Archive for the ‘Home’ Category

Oz vs USA: The Great Bug Battle

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

SMC recently asked me: “What sort of insects do you get in your garden?” A simple question indeed, but what memories it brought back! Being outdoors in Australia, especially in summer and especially near (or working with) plants always means being around insects, but things are quite different here. I could go outside and cut down bushes or plant flowers or just mow the lawn for an hour or more and never see a single insect. And when I do they’re rarely amazing or scary or beautiful or dangerous like the sorts of things I remember from my youth!

So let’s have a faceoff, comparing categories in terms of common garden insects. You can decide which garden wins!

Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Moths etc)

The simple fact is that butterflies and moths seem more common in Australia than they are here in the northeast. My guess is winter has something to do with this (and Florida may be full of butterflies) but they are uncommon enough here that whenever I see one it’s noteworthy. And when that happens, they are usually small and not particularly colourful. Of course butterflies are always pretty, but I recall much more spectacular examples in my youth than I see here. Australian moths always seemed larger and – if this doesn’t sound strange – scarier than those I see here. Overall moths are more common in our garden than butterflies.

That’s a wooly bear moth, probably the most common garden moth I see in these parts. It’s not the most exotic (that would be hemaris thysbe, that we saw once in our garden back in Marcy) but it’s pretty enough and has a lovely fluffy caterpillar! If I were to think of the most common butterfly/moth in my garden, it’s probably this guy. You read a list of common NY state butterflies and moths here.

That’s the common crow butterfly, apparently one of the most common in Australia. It’s inedible, so birds avoid it. I remember these guys everywhere in my youth. It’s not the prettiest butterfly, but it’s fairly large and very striking!

Blattodea (cockroaches)

No contest; Australia wins hands down. During any single one of my annual trips to Oz I see more cockroaches than I have probably seen during my nearly 25 years here in the US. Plus the Australian ones are larger, more mobile and in general more handsome than the little guys I’ve seen here.

Odonata (dragonflies etc.)

I’d say these are reasonably-to-very rare in the garden, but then we don’t live particularly close to enough water. When we see them they’re usually small and drably coloured. As a youth we lived near creeks a few times and dragonflies were therefore reasonably common in our garden (and I used to enjoy hunting the larvae in the creeks). In general I remember Australian dragonflies being quite vibrantly coloured and more abundant than what I see here. (As an aside, NSW apparently has about 300 species of dragonflies compared to NY state having about 190, only 80 of which are ‘common’.)

Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets)

Grasshoppers are very rare here. I’m actually struggling to remember the last time I saw one! In Australia they are bonkers common, and indeed were one of my favourite ‘bug catcher’ targets as a kid (read this post). Many were the times when I caught grashoppers as big as my palm, and would study them for hours before releasing them. Here’s the most common type (called common, hedge or giant grasshopper), which is about 5 cm long but can grow to almost twice that and seemed to be abundant everywhere during the summers down under:

There are many other types in Australia as well of all shapes and sizes, including the green guys with long ‘horns’ (as I called them as a child), the grass pyrgomorph:

As I said I’m struggling to think of any grasshoppers I’ve ever seen in the garden here, much less at all. But crickets… crickets are common… just not ever seen!

That’s a field cricket, a little (<2 cm) guy that is probably the most common insect in our backyard. We rarely ever see them since they are nocturnal, but we hear them in mid summer when they start to chirp. Sometimes it seems the yard is full of crickets so loud is the chirping, and it’s a lovely sound to drift off to sleep to. I’m sure Australia has chirping crickets as well, but I don’t remember anything like the intensity we get up here in the northeast.

As with many insects they can’t survive the winter, so the chirping is only for a little while. It’s a rite of summer, and one we always look forward to and enjoy.

Mantodea (praying mantis etc.)

Another class of insect that is common in Australian gardens but very rare to the point of nonexistent here. I’m struggling to recall if I’ve ever seen one in my garden yet feel quite familiar with them due to my exposure in the gardens of my youth. They are not nonexistent in NY state, just (apparently) not particularly common.

Australia is (in)famous for the abundance and size of both praying mantissa (yes I invented that plural) and stick insects (see below) and I was fascinated by them as a child. Praying mantis in particular ranged from tiny little guys that fit on the tip of your finger through to the ‘king mantis’ easily as big as your open hand. I remember putting them on my shirt and marveling at how they would grab on with their claws when you tried to lift them off.

Phasmatodea (stick insects etc.)

