Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

As My Brother Requested, A List Of What He Could Buy Me For Christmas

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Did you notice the blog was down for about a week? I received the following missive from my brother explaining the absence:

“Dearest secondborn, it pains me to admit I forsook the required blog maintenance due to an abundance of stress that resulted from an inability to find Christmas gifts of a level high enough to show you the appreciation that you deserve. Pray tell, could you help as you have done in years past?”

Lest you think this is fake, his telegram didn’t include the hyperlinks. Those were my additions 🙂

It would be positively bestial of me to ignore such a cry for help, and thus I present – once again – a humble list of items that I would love to unwrap on that most special of days…

Books Category

“I Am The Doctor” – Jon Pertwee


This was Jon Pertwee’s last biography, and apparently is a smashing read, containing many and varied anecdotes about his life during and after the time he portrayed what everyone agrees is the best ever Doctor Who. For me, this book would essentially be a ‘how to’ that I could apply to living all aspects of my life.

Manual Of The Planes (1st Edition)


It’s possible I have one of the most complete AD&D 1E collections out there, since I have no less than fifteen different hardcover manuals including such esoterica as The Wilderness Survival Guide and Dragonlance Adventures. And yet the original edition of the Manual Of The Planes has yet avoided my ‘ever-expanding web of acquisition’ (a somewhat obscure AD&D magic item). Of course I have the 3E version, as well as other planar guides, but in the name of completeness I must have the above! If I were to live within driving range of a fabulous used book store that sells D&D manuals then I’d probably drive over there and see if they had this one in stock to buy and give me for Christmas……

Toys Category

Neo-Otyugh figure

Neo1 Neo2

This is one of those things that most of you would instantly ignore if you ever saw it in a store. Me? I’d buy it! As my brother will, to brighten my Weihnachten! Of course he’d have to find it first, which is no mean feat since it’s one of the less common figures in a figure line that failed miserably more than 20 years ago. Plus it’s a bendable figure, which means it was made in China out of some no doubt toxic rubber that after all this time has probably dissolved into poisonous gas. I guess I’ll find out on Christmas Day 😉

Imakarum Miribalis figure kit by Max Factory


This one’s been on this list before, and I’ve wanted it for years now. As availability evaporates, so too does the price continue to rise. In Japan earlier this year I fully intended to buy this; I was even prepared to pay an unreasonable amount for it. But I never saw it. I looked everywhere for it. I even took a solo trip to Akihabara and explored every figure shop I could find. It beggars belief that I never found it, because where else on Earth would this be available? I’ll tell you where: the place Bernard finds it. And buys it. For me. For Christmas.

Music Category

Who Is The Doctor – Jon Pertwee (7″ single)


This one’s been on my list for a while, for several reasons:
i) It’s sung by the person everyone agrees played the best Doctor, Jon Pertwee.
ii) It’s very, very good. Actually it’s even better.
iii) I still have a working and connected record player downstairs, and could therefore dance to it with Yossie.

Don’t believe me about how great it is? Judge for yourself:

I’d love to taste that ‘secret sauce’ on December 25th!

Oh, and Bernard… when you’re adding the above Jon Pertwee albums to your cart, and if you’re feeling especially generous, you may want to throw this one in as well:


Now that is a man’s album cover!

Electronic Game Category

Dalek Attack LCD game


It’s difficult to use the English language to even describe why I would want the above, so let’s use German: Der Grund hierfür ist, dass ich ein besessener Sammler bin und wollte diese, seit ich ein Sprössling war. I reckon Bernard’s going to have to use some sort of supernatural power to actually obtain one though, since I’ve never ever seen it, nor seen it for sale, or even know if it exists. This is the sort of item that makes the quest that is Christmas shopping so grand, and I am almost jealous of my brother that I have now given him the joy of finding this gem.

Zelda Game-&-Watch

Game Watch Zelda game_watch_zelda

I’ve actually seen the above product, more than once, always in Japan. Every time I beheld it I wept, for two reasons. Firstly, because I wanted to own it that badly, and secondly because the price literally brought tears to my eyes. Especially for a mint-in-boxed version, which is of course the one I would want. Once, when only I was present and no-one else could have possibly heard him, my brother said: “No item is too expensive at Christmas!” Approximately 41 days from today, I’ll see if he remembers those words.

