Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

NYCC Day One

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

We had an early start today, then hopped on a train for a mini-vacation in New York City. As we have the last several years, we’re going to the New York Comic Con!

Today is KLS’s birthday as well, so that makes this little trip even more special 🙂


The show runs Thursday through Saturday, and we’ve got 4-day passes. We got to the city a few hours before the doors opened which was fortuitous, since I had to visit the Australian consulate. With that out of the way, after stops at a few shops (I spent $70 on the new Monster Hunter Jsoanese art book at Kinokuniya!), we headed down to the convention center.


For some reason I had assumed the lines would be small on this first half-day of the con, but as you can see that was hardly the case.


As usual, sensory overload was what followed. Hundreds of exhibitors filling several halls across 3 levels of a gigantic convention center…


Movies and books and comics and games and clothes, toys, cars, food and art. Free stuff everywhere, and even more (do much more!) for sale!


And then, the cosplay:




The major highlight of today was seeing the next Monster Hunter games so prominently featured at Capcom’s booth. I lined up to play the 3DS version and it was awesome. The WiiU version was also playable and has beautiful graphics. I can’t wait for these to be released.


After about 3.5 hours we were ruined. Not only had it been a long day, but we were toting heavy bags full of purchases ($280 in total already!).


We’ve only got to see maybe a half of the total show so far, and even then need to revisit the booths we skimmed today. But now it’s time for bed 🙂


Ten Treasures

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

A few times on this blog, I’ve referred to my ‘boxes of fun’ (BoF’s). These are plastic storage containers hidden away in cupboards containing stuff I have collected over the years. The name is a misnomer, since these boxes give me no fun at all. In fact they are ‘out of sight, out of mind’ as they say.

Yesterday I emptied one out for the fun of it. This particular box contains Star Wars ‘stuff’, accumulated over about the last 15 years. Here’s a photo of the box immediately after I removed the cover:


Stuffed in there, isn’t it? Most of my boxes contain Star Wars stuff – in fact about half of them contain just action figures. But this one is unique in that it contains a motley collection of toys, licensed merchandise and advertising ephemera. Basically anything remotely Star Wars related went in here, whenever I bought it, and did not see the light of day again until yesterday.

Today on the blog I present ten treasured items I found yesterday in my box of fun 🙂

1. Han Solo & Chewbacca ‘cake topper’


KLS purchased the above many years ago in the clearance bin at our local grocery store. It’s not edible (!), but is designed to be an ornament on a SW themed cake. I also have another pair (Anakin & Watto). As far as SW ‘action figures’ go, this is one of my most unusual. [Approximate Ebay value: $6]

2. Star Wars Bowl


This is one of a set of 4 items (2 bowls, 2 cups), all of which I own. This was part of a General Mill’s mail-in redemption for Episode 2, and as far as melamine SW bowls are concerned is the cream of the crop. And I say this with some expertise, since our cupboards at home contain about 5 SW-themed bowls and plates already. The guy pictured here (and his friends) have never been used though, and will forever live out their lives in the BoF. I particularly like this one, since the image of Padme used on it is uncommon, and I’ve not seen it used on merchandise before. [Ebay value for set of 4: $40]

3. Episode 1 ‘pogs’


Around the time Episode 1 was released, Pepsico restaurants (namely Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut) in the US had a incredible amount of promotions, including toys, ‘cup-toppers’ and these little pogs that came randomly in kids meals. As you can see, in an effort to collect the toys I accumulated a lot of the pogs! These are in perfect condition, stored in a little plastic container. I reckon there is about 50 or so here, and I know I have more elsewhere. In fact it’s even possible the ones shown here are my doubles, and I have a full set tucked away in another BoF. [Approximate Ebay value: $5-20+]

4. McDonalds ‘Clone Wars’ kids meal box


The less said of the above item the better. Yes it’s a mint-condition kids meal box, folded flat for storage. It’s from 2010. I’m lovin’ it! [Approximate Ebay value: $3]