This one is another no brainer. Not only does the NY state garden fail miserably at delivering even a single stick insect (to the best of my memory), but the Australia garden only need to contribute one competitor for an easy win. Ladies and gentleman, may I present the goliath stick insect:

There are a lot of stick insects in Oz, ranging from the tiny to the monstrous (like the above). They are common – or were when I was a kid – and while the goliaths were rare in the garden (apparently they prefer to live high in a trees canopy) we saw them from time to time. More common were brown ones that weren’t much smaller but would nearly perfectly camouflage themselves as twigs.

Hymenoptera (bees, wasps & ants)

This category would be the one with the smallest difference between Australian and US gardens in my opinion. When I do see an insect, it’s almost always (maybe 75% of the time) a bee, wasp or ant. Most are unremarkable, especially the ants, and most just walk/buzz around doing their own thing.

That’s a bumblebee, which are fairly common in our garden in summer. We have a specific bush in our backyard that seems to attract them when it’s in flower, and they are also fans of black-eyed-susan flowers which we have a lot of. I love their loud buzzing, and the fact that they happily continue their work seemingly oblivious (or at least unconcerned) of me as I watch them. Plus they’re cute!

That’s a yellowjacket, a type of wasp very common here. Several years ago some of these even tried to kill me! As a result I am wary of these guys, who build nests on our around our house every year and always make me run away when I see them in the garden πŸ™‚

Diptera (flies)

Again, Australia wins hands down. Flies are rare here in the northeast, so much so it’s remarkable to see one (especially indoors). My memories of summer in Australia are not complete without swarms of flies and I can assure you since I only just recently returned from there they are still common today πŸ™‚

Hemiptera (true bugs)

Australia wins hands down. While we get the occasional cicada here, they are not a ‘rite of summer’ (to quote myself!) as they are in Oz. If I could import any insect en masse, it would certainly be cicadas. (I wrote about them here.)

Coleoptera (beetles)

After bees/wasps/ants, I’d say this is the second most common category of insect we see in gardens here. In fact, beetles may be even more common proportionally than in Australia. That said the variety doesn’t seem as profound, and indeed the following three types represent the majority of beetles we see in our garden:

Ladybugs are fairly common, and pretty much the same as the ones I’ve seen in Oz or for that matter anywhere in the world. Back when we owned the house in Marcy they spawned in the woods out back one time and we had swarms of them in our yard. Thousands of them, and obviously many of them got into the house as well. Since they are pretty and harmless little guys this was no problem, and for a few days we were ladybug central. I’ve never seen an abundance quite like that since.

Japanese beetles are the scourge of American gardens, and so common that you can go to the store and purchase any number of products specifically designed to prevent (or kill) them. They descend on plants and ruin them in a few days, and KLS hates them! I’m sure they are equally common in Australia, only I don’t remember them in favour of the (bigger and prettier) Christmas Beetles.

Fireflies are common here in late summer, and we often see them in the backyard blinking at night. While they exist in Australia, I don’t remember ever seeing any before coming to the US, and the first few times I spotted them I was dazzled. It’s fun to try to catch these guys, since the flash – while bright – is short enough that if the firefly is flying around randomly you never manage to actually reach him. I’ve caught a few though, and watched them flash in my hand from close-up before releasing them. Lovely, pretty little things and a welcome visitor to our backyard.

I could go on into more exotic categories (such as Plecoptera or Diplura) but this is (more than!) enough and covers the common differences. I also avoided spiders, since as everyone knows Australia just beats every other countries gardens down into the ground in that category!

So the take-away: The variety, freqency, size and even quality of backyard insects in Oz eclipses America, at least in my experience. But certain star players – the crickets and fireflies for instance – mean that the gardens here don’t lack insect charm of their own.

Besides, you may hate bugs. In which case you probably should avoid ever thinking about moving to Australia πŸ™‚

The Sequel

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

On Sunday we received a second snowstorm. It was another big one, and coupled with the one three days prior meant we had more snow fall in four days than in the entirety of winter 2015/2016!

The snow fell through the day and into the night. When it was all done our town received about 11 inches in total (to a total of over two feet since Thursday)!

These photos look almost black and white, but it’s just the light during a snowfall. You can hardly tell the difference between ground and sky when the snow everywhere.

I’ve used this guy more this past week than in the past two years, and I’m not exaggerating there! I can’t even remember starting him up since before Christmas 2014.

There’s more snow forecast for tomorrow but it’s not going to be a big fall. Will we see more like this again before spring? There’s still plenty of winter left, so maybe…

First Snow

Thursday, October 27th, 2016


Today it snowed for the first time this year. It’s actually been snowing all day on and off, and even as I type has become heavier.

