Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

Oz Slang

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Occasionally SFL asks me about Australian slang, and it occurred to me I’d never done a post about the slang of my home country. I’ll remedy that today with a few specific terms from my youth πŸ™‚


“havin’ a go” – to play an arcade or video game

“I was havin’ a go of Robotron when I realized I’d spent me maccas cash!”

I still use this one today, and only the other day KLS confirmed it was a piece of my vernacular she’d never heard anyone else use (as opposed to ‘playing’). When I was a kid, we didn’t play video games, we had a go at them!


“doubles” – playing a video game multiplayer

“I was havin’ a go at Forgotten Worlds when some hoon joined in and started playing doubles with me!”

Not sure if this one is used any more by anyone but me. I suppose the term ‘multiplayer’ has supplanted it completely.


“clocked” – played a game to or beyond the end

“Yeah mate, I clocked Slap Fight on one man and just walked away!”

In the very old days, most games had 5 or 6 digit scores, so any score above 99990 or 999990 would reset to 0 and continue. This became known as ‘clocking the game’ in Australia (‘roll over’ in the USA) and in time the term also applied to playing games past the end or simply beating the game itself. For instance, when you beat the final boss in the game Slap Fight (shown above) the game would just return to the start and you would play on. Since I was able to beat the game without ever dying, this means in theory I could have played forever!

It was also a badge of pride. There was no better reply to a question like “Have you played Sanxion?” than “Clocked it.”

I very much doubt ‘clocking’ is used any more by the younger generations. I think ‘beating’ or ‘finishing’ has replaced it.


“triple flapper” – using the middle three fingers of your hand to achieve hitherto-unseen rates of button pushing

“He was showing off by using the triple flapper so I destroyed him with my juicy juice bottle!”

The games Track and Field and its sequel, Hyper Olympics required very fast button presses to achieve good scores. Simply pushing the button over and over again using one finger was passable, but ultimately not as successful and using the ‘triple flapper’ technique where the index, middle and fourth fingers were drummed successively onto the button. It took some practice, but if mastered could increase your button pushes by a magnitude of 2 or 3. I mastered it, and frequently amazed neophyte Hyper Olympians with long jumps or javelin throws they had never even dreamed of!

I’m not sure where this term originated, but it was widely used amongst my group of friends. A few of us even resurrected the term in the days of Street Fighter II to describe M Bison’s distinctive scissor kick (since his feet looked like fingers doing the triple flapper).

As an aside, the triple flapper was itself obsoleted by the use of a prop that existed solely to get better Track and Field scores! I speak of the Juicy Juice bottle. Some enterprising arcade wizard discovered you could cut the neck off a bottle, insert two fingers, and swipe it left and right across the button achieving near supernatural scores. I made one myself, and even modified it using some clever cuts and tape, and famously (?) was once ejected from an indoor cricket center by the owner when she saw me using it to ‘cheat’ at Track and Field πŸ™‚

Video games were serious business in those days!


I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Adam and Bernard, remember any others?

Apotheosis of The Machine Brain

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

It’s 8 pm and I’m sitting on the promenade outside the castle hotel overlooking the Saint Lawrence river. There will be fireworks later; people are everywhere! It will be a fun end to a busy day!

Here’s the very start:


We’d return to this bakery later for bread and pastries for our dinner!

In the morning we caught a bus upriver to the famous Montmorency Falls.


Beautiful! See the bridge over the top? We walked that. The photo above is taken from a steep staircase that leads from the top to the bottom:


Here’s a shot from the lookout to the south side of the falls, visible on the left in the first photo:


We started at the top, took the stairs down, then got to the top again via a rope way!


Here’s me hamming it up in the car:


Growing up in Australia waterfalls are not exactly common and it’s always a treat to visit one. It was a sight definitely worth seeing πŸ™‚

Afterwards, we returned to the city and headed down to old town, at the base of the cliffs on which stands the hotel. Here I met a lovely bird:


Whose hand is that? ONLY MINE!


I petted him and he leaned into my hand. So cute!

We wandered on, and ignorantly walked right past the Canadian Museum of Civilization! Booooooring, we all might think. But stop the presses since a certain poster caught my eye…


What’s this? A froggy museum exhibit on the history of video games in Quebec, Canada? Could it be good? Was it worth $15?!?!?

Yes, my friends, it absolutely was!



The exhibit, which was divided into various eras (Origin, Arcades, 3D etc.) contained over 500 items including a staggering 88 playable consoles and arcade games!

And believe me, whoever curated this exhibit was no slouch to game history and the landmark games from each era.


The above snap shows Barbarian playable on an Amstrad!?! I was in hog heaven as I effortlessly demoed the 1-hit kill move to Jim almost 30 years since I had last played.