DVD Category

Sword & The Sorceror


This was released quite a few years ago in the US, but it’s all-but-unavailable now. Which is a shame, because I want it! I religiously check amazon for reissues, and even went so far as to buy a bootleg ripped-from-VHS version at NYCC (which didn’t work). Those of you that have seen this dreadful film may wonder why the obsession with seeing it again, and I may not be able to easily answer. Until Christmas day 😉

Video Games Category

Snow Brothers (Game Boy)


Picture this: you’re in a used game shop, perusing the ancient Game Boy cartridges. Your eyes fall on the above, and what do you do? I reckon nothing. You’d barely even notice it as you scanned the titles. You almost certainly wouldn’t know you were looking at $200 of plastic and microchips would you? I would, and I’d eagerly rip out my wallet and buy the little sucker.

Of course the above story is pure fiction, since it would never ever, EVER happen. I know because – for twenty goddamn years now – I have scanned game boy cartridges in used game stores and have never seen Snow Brothers.

It warms my heart to think that my brother, as he drives around to every single game store within 5 hours of his house, actually will find Snow Brothers. And he’ll buy it for a song. And I’ll sing the same song when I open it on Christmas Day: “To taste the secret sauce of life”!

Might & Magic Games (SNES)



These are the gifts that, as I open them on Christmas day, will cause me to say aloud “He didn’t!” While I wouldn’t put anything beyond my brother – especially where it involves brightening my Christmas – the organization, acquisition and innovation required to obtain both Super Nintendo Might and Magic cartridges and give them to me in one gift box would be no less than godlike. Lest you find my words hyperbolic, know that Might And Magic 2 is Japanese only, and despite fervent searching throughout all five of my Japanese trips I have never seen it, and that the second was released in very small quantities and is very difficult to find boxed these days.

As an aside, I have played M&M3 SNES. Back in my fanzine days, FCI sent me a pre-release EPROM with the game on it, that I stuck into my SNES and played. It is one of my regrets that I ever returned that to the company…

Atari Lynx + Gauntlet Third Encounter

Atari Lynx II Boxed

Gauntlet_The_Third_Encounter Gauntlet3-1--article_image

aka ‘The One That Got Away’. As with every other human on this planet, I cared less about the Lynx back when it was released in 1989. By the time I got to America it had failed spectacularly, and by the time I started collecting games in early 1994 it had disappeared from stores. These days working versions fetch high prices, much more-so if they are boxed. This is interesting since it was a crap system with crap games… except for Gauntlet: The Third Encounter.

I want a Lynx. I have wanted one for years, and have come close to buying one once or twice. What has held me back was the fact I have essentially no interest in any games for it except for Gauntlet, which means I’d be paying what is now around $300 for something I’d never used. Furthermore, Gauntlet itself is quite rare, and the Lynx + Gauntlet combo (boxed) could be upwards of $500. If you could even find either.

So Bernard, as you spend every weekend between now and Christmas driving the length and breadth of California in the almost-certainly-futile search for a Snow Brothers game boy cartridge, remember me if you spot a cheap Lynx + Gauntlet Third Encounter combo 😉

‘Dream Item’ Category

Doctor Who Pinball Machine


For a few years now I have seriously entertained the idea of buying a pinball machine. I did some research, and very quickly the above bubbled to the top of my list. It was released in 1992, it’s beautiful, it’s very complex, and it would look marvelous in my house.


The machines don’t seem that difficult to find, as long as you can somehow arrange shipping (Bernard could I’m sure) and have more money than sense (…). If nothing else, the thought of how beautiful the cabinet would look reflecting the lights of our tree moments after I unwrapped it surely moves even the most miserly of souls? This is truly a gift that would enable the recipient to fully enjoy the ‘secret sauce’ of life!

NYCC ’13 in Two Days!

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Friday is KLS’s birthday, and once again we’re turning it into an event by attending New York Comic Con.

This year we upgraded to VIP tickets. No lines for us! We walk the path of kings!

