Archive for the ‘Celebrity’ Category

WWE Live

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

We went to a WWE live show last night. It’s been ages since we went to a main roster show and we were looking forward to seeing a load of ‘WWE superstars’.

KLS sprung for great seats, right up a few rows from ringside. They weren’t cheap, but the real sticker shock came when I bought a bottle of soda for $5.50, only three times what it would have cost anywhere else!

The show was great. We had an incredible view and we’re surprised how much of the (Smackdown) roster turned up since this was a non-televised show.

In fact with the exception of John Cena and Charlotte Flair, they all did! Some of our favourites – KO, Rusev, Becky – were even more charismatic in person but we were particular impressed with the performance of a few ‘jobbers’ (such as Tyler Breeze or Aiden English).

As always the matches were a lot more interesting than they are on TV and from where we sat we could hear the banter between the wrestlers and the crowd that you normally never hear in TV.

Look at KLS! She’s having a great time ๐Ÿ™‚

Overall a fun night, and we’ll almost certainly attend again next time they’re in town ๐Ÿ™‚

NXT Albany

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

Last weekend we went to a wrestling show! Specifically we went to see NXT, which is the division within WWE devoted to newer (up-and-coming) wrestlers. They don’t tour much at all, and the tickets were cheap! 

When we arrived we joined a massive line outside the venue (Albany Armory). While it was an hour before the show, we were still  about 2 blocks from the entrance and the line just grew from there. Thank god it was unseasonally warm out! 

Once inside our seats didn’t even exist! However the usher set us up with fantastic seats right near the ring, just to the left of the above shot. 

We didn’t what to expect, but since we (as it turned out mistakenly) thought there was another show elsewhere on the same night we thought the roster would be half ‘stars’ and half no-names. So when the first match was Asuka vs Eva Marie and the crowd exploded, it was quite thrilling! 

All the stars were there: Apollo Crews, Carmella, Alex Riley. We had a perfect view (we could even hear the wrestlers talking to each other). The crowd was full of energy and enthusiasm, which went into overdrive when Enzo and Big Cass came out: 

The matches were great. It turns out wrestling is much more fun than on TV, and the lack of colour commentary makes it easier to notice just how good these guys (and girls) are at performing and entertaining the crowd.

And yes the fighting is ‘fake’, but it’s still physical and athletic and impressive to watch. Here’s KLS doing just that (while eating some chips!): 

The crowd was large, and the house was packed. Here’s a shot I took during intermission: 

After the break they rolled out the big stars: Sami Zayne, Bayley, Samoa Joe and Finn Balor. You could barely here anything for the endless crowd cheers and chants. It was a lot of fun! 

That’s Sami Zayne throwing ‘The Drifter’ Elias Samson. One day one of these guys may be headlining Raw or Smackdown. I can say “I saw them when they played the Armory in ’16” ๐Ÿ™‚

As I said, it was a fun night.

NYCC 2015 Day 4

Sunday, October 11th, 2015

Since we could only stay at the con a few hours today we focused on one last sweep of the main hall (well, about a third of it) and some last minute purchases. 

As always I love the vintage and the unusual, and were it not for getting sidetracked by a pile of ancient D&D modules (all of which I then bought) I nearly purchased a crazy expensive boxed Ultraman villian from the 80’s.

I didn’t buy this though: 

Or any of these: 

And certainly not this: 

I have to say though, I love that someone’s even trying to sell that. Yet another reason this con is so much fun.

I haven’t spoken of our celebrity sightings yet. Aside from the X-files panel, we probably saw fewer this year than ever before, and much of the sightings were like this: 

There were also much fewer people signing autographs this year as well, which may have been good because I doubt anyone could have topped the bizarre John deLancie from last year ๐Ÿ™‚

Eventually, it was time once again for us to turn our backs on the con and head home. 

Since it’s KLS’s birthday today, we had sprung for a first-class room on the train home! It was cozy and comfortable, and came with a delicious meal in the dining car! 

Doesn’t she look happy!!

After four long and packed days we’re super tired, but once again we had a great time at NYCC. I’ll follow up in a few days with a post about some of the unusual loot we brought home with us…

NYCC 2015 Day 3

Saturday, October 10th, 2015

We awoke early and headed down the con to line up at 9 am for a bracelet that would get us into a panel over four hours later. Then we lined up for another bracelet to get us into another panel starting over nine hours later. All this took over two hours and while frustrating and boring is typical of Saturday – the day of lines – at this con. 

We spent the couple of hours we had in Artists Alley buying prints before heading back to the main hall and lining up again for the first panel which was The X-Files.

And it was amazing!

We got to see the entire first episode (which screens next year) and it vastly exceeded our expectations. It was followed by a panel featuring Mulder (Duchovny) and Skinner (Pileggi) and series creator Chris Carter himself. 


Since they didn’t want the episode leaking online security was very tight and included guys watching the audience through night vision goggles (!) to spot anyone trying to record it! Surreal… 

The afternoon was the usual con overload, gawking and buying and dealing with the intense crowds. No matter how much you walk around there’s always something new to be seen! 

Many things were bought, both for us and others. Dozens of 3DS street passes were obtained. Swollen feet throbbed in agony. 

We headed out for some dinner and to drop our loot off at the hotel. 

We returned for the cosplay contest, which was a lot of fun. Leaving the con after it has closed looks like this: 

Tomorrow – KLS’s birthday! – is the last day of this years con. Even after over 20 hours on the show floor there’s still things we want to have a closer look at. Since we’ve only got a few hours before our train, it’ll be a busy morning indeed!

Crowns of The Collection

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

I was sent these two postcards recently:


OMG, those are gamebook covers?! Let’s see what’s on the back:


HOLY MOSES! Those are nothing less than the actual signatures of the creators of FF gamebooks, Ian Livingston and Steve Jackson! These are holy grails to a gamebook collector such as myself ๐Ÿ™‚

So where did they come from? Well some months ago on twitter the company Tin Man Games (who makes app versions of gamebooks) started posting pictures of their collection. I jokingly suggested it needed organization, and this led to a conversation between me and them which led to them learning about my collection, being amazed by my collection, and saying they wanted to ‘send me something small for my collection’. Little did I know the magnitude of this ‘small’ thing they wanted to send me!

Here the autographs are with the books from pictures on the cards:



I think I have a fourth imprint of House Of Hell as well. But I didn’t want to show off ๐Ÿ˜‰