5. R2-D2 Gigapet


Yes, this is an R2-D2 ‘tamagotchi’ type toy. As you can see I have never opened it, so I can’t comment on how it works. I can also confirm that I never will open it, so I will never comment on how it works. But it keeps my heart warm knowing it’s just sitting there in my BoF! [Ebay value: $10]

6. Japanese General Grievous Pepsi bottle cap figure


Over in Japan, they occasionally promote bottles of drink via cap toppers like the one seen here. They are little figurines that sit on top of the cap of the drink. Sometimes you can see them just sitting there in the cooler, sometimes (as in the above) they come in a bag and have to be put on. During our last Japan trip this promotion was ending, and I was only able to find one figure. [Ebay value: $3]

7. Japanese mini Episode 1 action figures


These were from a gatchapon machine. If I recall correctly, they were found at an unlikely place – a machine on a walkway leading from one train station to another near Shibuya in Tokyo. I didn’t have a lot of Y100 coins with me at the time, and could only get two from the machine. My other one is Anakin & Watto (yes, the same pair as my other cake topper!). This is a very cool item, and the figured are surprisingly detailed for their miniature size. [Approximate ebay value: $6]

8. Lenticular Anakin/Darth Vader plate


Another promotional item; this was obtained by mailing in tokens from cereal boxes around the release of Episode 3. The plate is dreadful – weak plastic with a lenticular glued onto the front. I daresay it’s barely washable! But, as with all these treasures, I love it like a child and it’s not ever for sale! It shall rest eternally, happily, in the BoF. Sealed in it’s plastic 😉  [Ebay value: $15]

9. Episode 1 wall stickers


A quick search for this item online revealed that the company released a staggering variety of Episode 1 themed wall adhesives! This podrace collection is a relatively recent aquisition, purchased as it was from the budget bin of a dollar store only a year or so ago. It’s yellowing and aged and cursed to an existence of never ever being stuck on a wall. But I love it because it’s flat and easy to store! I seem to recall I actually purchased two of these, so I deeply apologize to whomever got the other one is probably quite happy with their gift!  [Ebay value: $3]

10. Frito-Lay Episode II 3D puzzle pieces


These are real treasures. They are 3D puzzle pieces that were notoriously hard to obtain back when Episode 2 came out. Although a Frito-Lay promotional item, they were only available at retail by purchasing a massive box of snack sized chip packs. Even then the promotional boxes were few and far between, so I was only able to get 2 pieces. Some searching online reveals there were at least 54 (!) different pieces (in 6 colours), and they were sometimes distributed in sets of nine. I wonder how one got a set? Anyway I love them for a specific reason – they are actually lithopanes! Here’s a photo showing the nice effect then they are held up to a light:


Very effective aren’t they? I wish I could have gotten more now. Maybe I’ll try harder next time I’m in 2002. [Ebay value: $10]

Before I end, one last photo. The box contained oodles of stuff (you can see other items in the backgrounds of some of the above photos) but perhaps the most nostalgic were these:


Pictured are my ticket stubs for (one of the many times I saw) Phantom Menace, Attack Of The Clones and the cinematic rerelease of Star Wars back in 1997 ($4.50 for a matinee!!). Note that there are three tickets for Attack Of The Clones on the same day. That’s because I saw the midnight screening myself, and then later in the day went back with KLS 😉


Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

I was 11 in 1983. At that age my mania for SF and Fantasy had long since developed and was strengthening day by day. This was constantly being fed by all manner of media, including books, games and television. But for a boy of that age, in that era, nothing seemed as important as motion pictures.

Everything was of course compared to Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. In the summer of 1983 a strange madness would have overcome me for months on end, since Return Of The Jedi was soon to be released and would be, undoubtedly, the most important movie ever. I’m not sure how I was able to sleep at night!

