Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

DS Browser

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

A few weeks back Nintendo released the DS Web Browser and I naturally had to pick it up.

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The image on the right shows it in action, viewing this very blog. In the mode shown, the webpage appears on the bottom and a zoomed version appears on the top. You can move the page around via the stylus on the bottom screen. A touch of a bottom swaps the two screens (allowing you to click on a link, for instance). A second mode displays webpages in a very different manner which is optimized for the DS. This displays the page over both screens, and omits most graphics and background material. For sites you are familiar with this is the best mode as they load faster and are quicker to navigate.

The broswer comes with a memory expansion cartridge (fits in the GBA slot of the DS) but even so suffers from memory limitations. It’s not as fast as it could be, and struggles with large or graphically-intensive webpages. It also offers no Java/Flash support.

That said, I actually prefer the DS browser to (for instance) the PSP browser because it’s much easier to navigate. Furthermore, if you restrict yourself to using mobile sites such as Google Mobile, then this is a perfectly acceptable product.

But, who would ever use this? Who brings their DS with them and intends to use it as a web device at a wi-fi hotspot? Not me, that’s for sure. In that respect this is little more than a toy, or even a tech demo.

Summer Land

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Time for the summer plan update!

Summer, a time that I have for the past few years had off, is busier for me this year because I’ll be going to the lab most days a week to work on my experiment. However, I still have a good deal on my ‘to-do’ list during these next three months.

On the lego front, I’ve made good work of the backlog of kits I picked up over the spring. This past week I finished the Slave 1 kit and this weekend I will work on a kit I truly love, a crane from the Lego City line. Once that is complete work will begin on the mother of all lego kits, the Death Star II. 3449 pieces! Fifty centimeters in diameter! Approximately 15 hours construction time! I plan on taking many photographs to blog the entire process.

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On the game front I made a good few purchases recently. I’m nearing the end of Super Paper Mario for Wii (fantastic) and well into the hardcore postgame of Etrian Odyssey for DS (one of the more difficult, strategic and challenging RPGs I have played in years). Next on the list is Baten Kaitos Origins for Gamecube, followed by Rogue Galaxy and Odin Sphere for PS2. It is always possible I may renew World Of Warcraft as well, just to see how things are going in Azeroth (it’s been four months since I cancelled).

Summer also sees Heroscape dragged out of the storage again. Anti-Yossie measures will have to be implemented. For instance, I won’t be able to build the map and leave the figures out while we are away since she may nibble on them. But I have a plan. Last year I bought the castle expansion for the game and have not even opened it, so I’m looking forward to making a map with a castle on it. Again, this will be blogged.

And also – if I have time – I still have a good few FF gamebooks to delve into. I want to (re)play each of them at least once, and there are nearly two dozen of the higher numbered volumes I haven’t gotten to. I also bought a couple of high-number Lone Wolf books in Hawaii (of all places…) that I wanted to play through at least once.

I’d like to go camping as well. Over to Ohio, somewhere near Cedar Point and Kennywood…


Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

I’ve been a fan of the Guyver manga for many years now. It tells the story of a young man able to transform into the ‘bioweapon’ named Guyver and fight many different monstrous foes. Over the years I have aquired the various DVD series as well as a slew of different figures/models/toys.

Last year in Japan I purchased three figures from the recently launched (and quite expensive) Max Factory ‘Bio Fighter Collection’

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From right to left they are Guyot (a Zoalord; one of the baddie leaders), Aptom (one of the good guys) and ZX-Tole (one of the more powerful, non-leader bad guys).

Recently, whilst trolling ebay, I found that Max Factory had released a new figure in the line. Behold, Pluqstahl:

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As with all figures in the line, he comes with a range of accessories. In addition to the cloak and armor pieces (removable), he also has four sets of hands and the ‘lightning drive’ attachment.

I bought him of course, and yesterday he arrived safe and sound from Hong Kong. He is the most expensive ‘action figure’ I have ever bought. I’m very pleased with him as well – he’s second only to Guyot in my opinion in this line.