Expect all the usual nonsense here on this blog as I experience the madness of NYCC. I’ll do my best to get shots of the wildest, wackiest, otakuest and maybe even prettiest 😉

I wonder if we’ll see any cosplay better than this:


Oh yes! I have prepared a costume… watch for it on Saturday 🙂

Heroes vs Monsters review

Monday, September 16th, 2013

Last week I got the latest Magic duel deck, called Heroes vs Monsters:


According to what I read online, duel decks not based around Planeswalkers don’t sell as well, so this one needs to get by on strong deck design and perhaps the fact that it contains preview cards for the upcoming Theros set like this one:


My experience is that this set nails the design, and the two decks are better matched than in any other duel deck I have played. In fact, in 6 games played, the scores were evenly matched with 3 wins apiece.

The first of the two decks is mostly white with a splash of red. It is heavy on creatures, with a slight enchantment theme. As with most duel decks, some of the included cards are not what I would choose, and were I to tweak the deck I would start by making more of the creatures below 3 CMC to better enable the Sun Titan that is one of the big-hitters of the deck.

The second deck is a red/green big creature based deck with a token theme. The hydra up top is one of the biggest (and best) cards in the set, but victory with this deck was often too fast for such a card to be relevant.

In the many games I played the pattern seemed to be if red/green didn’t win in the first 5-8 turns, then white/red would be the victor. In all six games I only cast the hydra once (and immediately shut it down with Bonds of Faith) and never cast Sun Titan. Red/green often won on the backs of such cards as Blood Ogre and Volt Charge, and white/red via cards such as Freewind Equenaut and Bonds of Faith (which I always cast on an opponents non-human creature).


I very much enjoyed playing these two decks. As with others, they help give an appreciation for cards I may otherwise have overlooked. In addition, there are some very good cards in here ‘for the collection’. I think overall the product may have benefitted from slightly slower decks (or at least a longer mana curve for each) but overall this product gets two thumbs up 🙂

Here Comes The Crane Again

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

It was time once again to remove from my shelf a new Lego Technic set. As with all the others I have build in recent years, I’m going to call this set – officially known as a ‘Motorized Excavator’ – another crane:


I bought this oodles ago and I’m going to pretend to forget how shockingly expensive it was. Last birthday I got (yet!) another ‘crane’ set so there were two on my shelf for a while. I knew this guy would take time and attention to build, so earlier this summer I cracked him open. Here’s what was in the box:


Er, that’s not actually everything. That’s what was left after I’d removed 75% of the pieces and the three lengthy instruction manuals 🙂

This kit was a challenging build. In fact it was probably the most complex Technic kit I have ever made, close to the Death Star in terms of frustration. I built it in many phases across several weeks, and one step in particular required two people. KLS helped me then, although not without cursing and teeth-gnashing, and I can’t imagine how it would have been possible to attach the arm to the chassis without at least three hands.

Some under construction shots:



They are the four separate electric motors that power the excavator. Note the required crossing of the wire order. Eventually the above would be connected to the battery pack, which contained IR sensors so the device can be controlled wirelessly.


A very small portion of the incredibly complex gearing that the excavator uses. Four motors each have a separate degree of freedom (as you’ll see in the video) but – amazingly – some of these share gearing. As I was building this many times I wondered how anyone devised this mechanism in the first place, much less in a way it could be built via Lego.


At the time of the above photo, I had spent maybe a half-dozen hours on the kit over a few weeks. I’d say this was about half done at this point.


The finished kit. It is very large (about 60 cm long and 50 cm high in the position shown above) and quite heavy. You can see the battery pack in the back of the cab. Not shown are the two separate remotes. All told the device requires 10 batteries (6 AA and 4 AAA) to work, and unlike some other kits I have there is no manual override to allow for non-powered use.

Here is a video demonstrating the various functions controlled by the motors:

As you may have noticed I made an error switching between remotes manually. I didn’t realize how complete the remote control is!

This was a challenging but very entertaining kit to build, and I was surprised it all worked first go since some of the gearing seemed extremely tight when I was building it. Given the size and complexity, it’s hard to believe Lego will ever top the scale of this kit 🙂

I Watched 115 Hours Of Old TV Series This Summer

Friday, August 30th, 2013

Over the summer, I consumed an impressive amount of TV. Several entire entire series to be specific. Here are reviews of five of them. There are spoilers in some of these reviews…

Tales From The Gold Monkey (1982; 21 episodes)


It amuses me that I was only 10 when this came out, although given the usual delay it probably didn’t screen in Australia until 1983 or 1984. I remembered it as a vaguely Indiana Jones-ish show involving a manly man pilot and his friends as they adventure through the pre-war tropics. I also remember loving it 🙂

While my memories were broadly correct, I have to say the show doesn’t hold up well and these days the pace is very, very sloooooow. I actually fell asleep during some of the episodes which may partly be due to the fact I often watched this one after teaching my epic summer-class lectures. It’s hard to find obvious fault, and in particular (most of) the characters and writing are quite good, but the pace is just stuck in time and the stories needed a bit more variety. Also, the supernatural element hinted in the opening episode (and a few throughout) is nonexistent.

Tales of the Gold Monkey <- Bit of a snoozer…

K-9 (2010; 26 half-hour episodes)


I’ll be honest: my expectations were low. I’d seen bits of an episode in Australia a few years back, and new that this show was aimed strictly at the kids and had virtually nothing to do with Doctor Who, but completeness compelled me to buy – and watch – it.

The creator of the robot dog K-9, once a companion of The Doctor, had for many years been trying to create a show based around the character. This is the result of his attempts, although for legal reasons it has nothing to do with Doctor Who. So no mention of The Doctor, or any companions, or the Tardis or any of that. As you can see, the K-9 character himself is radically redesigned as well, although their is a brief cameo of classic K-9 in the first episode.

If anything, the show is more like the Sarah Jane Adventures than any Who episode, but even then that’s not really a good comparison because it doesn’t even rise to that level. The plot involves a poorly realized (and utterly cliched) dystopian Earth future in which the chief resistance to an overstepping government is (of course) a tiny group of children. Aliens are thrown in as well, to little effect. Poor casting, poor characters, poor writing, poor effects and even an unlikable ‘hero’ in K-9 himself lead to a bit of a bore of a show. It’s not even remotely as good as Who on it’s worst days, and a poor imitation of Sarah Jane as well. As a kids show I suppose it may have been interesting, but it’s hard to imagine K-9 will ever get a second season.

K9_Complete<- K-Not!

Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1979; 37 episodes)


In the first few seconds of the movie pilot (which is included in the box set) I commented to KLS that one of the sound effects sounded like from a Glen Larson show. She was rightly appalled that I would know this (since I was correct), but was a symptom I think of how well I remembered this show that I shouldn’t really remember since I was 7 or 8 years old when it was on TV!

This series rode the sci-fi boom triggered by Star Wars of the late 1970s, and followed on from Battlestar Galactica. Despite being set in the far future, Buck Rogers – viewed today – charms by virtue of it’s retro 1970s vibe, as if the year 24XX was designed by Studio 54 patrons. In particular the clothes are absurd, with braless women in spandex and hairy-chested men in long-lapeled lounge suits! The sets are plastic and seem unliveable and the lighting is extreme. The matte paintings however are exceptional, and were apparently painted by an artist that would work on The Empire Strikes Back.

The scifi here is typical post Star Trek nonsense, especially in the second season where the world-building of the entire first season is tossed aside in favour of ‘monster of the week’ episodes mostly shot outside (to save budget) with our heroes now based on a a giant ship traveling through the universe with a mission to find the ‘lost tribes of Earth’ (and I’m not making that up; Larson plagiarized himself in Buck Rogers)! Most planets seem to have only a handful of inhabitants, and yet somehow manage to be a threat to all life on Earth despite not having interstellar travel. The plotholes are more like abysses.

It’s extremely campy, a bit ghastly and the episodes are too long but I have to admit I loved watching every episode of this entire two-season series again and wish in retrospect it had never been canceled due to low ratings.

