
Back when I was at the Reptile Park, I overheard a parent answer a child’s question “What is a platypus?” with “It’s a type of fish”. At the time I was amazed, and remembered the moment yesterday when I overheard this:

Child: “What *is* a dinosaur?”
Dad: “It’s like a giraffe”

The mind boggles!


Dinosaurs?! These are an installation at Taronga Zoo, which I visited yesterday. They’ve got about a dozen large animatronic dinos scattered around the zoo. I was impressed but the kids were just berserk with joy, especially when they roared or in one case sprayed water πŸ™‚


It had been a couple of years since I’d visited the zoo and either it has seen changes or my memory has gone since I was surprised by how different it seemed. Furthermore I arrived at opening, and since there had been a light rain earlier, the animals were very active.


That’s one of the ‘babies’. He seemed quite interested in me!


A sailfin lizard, a close relative of the Jesus Christ Lizard. This big guy can also run across water! They also had an actual JC lizard in a nearby enclosure.


Looks like a rooster doesn’t it? It’s actually The Lord of all Roosters, aka an African Red Fowl, which is the ancestor of all common chickens. This one had escaped his enclosure, and was crowing like a king.


My $15 lunch. I would later buy a $5 magnum ice cream and a $4 bottle of lift. Believe it or not I didn’t think these prices outrageous, since food is expensive here everywhere!


The free flight bird show here is very special since it uses only Australian birds. After it was over I handed a $2 to a parrot who took it from me with his beak and dropped it into the donation box πŸ™‚


I very much enjoyed the zoo. It took me about 6 hours to see all the animals at a relaxed pace, and it was a fine way to spend my last day in the country.


Right now it’s the morning of the day I leave, and I’ll be heading to the airport in about an hour for a 27-hour trip home. This will be the last blog post covering this trip. I hope you have enjoyed it πŸ™‚

3 Responses to “Boulevarding”

  1. Bernard says:

    Oh man, enjoy that 27-hour trip home. You should move to Hawaii!

    And how can anyone think that a platypus is a fish and a dinosaur is like a giraffe?! Were these people not educated?

  2. Florence says:

    Troll parents IMO

  3. alma says:

    When you and Bernard were little boys we always told you the same stories.We made them up as we went along, that is why you are both so clever now, as you learnt about it yourselves. We gave you food for thought.!!!