In waiting we occupy ourselves as best we can, so the years between Star Wars films had to be filled with other movies. The Dark Crystal had been one such film; Raiders Of The Lost Ark another and naturally I had absolutely loved both. My sci-fi/fantasy fandom was such that even ‘lesser’ files like Conan The Barbarian or unquestionable trash like Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared Sin were anticipated by young me with fervour. But from the moment I first saw the preview trailer one film jumped to the top of my ‘I can’t wait’ list, and made me positively giddy with anticipation.

That film was Krull.


Something about this film hit a chord with me. It had lasers and spaceships but also monsters and magic! The hero wielded a crazy weapon and even the name of the film was powerful and mysterious! How could it not be amazing? I wanted to see it so badly, and in the months before it would be released I was always looking for information! As an 11-year old in Australia in 1983 though, my options were decidedly limited.

One day I went into a bookstore and discovered that my then-favourite author – Alan Dean Foster – had written a Krull novelization! I bought it (which means begged dad to buy it for me) and read it cover to cover immediately (spoilers be damned!). Oh, and it had pictures from the movie! I was in heaven.


I recall being particularly enamoured of the ‘Glaive’ weapon. I expect this was also during my ‘ninja star’ period, and the only thing better to an 11-year old mind than a shuriken would of course be a bigger shuriken with spring loaded blades! I made one out of cardboard – I remember this very clearly – by cutting up a cereal box and gluing aluminium foil to the ends for the blades. It would have no doubt been a piece of garbage, but I bet I loved it.


Marvel put out a comic adaptation of the movie. I couldn’t afford comics at that age – I expect my allowance was only about $2 per week or thereabouts (although we used to occasionally be able to buy books, most of which in my case were gamebooks or movie novelizations by my then-favourite author). But even though I didn’t buy the comic, I remember looking through one issue in the newsagent (I did this a lot) and completely spoiling a large section of the story. That I had of course already spoiled via the novel 🙂


The newsagent was a popular lurk of mine then. I used to save up and buy the game magazines from England, as well as the occasional issue of Smash Hits, but would just hang out in the newsagent (particularly the ones at Charlestown Square or Garden City) and read the Sci-Fi movie magazines from America. It was a bittersweet experience for a young fantasy-obsessed lad, since many of the (incredible looking to an 11 year old) featured movies would never see an Australian release. For those that did, these magazine articles were fuel for my burning anticipation!


Eventually, after months of waiting, the movie came out in Australia in late 1983. I would have seen it with my brother and my dad, being too young to see a film unsupervised. Looking back on it now, I bet dad was bemused. I absolutely loved it!



During the opening credits, the glaive flies across the screen and reveals the logo. As a child I would have found this to be unspeakably awesome, since I had ‘a thing’ for logos (I used to spend hours drawing them). The combination of an awesome weapon with an awesome logo! It was like they had a direct feed into my dreams!

So the film had been seen and had been loved. It was everything I had hoped for! I expect I read the novel again, probably through around my crappy homemade glaive, and even quoted the film in the playground: “Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose and wide of vision!” For a brief period, Krull was the best movie ever made!

A scant few weeks later (48 days, to be precise) things would change, since Return Of The Jedi was released and my life (as a fan!) would rise to a new level.

The flame of Krull had burned only briefly in my heart, but it had burned brightly indeed!


Last week I purchased the Krull DVD (for only $5) and we watched it again. This was KLS’s first time ever seeing the film, and my first time in almost 30 (thirty!) years. And I have to be honest: it holds up quite well.

A titanic flop when it was released, due mostly to a bloated budget, the film has surprisingly good special effects that still hold up today. Furthermore, the massive and impressive set design has barely been equalled, and the abstract interiors of the ‘Black Fortress’ are alien enough to not suffer from the sort of dated design common to many films from those days. Yes the story is weak, the villain has an anticlimatic ending and (let’s face it) the glaive weapon is criminally underused. But, most importantly, the film is still fun.

I’m in no way surprised that I had such an enthusiasm for this film back when I was a little sprout, and honestly look back on those days with an uncommon (for me) sweet nostalgia.