I’ll Rest When I’m Dead

Dad and I got an early start. Our destination was the first Broadmeadow farmer’s market of the year, and even at 8 am it was a hot and sweaty walk. On our way, we saw a swimming horse:


The market was good, with plenty of fresh food and drink to be purchased. Dad bought olives, potatoes, mushrooms, grapes, eggs, tomatoes and avocados.


One stall even sold livestock, in the firm of chickens (several breeds), rabbits and these guys:


Afterwards… well things got a bit complicated. I’ll spare the details, but the bottom line is that I ended up with an appointment at a clinic to see a doctor, since I’ve been ill over a week now.

Walking to said clinic took me through dangerous territory:


And past nostalgic locations:


Happily, the doctor gave me a ‘your sick but you don’t need antibiotics’ bill of health, which required a celebration:


And then an old dear friend picked me up for an evening of happy memories. But more about that later…

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