(The Last) Graduation Day

Today was commencement, or the graduation ceremony. Here I am in my PhD robes walking through the school on the way to the arena:


A closer look at the happy fellow:


The arena is large, and KLS and her family was sitting high on the bleachers. This made for a good view of the entire proceedings, but not of me being presented or shaking the University President’s hand. These photos will have to wait until I buy the official snaps. Here’s what the ceremony looked like though:


Here’s what it looked like on the floor (taken with my iPhone). The big smile is from SFL, who graduated a few months back and returned to Albany today for graduation.


This last shot is of me and my advisor/mentor Professor CMacD. She was proud of me today, which made me feel good. I guess everyone was proud of me. To be honest, to me it still doesn’t feel like it’s finished. After ten years, it doesn’t seem like it could just be over inside a single week.


The day was long and busy and very tiring, and the hour is late, so I shall end here. Tomorrow, back to work at 7am, business as usual. I’m sooooo looking forward to my upcoming Australia trip just so I can finally relax…

4 Responses to “(The Last) Graduation Day”

  1. alma says:

    Robert, you have stuck with it and come to the end with success. We are so very proud. CONGRATULATIONS !

  2. Bernard says:

    Nice robes and hat.

    Well done.

  3. Florence says:

    Wish we could have hung out in those robes for longer! Grate to us! XD

  4. jf says:

    Well done, Robert! We couldn’t be more proud of your accomplishments if you were our son by birth.