Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

Construction Complete!

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Construction of the Lego Ultimate Collector’s Edition Death Star II kit is complete!

See here for my previous post on the beginning of construction (including what everything looked like before assembly).

Construction took a total time of about 16 hours, which was quite a bit less than I expected. This did not include setting up and putting away time – since I put this beast together in 7 sessions I had to put all the remaining pieces away between sessions lest Imperial Construction Engineer Yossie get ideas 🙂

Here’s a gallery of in-progress shots, marked with the approximate time taken up to that point:

2 Hours.JPG 4 Hours.JPG 6.5 Hours.JPG

10 Hours.JPG 11 hours.JPG 12 hours.JPG

14 hours.JPG 15 hours.JPG

If you look carefully at the progress and the times, you may notice that some of what seem like small changes toward the end took about as much time as some dramatic additions during the middle. This was because the act of actually assembling some of the shell pieces was surprisingly difficult. The engineering of the kit is nothing less than astounding, but at the same time the tolerance of the connections is unforgiving, and many times I had to sit back and think just how I was going to slot two pieces together without removing other pieces.

By far the most difficult part of assembly was the cannon (the depressed ring section). Here are some detail shots for illustration:

Dsc08261.jpg Dsc08262.jpg Dsc08269.jpg

The ring itself ‘floats’ between 2 large dish pieces, which you can almost see in the interior detail shot. On the finished model, the ring can actually rotate (well, in theory). Getting the alignment of the triangular pieces exactly equal and correct with respect to the two dishes that would hold them in place via tension was very difficult – perhaps the hardest single lego construction step I have done in any kit.

Things got worse a few minutes later though…see this shot:


Putting the ‘lasers’ onto the ring meant firmly fixing pieces onto other pieces that themselves were held in place by (very tenuous) tension. It was maddeningly tough! When KLS came home, the first thing she did was touch the lasers…and my heart skipped a beat since I’d have to remove several ‘slices’ of the outer shell just to put them back in place if one broke off 🙂

Here’s a shot of the plaque at the base, and a shot of the Death Star II from Return Of The Jedi for those unfamiliar with what it looked like in the film:

Dsc08281.jpg death-star-2.jpg

Comparing the ‘actual’ Death Star with the lego kit (see the 16 hour shot above) shows how close the likeness is!

The manual is 100 pages long and contains over 400 individual steps. Of the 3400+ individual pieces, the most common by far (460 total) is the dark grey 2×1 brick :


The most important piece, however, may be ‘technic angle connector #3’, which is used 45 times:


This connector appears to be a 22.5 degree bend and three are used in the construction of each shell ‘slice’. The extra 22.5 degrees required to complete the 90 turn comes from one turn of these gradiated interlocking pieces (note the pieces are light grey in this kit):

44570.1102320228.jpg 44568.1102320244.jpg

You can see what I am describing in the interior shot of the cannon above. What I am trying to describe here is that the nearly perfect spherical curve of the kit is obtained mostly by using existing rigid pieces with amazingly clever engineering. Everything notches together perfectly into a ‘ship’s wheel’ piece on each end to hold it together, pictures of which can be seen at this site.

Anyway, now it’s all complete – and looking absolutely brilliant – it has taken up permanent residency in our study (again, the final 16 hour shot). KLS thinks it is only a matter of time before Imperial Construction Engineer Yossie, in a fit of cattish madness, jumps up onto the table and becomes Imperial deConstruction Engineer Yossie. Here’s hoping that never happens, because not only would this be a beast to repair, it would also be a beast to break down.

For now, it will silently patrol the corner of this room 🙂

Construction Has Begun!

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

I have begun bulding the Lego Death Star II model I received for my birthday. Since it is expected to take several weeks, rather than chronolog the entire process, I will instead save the pictures until it is complete. However I’ll take the chance now to describe the early stages…

Here’s what the packaging looks like. Inside the large box was the spiral-bound manual and 4 smaller white boxes, each of which contained a dozen or more plastic bags of pieces (about 3500 pieces in total):

Dsc09701.jpg Dsc09704.jpg Dsc09709.jpg

Notable is the fact that unlike the previous ‘ultimate collectors edition’ kit I assemlbed (the Star Destroyer) the bags are not numbered, and the pieces are not bagged in assembly order. So by the end of the third page in the instructions I had already opened a dozen or so bags.

Much of the time taken so far is simply finding pieces in the seemingly endless sea of gray 🙂

Dsc09711.jpg < Every piece, bagged Luckily, I have an assistant: Dsc09721.jpg < Imperial Construction Supervisor, Yossie The first part built was the stand, and now I am well into the construction of the outer ring. This final shot shows progress at just over 4 hours total build time. As I said, further details (including many photos) will wait until this beast is finished... Dsc09730.jpg < After about 4 hours


Monday, July 9th, 2007

First of all, Doctor Who was great. Season 3 is off to a good start…

This post is just to dump some of the stuff from my harddrive, such as this photo of the lego crane I made the other weekend. It’s much bigger than I thought it would be from the packaging!

DSC09659.JPG < Breakfast Crane This next shot is of some Star Wars minature's from the new 'Pocketmodel TCG'. Game packs are $5 apiece and come with rules, small dice, some playing cards and some small models of various ships from the SW world. I have little (no) interest in the game itself, but as a SW fan had to buy a pack to see the models. I'm quite pleased. The level of detail is high and the materials are much sturdier than in similar games (Pirates, Transformers). If you're interested in this sort of thing you could do worse than picking up a pack (I found it at Target): DSC09665.JPG < The base is about 2.5cm wide Lastly, I recently purchased (online, from the UK) a homebrew Gameboy Advance game called Blast Arena Advance: tealcartbig.jpg < Shot of the cart The game is extremely professional, but there isn't a great deal to it. The third of the following shots is a screenshot of gameplay, which consists of moving a target around the screen picking up the yellow squares. And that's it!
blastarena1.jpg blastarena5.jpg blastarena3.jpg

Extremely simplistic gameplay aside I’m happy with the purchase, both because of the overall slickness of the product and because of how cool it is just to have a homebrew GBA cartridge. Plus, the price (7 pounds, including shipping) was right 🙂

Set Your PVR For July 6!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Doctor Who starts again this Friday (July 6) here in America. Sci-fi will run back-to-back The Runaway Bride (2006 Christmas special) and Smith And Jones (Season 3 episode 1) from 8:00-10:30, so be sure to set your PVR’s if you’re in America!

Naturally I am excited, since I don’t doubt it will entertain as much as the previous seasons. I got a little bored of Rose as well, so I’m looking forward to the new companion.

Unfortunately, I buy Doctor Who magazine. Whilst it’s a very good magazine, the editorial is also ahead of the American schedule. So, despite my best efforts, it’s almost impossible to avoid spoilers unless I simply put the issues aside for a few months.

So, for instance, I know what ??? ???? ?o s,?oq ?s?1 sp?o? o? ??? ?o??op ???, and I know who this guy is:

50.jpg < Not the new companion And I also know the above dude is not You-know-who, since he doesn’t turn up until the third last episode of the season…

Promises to be a doozy 😉


Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

So apparently the recent Fantastic Four sequel did not include Galactus, which is kind of crap because that was one of the reasons I was interested in the film (which we ended up not seeing). Not that I have any interest in Galactus, or American comics as a whole, it’s just that I figured it would have been a spectacle.

No worries though, because I came upon this image of what he may have looked like, taken from the Marvel Ultimate Alliance game. As far as I am concerned, this shows truly outstanding character design:

Galactus_close_up.jpg < Galactus

Plus, it almost looks a bit like Andrew Eldritch don’t you think?