From a very secret source, I managed to recently obtain the following:
OMG! It’s a factory sealed box of Star Trek trading cards all the way from 1991! Isn’t it strange how the TNG card says ‘Patrick Stewart’ and the TOS card says ‘James T. Kirk’?
Oh well, let’s look inside:
ZOMG! Exactly half the box is packs of Next Generation cards, and half is Original Series cards. Such organization! (And yes, that’s my desk visible behind… note the coaster AW)
Here’s a closer look at the two different types of packs:
I opened exactly one of each type (the ones in the above shot, actually). Here’s the very first card I pulled from the first pack:
Gadzooks! A nifty hologram of the Enterprise! I imagine these are ‘rare’, and I was very lucky to get one in only the first pack. I wonder how many others are available in the packs in this box?
Here’s the rest of the cards from the pack:
Yep, they look next-genny enough. Nice pictures, lots of words on the back. Real fanboy (or, fangirl) stuff here folks. Here’s front and back detail of a card most fans would treasure:
Lovely stuff!
I ripped into an original series pack as well. Some real delights in there! Here’s a standout card:
Good old Tiberius himself! (Or is that a doppleganger?)
At any rate…
Let me share a few packs with each of you 🙂
I realized, upon buying this magnificent bounty of endless entertainment, that posting about it on the blog would lead to feelings of jealousy and despair amongst many of you. To fend off such things, you can have some packs for free! But there is a very small catch…
To get some free packs of Star Trek cards, simply complete the following sentence in a comment:
“The true and honest reason why I believe every single Star Trek episode is better than every single Doctor Who episode is…”
Depending on your reply, you may find your Christmas parcel stuffed with a few extra Roddenberrian goodies this year: