Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

NYCC 2015 Day 2

Friday, October 9th, 2015

Three shots taken from our hotel room which costs an arm and a leg and boasts a ‘deluxe city view’. The view earlier this evening during a heavy rainstorm was quite stunning. 

I’ll get the obligatory ‘insane lines’ comment out of the first. Yes the lines are insane and yes it can be frustrating but as old hands we knew what we were in for and endure it calmly like saints… but Christ there’s a lot of people here! 

That’s KLS getting her lips glittered. From the hundreds of exhibitors you can buy almost anything: it’s not all comics and toys. There’s actually a surprising amount of vendors selling clothing (mostly costumes), wigs, contact lenses and cosmetics. KLS bought some eyeliner from this booth last year, loved it, and was happy to find they were back! 

I particularly like the guys selling the ‘vintage’ collectibles because you never know what you’ll find. Take the above shot: a view master reel next to nazi memorabilia and a vintage Star Wars toy. Wonderful! Occasionally these sorts of vendors have some treasures like this: 

Which pales next to some of the ‘serious collector’ comics on offer, such as this: 

There are also a dozen or so original art dealers, from which you can buy the original art created for comics over the years. It’s a bit daunting browsing their wares though, when tiny pieces of art run into the thousands! 

No real comment on the above, other than its about 60 cm tall! 

That’s the sort of thing I would have gone berserk for as a kid. Not only does the set contain 12 gargoyles and 6 titans, but it’s also got 12 dragonriders and a mind-boggling 40 demons!! The fun I would have had πŸ˜‰ 

I wonder if this prototype shown at the Kotobukiya booth is a Force Awakens spoiler? 

The last silly item photo of the days goes to these perler bead faces of Stephen Colbert. Each (that’s 2 different items) costs $400 and is (much) smaller and in fewer colours than the one I made of Bernard earlier this year…

On to cosplay! As usual it’s everywhere, and sometimes you feel like you’re in the minority not being in costume. The eye-catcher at the show so far is this massive Hulkbuster that towers over everyone and is build around a sort of power suit the guy inside is wearing: 

You can see how popular it is! Here’s a shot of him putting the whole thing on: 

Impressive as it is (and it really is), I tend to prefer quirky stuff like this: 

Or creative (and pretty!) stuff like this: 

I don’t even know who she is cosplaying πŸ™‚

We’ve also spent hours walking ‘Artists Alley’, where hundreds of artists display and sell prints of their work to the public. Much of this is comic-related, but there’s also a bunch of other genres and themes and a good amount has made its way into our bags destined for our walls at home.

Tomorrow is the big day, and the only day with panels we are interested in (we missed the Rebels panel, which was held too soon after opening yesterday). Assuming we beat the lines and get wristbands hours ahead of time, we may even be able to sit in on panels with (omg) celebrities! I’ll swoon with excitement! Wish me luck πŸ˜‰

NYCC 2015 Day 1

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

That’s the sun rising in the fog as we rode the train to NY this morning for another (our 8th?) comic con. You know the drill by now, legions of people, otaku madness, great exhaustion, much excitement. 

And so it started again! 

We only had to line up for a half hour or so to get in, but the crowds are truly massive. Once inside it started off on a pretty high note, as I lined up to get my very own Yugioh token card made: 

I think I nailed the pose didn’t I? 

Usually seeing this piece of remarkable art made entirely of Jelly Beans would be quite a thing, but here it’s just one of an endless cavalcade of spectacles. One minute you could be checking out a display of costumes from the upcoming Warcraft film, next minute you could be digging through old comics or getting a wrestlers autograph and the next moment you could be shopping at a stand that only sold Star Trek merchandise: 

We saw all sorts of amazing figurines… 

We saw fine art, action figures and stuffed toys… 

We saw amazing cosplay: 

Really amazing cosplay: 

Old toys… 

And even an incredibly expensive pack of trading cards: 

It was a long day, and even after 6.5 hours we know there’s still much left to see (not to mention panels etc.)

But day 1 was a big success πŸ™‚ 

The giant Monster Hunter cat? That’s KLS’s birthday  gift πŸ™‚

Battle For Zendikar Prerelease

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

I went to another MTG prerelease yesterday, this time for the new set Battle For Zendikar. I did quite well at the last event, walking off with a bundle of boosters and tied at 3rd (or maybe even 2nd) place, so my hopes were high.

The first thing I noticed was the increased attendance. It was almost double last time, with about 30+ players. The average age was much higher than I’m used to as well! The last few events I had almost certainly been the oldest present, but yesterday there were maybe a half dozen guys older than me! The children were gone as well. All this was unusual.

Despite the higher attendance the event still was played using the new format, which was four rounds maximum (hooray!) and prizes for everyone (hooray). No matter how well I did, I’d walk off with something


Everyone got one of the above, which was a deckbox containing 6 boosters, a random promo, a tiny instruction/guide book and a d20. Amusingly, the d20s were from older sets! Mine was from Origins and the guy sitting opposite me had one from one of the Tarkir expansions. This is unusual, since I’d imagine WOTC would have manufactured Zendikar dice for the fatpacks? Ah well, time to crack the packs…

It was about this time that I tweeted the following: “Haven’t even played a card yet and this MTG set seems tedious”

My card pool was all over the place, and I quickly realized the set had a lot going on, seemingly so much that it was hard to find a focus in the cards that I had drawn. There were a few standouts, including this beast:


But the remainder of my green and red cards were ill-suited (especially red, which was mostly high cost allies) and I couldn’t support him. Black was particularly awful, white seemed underpowered and the deck ended up more or less making itself blue and green. To be specific, a deck based around fast mana generation and then dropping Eldrazi bombs. The combo can be summarized as this stuff:

scions mist

Followed by this stuff:

usmall ruin

It seems like a long shot I know, especially in this format, but the deck was very focused and had a lot (too many I would learn) of Eldrazi Scion generators and a few Eldrazi fatties to follow them up. There were obvious weaknesses, including lack of removal or defense against fliers, but a few test draws gave me slender hope.

The first round went well. The very first game was actually a landslide for me, as I drew a nice starting hand, had 5 scions out in 4 turns and cast an 8/9 trampler (Eldrazi Devestator) on turn 5 or 6 after which he immediately conceded. I was completely mana-flooded on game 2 and he beat me easily. The last game was closer, but his R/W/G landfall deck seemed to fail him and I won again. Me 2-1 after round 1, looking good.

However there was a problem: the cards just weren’t fun.

Florence had told me she had read a bad review of the set so I went in curious about why. Then during deck construction the room was full of people commenting how hard it was to make their decks and the seeming disparity between the cards even within rarity. For instance compare these pairs of cards:

nyssa oran

prism scatter

endless twin

For each pair, which card would you prefer to have drawn? Now imagine a sealed pool, where you only have 6 rares, and two of them were Nyssa’s Renewal and Prism Array. That was me. (The last example I include just to illustrate how in the prerelease 2 10/10’s for 10 is so much better than 1 10/10.)

As a result my deck had zero rares in it, and from round two when I started facing off against winners this quickly became a problem.

The first game of the second round went quickly as my opponent used a suspiciously-well-matched series of vampire allies to smack me down handily. I won the second game by a thin margin, and then in the third game he won again using mostly automatic life drain/gain since he had three of these guys:


I haven’t seen luck like that since my deck in the last prerelease πŸ™‚

So I won round 1, lost round 2, and was at a total of 3-3 after the second round. This put me tied at third with something like 18 people! My opponents had been friendly and demonstrated good sportsmanship, the environment at the event was welcoming and there was even free food (which I ignored, as I do). But I wasn’t having fun because the set hadn’t won me over and was even irritating me. Between rounds I was talking with the guy who had beaten me and he was very down on the set, saying there were very few cards viable for constructed and that the wider community wasn’t enthusiastic. It will sell well though, due to the presence of full-art lands in both boosters and fat packs. This has apparently already led to sell-outs worldwide of the fat packs in particular, which makes me think I should have pre-ordered…

It was time for round three. To cut to the end, I lost 0-2 against a guy using a deck amusingly similar to mine, only where my cards were ‘ok’ his were ‘amazing’. For instance in our first game, which had been going for seemingly hours and involved dozens of scions on the table, I ended up with a sure-fire victory combo of the two Eldrazi shown earlier (one buffed with the tokens) both out at the same time. Then he played these two cards in order:

aligned ulamog

I could only chuckle, congratulate him for pulling off a dream combo including the set’s mascot creature, and instantly concede πŸ™‚

But his tricks were far from over, since he actually cast Desolation Twin in game two (two 10/10’s) and he had somehow also got his hand on the required token:


Well played, person whose name I don’t know with the super deck that may have gone on to win the tournament!

I left after that, bored enough of the set and of my deck that I didn’t even want to play the last round. My prize: a single booster. And in that booster: the blue rare counter spell that would have certainly been in my deck had I drawn it earlier πŸ™‚

The problems I had with the set included:
– Too many cards with two many systems (eldrazi, ingest/exile, allies, landfall, awaken) to make a synergistic deck with only 6 boosters.
– Muddy, samey art on many cards. The eldrazi in particular all look the same. This was novel back in the original Eldrazi set when there were few of them, but there seem to be dozens now.
– Boring mechanics. Allies seem nerfed, and replacing ‘Annihilate’ with the mix of different Eldrazi mechanics is not as thematically interesting to me. Even the new landfall effects seem weaker. It’s as if WOTC said “Let’s reuse popular mechanics from the Zendikar block but not make them as powerful as they were then!”
Very slow set for prerelease. The four-round format advantage was erased by how long the games took, and the fact that every single round went into extra time due to games not being over. A few of my games went well over 20 turns each.

I acknowledge that some of the above are only relevant in the prerelease format, but the art complaint is one I have had for a while in MTG. I think Wizards in-house art team while technically gifted all tends to produce the same style of art, which is hurting the game overall. I think it’s time for some new blood to mix things up a bit.

The particular problems with my deck yesterday were:
– Far too many scion generators and far too little to spend the mana on! I had about 12 cards that created scions but only 4 fatties, two of which had hard-to-use triggers that required exiled cards.
– Poor defense. 1/1 scions don’t help much against tramplers of power 4+
– Very few spells, especially for playing blue in a set including a few counterspells (I had none)

The positives about the new set:
– Full art lands. I’ll get me a fatpack somehow!
– New Eldrazi to put into an Eldrazi deck I’m going to bring to Oz to defeat any single deck AW throws at me! (Yes that’s a challenge!)

This is the first of the two-set block, the next being Oath Of The Gatewatch early next year.Β  Given how ‘meh’ I am about this set so far, I would usually make some bold statement here about how I’ll be skipping the next prerelease. However I’ll actually be in Oz, specifically in Sydney, and I can’t easily imagine a scenario where AW and I won’t swagger into some unsuspecting game store and teach those wet behind the ears Aussie MTG-playing bogans how it’s done…

Look forward to that account mid January next year πŸ™‚

Craft Work

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

I could fill this blog with endless posts going into tedious detail about the various model kits I always seem to be making. But that’s a bit dry for those of you not me, so instead I’ll take this chance to show off some of my recently completed kits. 

The first is Imperial Girl, the second in a series of kits based on the character art done by Yuji Himukai for RPG series Etrian Odyssey. I made the first kit earlier this year and thought it was pretty snappy but this one is even better, with amazingly detailed armour (with metallic paint) and many cute faces to choose from. It was an easy build as well, and looks wonderful straight out of the box (ie. without additional paint). 


Next was this ‘Metal Earth’ miniature metal Notre Dame kit, which Bernard gave me a while back. I’ve made many similar models, but this was the first of the larger ‘ICONX’ series (more pieces and complexity). It took me about a week working about a half hour per day and was certainly amongst the more difficult I’ve made. The finished product is very pretty though πŸ™‚ 

I’ve always loved General Grievous, iconic villain of Star Wars episode 3, and this recently released Lego kit may as well have been designed with me in mind! Using the bionicle framework, Lego has created perhaps the single best Grievous figure yet made, that not only looks fab but has amazing poseability (including locking his arms together). It’s also quite large, standing over a foot tall. I love it! 

Last but not least is this Gundam, or to give the correct full name of this kit: RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn (Destroy Mode) Full Psycho-Frame Prototype Mobile Suit. Mouthful of a name aside, this is one hell of a kit that includes about 10 colours of plastic (including 3 transparent types) and seemingly-zillions of pieces that snap together to form a very angular and almost overdesigned beast of a robot. This was a fun kit to make and looks great with the contrast between the black armour and yellow ‘crystal’ innards. It’s a 1/144 kit which means it’s a tad smaller than the 1/100’s I prefer, but the price was low (~$20) and the quality extremely high. I enjoyed making this one a lot!

I’m finding myself spending more and more time making models like these. I find it very relaxing. Maybe you should give it a try?

Force Friday

Friday, September 4th, 2015

Today was ‘Force Friday’, which was the heavily marketed release day for the first toys from the upcoming Star Wars film. It was a bit of a big deal, and while many shops had midnight launch events I stayed in bed and waited until after work to spend my cash. 

Everywhere I went the in-store advertising was abundant, with special props going to Target for their full size animated BB-8 droid (lower left in the photo) as well as the way they replaced some of their register belts with Star Wars scrolling text belts: 

I’ve always been a Star Wars fan. It has never waned, and I can’t deny a tremendous anticipation for the new film. I’m also a sucker for merchandise of all sorts, and spent a few hours today driving around several stores since there seemed to be different stuff everywhere.

So what did I buy…? 

That’s the boring stuff. Two action figures, a mini model of one of the new Tie Fighters, and a placemat πŸ™‚ 

Slightly more interesting was that balloon. I bought it since I hadn’t seen (and liked) the Drew Struzan art on it πŸ™‚ 


Those are ‘collectable game pieces’ sold blind in packs of five. The games is a bit like dominoes but we love the fact they are magnetic! With the addition of a few tiny little magnets our fridge will now be covered in flashy Star Wars hexagons! 


Avoid the blind-packed micro machine toys. Even at $2 they are terrible. The one shown is The Force Awakens heroine Rey on some sort of speeder. 


Dog tags are always fun! I guess this confirms C3PO to be in the new film.  

The less said about the above the better…

…but wouldn’t it make a fine Christmas gift? 

This was my second favourite purchase of today. One thing I was surprised by was how much new merchandise of all sorts there was – not just Force Awakens stuff. These Lego kits are based on the old Bionicle style and look great, but Grievous is far and away the best of the bunch. 

My favourite purchase was this children’s meal set, which will now be added to our cupboard alongside five (!) other SW meal sets dating back to ’99 when Episode 1 came out!

Look at that plate! Look at the cereal bowl with Kylo Ren and Phasma on it! And what about the First Order Tie Fighter on the cup?! Lovely stuff all of it πŸ™‚

As I said: lifelong fan! 

That’s something I didn’t buy: a $150 four foot talking Vader model. Pretty cool eh?

There’s one item though I should have bought, and probably will, and that’s the new Lego First Order Tie Fighter. I guess I just love the black and white design too much!

So readers, what did you pick up on Force Friday?