25192518225_p0_v2_s260x420 <- Better than you think

The Super Robot Red Baron (1973; 39 half-hour episodes)


In the 21st Century, the SSI (Secret Science Investigators) fight against the evil of ‘Doctor Deviler’ who represents the Iron Alliance, and attempts to take over the world by stealing and controlling giant Robots. Such is their might that only through the power of the awesome weapon, Red Baron, can they be defeated.

While you read this review, play the theme song:

This show is good beyond good. Sure the effects are cheesy, and the suits are rubbery and the acting wooden, but the spirit is there are the result is way, way more than the sum of it’s parts. Yes it starts slow, but after a dozen episodes the writers really hit their strides. By then we’re in love with the characters and the fact that unlike similar tokusatsu series they usually have to fight tooth-and-nail for their victories, if at all. I also like that the fights involve the SSI members as much as Red Baron himself.

I feel I must also draw attention to the episode titles, which may be the best of any series ever made. The first episode is called ‘Conspiracy Of The Robot Empire’, the last is called ‘A Clockwork Tomorrow’, and the series contains other gems such as ‘Beautiful Pilot Of Evil’, ‘Enigma Of The Invulnerable Robot’, and ‘Smash The Deadly Cosmic Weapon!’

In the last few half-dozen episodes the show gets  – impossibly! – even better, as we learn that the Iron Alliance is just a front for the ‘Space Iron Alliance’ and UFO’s and space robots and all sorts of wild villains get thrown into the mix. This builds up to a crescendo of an ending beautifully resolved by a wonderful final episode that may have brought a glint of a tear to my eye. Riveting stuff, and likely the best 1000 self-contained minutes of giant robot sci-fi ever made!

Super_Robot_Red_Baron <- Just amazing

Ultra Seven (1967; 49 half-hour episodes)

Ultraseven 1

Eiji Tsuburaya is a legend; the man that created most special effects as we know them today and (amongst other things) designed and created Godzilla. In the mid 1960s he formed a production company to make television shows, and the first offering – Ultra-Q – was a bit of a sci-fi homage to The Twilight Zone that went on to become a mega hit. In those days TV shows in Japan were almost never continued into second seasons, so the sequel (of sorts) to Ultra-Q was Ultraman, a story about a powerful being from space who would help Earth fight off dire galactic threats. It too was a mega-hit, and another sequel was quickly planned.

Ultra Seven was that sequel, and  – almost fifty years ago now – was the second Ultraman series ever made. But this was more than just a sequel to Ultraman, this would refine the idea and the character, and through a combination of beautiful scripts, great casting and an astounding man character in Ultra Seven himself, establish itself as one of the very best science fiction series ever created.

The premise is the same as in all other Ultraman series (both before and after Ultra Seven): Earth is regularly threatened by forces from space, and while a team of special investigators (‘The Ultra Garrison’ in Ultra Seven) are instrumental in defending Earth, often the ultimate victory is at the hands of the giant space being Ultra Seven, who must almost always defeat a colossal space monster. Much like Doctor Who, one of the best aspects of the show is that although it was intended for children, it was not written at them and can therefore be enjoyed by adults. Sure the kids (and the not so young) can still love the combat, but the nuances of the scripts – involving human emotion like loss and regret or self-inflicted threats to the Earth such as global warming, pollution and nuclear testing – can have a profound impact on the adult viewer.

The show also tells a complete story. Unlike Ultraman before it (and most Ultra series afterwards), the character of Ultra Seven is established prior to the first episode, in that Ultra Seven has already arrived on earth (from the M-78 Nebula) and possessed the body of a young man who had just died honorably saving a fellow climber in an accident. Therefore Dan Morobashi – the host of Ultra Seven – is not human at all, and although his compatriots don’t know this, we the viewer do and occasionally get fascinating glimpses into the psyche of the alien being as he debates how best he can help humans. The character continues to develop throughout the series (as do the other main characters) and the final few episodes in which Ultra Seven puts his own life at risk to save the Earth are as good as anything I have ever seen on TV.

I can’t recommend this highly enough. It’s probably the best single series of science-fiction TV I have ever seen.

UltraSeven_Complete <- Ultra good!