Or do you prefer an astrolabe?

    Are you worried about piracy or mutiny? You should probably have the deck officers armed just in case.

    How many barrels of whale oil do you expect from this expedition?

  2. alma says:

    If I didn’t know right, and after reading Bernard’s comments I would get to thinking you are with Greenpeace on the Rainbow Warrior pursuing the Japanese whalers.

    Dad asks if you have an official captain’s cap?