Crazy Days

It’s madness here! They’ve got me performing like an ape:


Although the photo may suggest that my 6-day (so far) long binge of garbage food and nonstop candy may have distended my belly to hitherto unseen levels, I can assure you I haven’t expanded that much, and it’s actually an optical illusion.

Speaking of garbage food, I forgot to reveal what I had for lunch yesterday at the rest stop on the way back from Sydney (Bernard rented a car and we drove):


Yep, that’s a god-damn Pluto Pup! Delicious!

Anyway we arrived yesterday and had a delayed Christmas. Here’s a snap of the giftees receiving their gifts:


And here’s another snap of the giftees checking out their other new gift:


Yep, that’s an iPad. Mum and Dad now have their very own πŸ™‚

So, so, so, so, so. Here’s what today looked like:


If it looks hot, then that’s because it is. All those reports of Australia having unseasonable cold and lots of rain? Damn lies, the lot of them! It’s hot and humid and frankly brutal, but I don’t care πŸ™‚

Here’s a couple of random food shots:

DSC05146a DSC05169a

Donut King on the left (don’t think USA donuts; think USA fried dough), Ham and Pineapple ‘pizza’ on the right (actually a flat piece of bread with cheese and ham and pineapple on it sold by a baker).

And here is Bernard shooting a mountain goat:


He was actually very good at it, and at the end of his second game was the new Hunting Hero for the ‘moose’ level. He downed five of them in one round!

And…… then he went and won another $60 (on a $20 bet) on a poker machine πŸ™‚


Tomorrow I’m going to kill myself (and SMC!) with a 32+ km walk in very hot weather. Look forward to the details!

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