Incidentally, Pluqstahl (as Max Factory calls him), is another of the evil Zoalord leaders. His powers included the ability to control very powerful lightning and summon great storms. He was killed several volumes ago in the comic after a battle with one of the good guys (Dark Gigantic). He did not die at our heroes hand though, but as a result of an attack by three other Zoalords. It was suggested these three were rogues who were planning some nefarious act. Friedrich von Purukshterl therefore, could be considered one of the ‘good’ bad guys. Here’s what he looked like in the manga:


Queen Yossie

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

(Not the cat…)

I just beat Angband with a warrior. And it’s the first time in years I have accomplished this. The last few hours (thousand or so levels) were a massive chore – rapid descents followed by farming of giant/dragon vaults for artifacts. I got very lucky with some drops though, even if I never saw any decent artifact rings, +speed boots or Ringil.

In the end I swapped out a helm that aggravated enemies but gave me an extra attack for the crown (for the stats mostly). I also lucked out with a Morgoth spawn in a relatively empty part of the dungeon. For all his power, he could barely damage me…

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Here’s the character dump in image form (approx 700×3500):

yossie.jpg < No nether resistance! (By the way, if this post means nothing to you don't worry...)

Ultraman The Next

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

Recently, with great help from ebay, I obtained a copy of the 2004 Japanese Ultraman theatrical film Ultraman The Next. We watched it last night and it was awesome. As in, really awesome. Here’s a pictorial review for anyone interested.

Fighter Pilot Maki, just prior to quitting his job to spend more time with his family, is involved in an airborne collision with a red meteor-like light in the sky. He seems to pass into another dimension and is face to face with a giant humanoid (Ultraman, to those in the audience that recognize him).

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He mysteriously survives the crash and leaves the air force. But he is soon afterwards kidnapped by a mysterious government organization under the instruction of scientist Sara.


Turns out he wasn’t the only person to have had a mysterious interaction with a light from space. Some months earlier Sara’s fiancee had been turned into a monster after his submarine had encountered a blue light in the ocean. Maki had been kidnapped not only because she suspected he would turn into a monster as well, but as bait to lure back the first monster that had recently escaped.

It works, and not long after Maki is imprisoned the first beast (known as The One) appears:


Sara’s plan to kill it backfires and it grows large by absorbing nearby lizards. Many soldiers die, and Sara herself is about to get done in when Maki transforms into (not a lizard, but) Ultraman The Next. The two fight but it is a stalemate and The One escapes:

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After this Maki realizes he is destined to battle this creature, and Sara realizes Maki ain’t so bad after all. Tender scenes of Maki reuniting with his family before the final showdown follow. Maki and Sara then rush to the subways of Shinjuku, where the beast has been discovered. A tense standoff occurs, and the The One gets much, much bigger:


It bursts out of the ground and begins to rampage through Shinjuku:

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(By the way, from this point onwards I remained on the edge of my seat)

Ultraman soon follows, and he has grown to gigantic proportions by this point as well. After a brief (but wonderful) moment to save a mother and child from a falling building (establishing Ultraman as the christ-archetype)…

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…classic Kaiju wrestling/asskicking action follows:

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The One appears to have the upper hand, but when Ultraman jumps to avoid a beam attack he discovered he can fly!

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The One then absorbs thousands of crows to make itself wings, and aerial asskicking follows (great special effects in this sequence):

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But Ultra is in trouble! His color timer is close to expiring (Ultraman can only function on earth for a few minutes before running out of energy). The One grabs him, ready to deliver the final blow, but at that moment the air force arrives and distracts The One enough for Ultra to break free:

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With new energy and an heroic sense of purpose, the end is near for The One. First, Ultraman shoots off it’s wings, and it falls down to Tokyo:

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Then (what we’ve all been waiting for), the final attack. Ultra powers up and unleases the unstoppable SPECIUM BEAM!

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Earth is saved!

Yes this is a Kaiju film. Yes it features guys in rubber suits. And yes the wrestling sometimes looks silly. But this also features a great story, a fantastic hero and some dazzling special effects. I easily recommend this fine, fine film to anyone even remotely interested in the genre.

Now to get myself a copy of the 2005 Ultra film: Ultraman Mebius And The Ultra Brothers