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Unusually for the first fall it’s sticking, rather than instantly melting like first snow usually does. I’m sure it will all melted away in a day or two.

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It’s bitterly cold out right now. I didn’t wear gloves and could only stay out for a couple of minutes to take these photos since my hands started freezing (plus I have a cold). The snow is thick and slippery, and is weighing down the trees since it has come before some of them have shed all their leaves.

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That’s a dogwood in our front yard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the branches (which usually stand straight up) touch the ground like that. I was a little alarmed about the giant branches of the big trees out front which were touching the roof. I gave them a vigorous shake to try and dislodge some of the snow and raise them a bit.


I went out for a drive earlier and saw cars in ditches and police lights everywhere which is common when winter first comes. Right now though the sounds of sirens are almost nonstop. It’s a little eerie since the snow dulls a lot of sound and only the sirens are carrying.

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As I said this will all be gone soon. But I hope it’s a good sign of more to come. Last year’s winter was depressingly snow-free. This year I could do with more of it. As Florence always says, snow on the ground is when Earth is at it’s most beautiful. πŸ˜‰

Wildlife XV: The Shining

Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

I left the wildlife camera out while we were away. It captured the usual suspects (squirrels, deer and birds) but also some of the rarer visitors to our yard. In total there were over 300 photos taken, almost every one of which featured an animal of some sort.


I’ll confess I didn’t put much thought into placement, and am quite surprised it didn’t fall over while we were away (I half-leaned it against the house). The above shows what you’re looking at, since many of the following shots are at night.



Two different unknown cats. There were many shots of the fluffier one in particular, suggesting that s/he looks into the french doors to peep inside our house. My guess is Emi and Yoss know about this cat (and vice versa) because they spend time every night downstairs looking outside.


One of many opossum shots. In fact there were probably more opossum photos in this one period than in every previous use of the camera combined! He’s no stranger to our patio!


A big raccoon, exiting stage left! He was only in this one frame, which suggests he was moving quite quickly. While I’ve captured raccoons before on the camera (including on video), I’ve not yet seen one with my own eyes.

Speaking of raccoons…


These actually appear to be two baby raccoons! While they were in several shots, they never got close enough to the camera for a very clear photo, and this is the best there was. But they are obviously smaller than the guy above and appear darker-furred. That and the little stripey tails tell me they may be babies! What do you think?

Lastly I’ll leave with the guy that just had to be the center of attention:


Fire In The Sky

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

It’s almost July 4 and once again fireworks are back in stores. Last year was the first time they were sold here in NY in many years and we had a great time setting them off. This year the selection is incredible… and we’ve invested heavily!

That’s the haul so far. I don’t want to calculate how much we’ve spent already but I think we’ve layed the groundwork for two fireworks shows to celebrate JAF’s birthday in a little over a week πŸ™‚

We’ve got big ones and small ones and sparklers and cracklers and smoke bombs and even a frog! Still no launchers though; they’re still not legal here. We’d have to drive to Pennsylvania to buy some of those…

That’s the biggest we’ve got so far. It cost $25, stands about a foot tall and judging by the disco ball in the art will probably dazzle us with holograms and shooting stars and maybe silhouettes of dancers made of living fire! The little guy next to it was only $2 and is similar to most of what we had last year. We’ve upgraded πŸ™‚

This is a two pack: “Rocketman vs Rage Monster”. They’re both quite large, and (again) judging by the art I’m expecting cybernetic warriors made of flaming smoke and a terrifying monster radiating purple fire and bellowing curses from the deepest pits of Gehenna!

We accidentally bought two of these two packs. So double everything I just said πŸ™‚

This is the most expensive one we have so far, at $35. It’s a large fanning fountain, which means the showers of sparks will not just go up but also out to the sides. If I position it carefully in KLS’s parents backyard I may be able to incinerate trees on both sides simultaneously!

It’ll be a night we’ll never forget!

Sparkzilla. Sparkzilla! I don’t know who named this but he was a genius. Although fairly large in my hand, this isn’t even in the top five of biggest fireworks I’m waiting to ignite. But it has to be the best, based solely on that name: Sparkzilla!

Im expecting a titan of ash and cinders rising out of this box, trumpeting with the joy of freedom as it mercilessly rains destruction down upon us. I wish you could be there to see it!

And then we have the ‘Fiery Frog’. Like a green Pac Man from hell, this one boasts of glowing mouth and eyes as the purifying flames issue from its head. I’ve never seen anything like this and cannot wait to set it on fire.

That’s just a portion of what we have so far. And I don’t doubt there’s more to come. Yes it will all – quite literally – go up in smoke, but watching it happen is going to be glorious!