Wildlife XV: The Shining

I left the wildlife camera out while we were away. It captured the usual suspects (squirrels, deer and birds) but also some of the rarer visitors to our yard. In total there were over 300 photos taken, almost every one of which featured an animal of some sort.


I’ll confess I didn’t put much thought into placement, and am quite surprised it didn’t fall over while we were away (I half-leaned it against the house). The above shows what you’re looking at, since many of the following shots are at night.



Two different unknown cats. There were many shots of the fluffier one in particular, suggesting that s/he looks into the french doors to peep inside our house. My guess is Emi and Yoss know about this cat (and vice versa) because they spend time every night downstairs looking outside.


One of many opossum shots. In fact there were probably more opossum photos in this one period than in every previous use of the camera combined! He’s no stranger to our patio!


A big raccoon, exiting stage left! He was only in this one frame, which suggests he was moving quite quickly. While I’ve captured raccoons before on the camera (including on video), I’ve not yet seen one with my own eyes.

Speaking of raccoons…


These actually appear to be two baby raccoons! While they were in several shots, they never got close enough to the camera for a very clear photo, and this is the best there was. But they are obviously smaller than the guy above and appear darker-furred. That and the little stripey tails tell me they may be babies! What do you think?

Lastly I’ll leave with the guy that just had to be the center of attention:


One Response to “Wildlife XV: The Shining”

  1. jf says:

    The picture of the rabbit giving the “horse-eye” to the camera is so funny.