
Today we traveled by train to Dresden, a journey which took three trains and over seven hours. This meant lots of this: 

As it has been our entire trip so far, it was extremely warm today. The AC’s in the train didn’t do much and the journey was a tad uncomfortable. Luckily our Dresden hotel is quite fine and the room I’m writing this in is as cold as an ice cave 🙂 

Dresden was destroyed during WW2 by heavy bombing but has been rebuilt since into a tourist town full of beautiful buildings and prestige hotels and shopping. 

The old town district is heavily populated by astonishingly decorated buildings that seem to be competing fur the most tourist photos taken. 

Perhaps most remarkable are the churches, one of which holds (or once held, it’s not clear) a piece of Christ’s cross. It is majestic inside: 

But it also has a steeple some 294 steps above the street. We had split up after lunch and it was just KLS and myself. We were very hot and quite tired but chose to tackle the climb anyway! It was difficult, but we made it up to the viewing level: 

This was pretty good, but what caught my eye were the unusual ring lights on the landings of the lower stairs. I suspected with some creative angles they could be employed as halos: 

Not bad eh? 

We didn’t have much time in Dresden, which was chosen as a destination to break up the long trip to Berlin. And yet it was quickly clear we could easily have occupied more time here. 

After the sights started to close we went to a nearby enclosed, air-conditioned mall for some dinner and snacks. AC is rare here so this was quite a treat.

Tomorrow we’re heading to Berlin and 100F-plus temperatures.  It’s one thing to have great vacation weather but this is a bit absurd. Here’s hoping cooler days are ahead 🙂

One Response to “Dresden”

  1. mycroft says:

    Since no-one has posted a comment on this trip yet, I thought I’d do a quickie to say I am enjoying the updates. Wish I could see all of those historical buildings in person – and drink all of those giant beers!