Farewell, Beloved Lucky

Sadly, my parents cat Lucky died yesterday. He was 14 years old.


Lucky was my ‘cat-away-from-home’, and I looked forward to visiting him every year. He was a peaceful, relaxed chap, and lived a wonderful life in a loving home.



Unlike our cats here in America, Lucky was an outdoor cat as well. He used to love sitting on the verandah in the sun, watching the world go by. He also played fetch with his stuffed toy ‘Mocha’. Mum or dad would toss it out into the garden and he’d (eventually) fetch it back for them.

Lucky 11

Sadly, we always outlive our pets. They are a massively important part of our lives, and losing them is always hard. But they live on in our memories – always happy and healthy and full of life – and in that regard they stay with us forever.


Farewell, dearest Lucky.


2 Responses to “Farewell, Beloved Lucky”

  1. alma says:

    Thanks for your kind words. For 14 years Lucky lived with us; he took up a space in our home. Now that he is gone, our dwelling feels emptier. Lucky is surely missed.
    Lucky was born in March 1999 and died in February 2013.

  2. jf says:

    Al and Margaret, I’m so sorry about Lucky. Losing our pets is so very painful and seems to get more so as we age. When you feel ready, I’m sure there is a cat waiting to be rescued. It would be the highest honor you could pay to Lucky.