I would go on to play PC-Engine, MSX (!!), C-64 and countless other gems, including…


Tempest 2000 on a Jaguar! Jim got in on the action as well:


That’s him playing an Amiga for the first time. The game? Turrican!

Here’s a cute display:


That’s Bubble Bobble demonstrated on 4 different machines. A fifth was playable adjacent to this display.

I also went a bit menerk when I found Thunderforce III playable for Mega Drive. It was as if this exhibit was custom designed for me!


Oh and the relics! They ranged from breathtaking original working Space Invaders Deluxe cocktail cabinets:


To displays of rare game merchandise:


To awesomely nostalgic game packaging:


And to stuff bizarre beyond words:


There was so much to see and play, from Odyssey to iOS and Wii U. Superb beyond my mere words, this exhibit was one memory after another. As I got to this screen on my first man:


In this game:


I knew my visit to the boooooring Museum of Civilization was one I’d probably remember forever πŸ™‚

Oh yes, and later in the day we saw this:


Gotta run! Fireworks πŸ™‚

Retro Gamer

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

This is an arcade system from 1982 called the Vectrex:


Specifically, the above is KLS’s Vectrex, purchased during the fire sales of 1983 that followed the crash of the video game industry. About 1X years ago, I found the above in an attic at her parents house and ferretted it away into our attic, where it now lives. We have the system (which still works!), one controller and about a dozen games including the screen overlays and the manuals.

Here’s an example of a manual for one of the games:

IMG_6402 IMG_6403

Last week, when KLS’s parents were in town, I got the Vectrex out for a tournament. The rules were simple: KLS, JBF and myself would play each game precisely once. The highest score in each game got a point, and the most points won. We started with the inbuilt game, Mine Storm:


That’s me playing like a pro, sans overlay. The raster works perfectly and it still looks breathtaking. This is rare in devices of this nature that are 30 years old like ours is, so the dry darkness of our attic seems to be a good environment for it!

Other games followed: Berserk, Cosmic Crash, Spike (with voice!). Here’s some shots of the action:




You can see the overlays – which are transparent plastic – add colour to the black and white raster.

We also had several games that we couldn’t get working at all, probably due to the contacts being hosed. I suppose if I spent time cleaning them I may have seen more success, but we skipped them and focused on the games that worked. After JBF left I also managed to get another game – Fortress of Narzod – working, so KLS and I played that one as well. Here’s a shot of her scoring big!


And so… the final score!

Rather than spell it out here, I’ll just show you the score card itself:


Yes my friends, even if we ignore Spike (which bugged out and inflated her score for no reason), she still won every game but one, beating both myself and Jim quite handily. Who knew she was an expert retro gamer?! πŸ™‚

The New Addiction

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Meet Zoffy, of Nebulon, my avatar in the new Animal Crossing for 3DS:


The game is all sorts of awesome, especially if you’ve been hooked by any past game in the series. It’s wonderful to get back to village maintenance and chatting with your animal buddies:



Although I’ve only been playing a week (since returning from Japan), it’s obvious the game is much more expansive than ever, with a mind-boggling array of stuff to do. This is no longer just a game you play for half an hour a day!


One new addition is ‘Club Tortimer’, which is an island excursion where you can play with people from all over the world. Yesterday I did this, and found myself on an island at night with two Japanese girls:


The one on the left was called Mari, and was very talkative and spoke great English. She is a secretary in Kobe that likes Ultraman! (This came up because my character, Zoffy, is named after one of the Ultramen):


The girl in the middle (with the pink hair) works as a secretary in a Tokyo Hospital. She is a hardcore player, and even had this award:


Anyway while we were chatting, we were just standing in a line like in the first picture. They were asking me about America and what I like about Japan and all sorts of stuff when I said “Do you know Rilakkuma?”. Their reaction was immediate and astounding:



As soon as the famous bear’s name was mentioned, both girls started running about the island excitedly just saying things like “love”, “cute”, “gyu~~~!” etc. They were maniacal about Kuma to the extent that even the mention of his name sent them into paroxysms! It was very funny πŸ™‚

Later in the day, I also met Audrey, who lives in Paris. She told me it was sunny and hot:


So I showed her a fish:


These occurrences and much, much more are what await you should you enter the world of Animal Crossing πŸ˜‰

Jokes aside, the online component (random matchmaking) is somewhat restricted as you may expect from Nintendo. Also, with no way to friend these people or even interact much with them outside of one-line chats, it will probably be something I don’t do very often. But my first experiences of it were very amusing!

Now back to catching bugs…


Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

After yesterday’s exhaustion, today was a rest day. Which meant over 7 hours on my feet doing 22k steps πŸ™‚

The location was Akihabara (again!):


Bernard stayed at the ryokan for resting, so it was just KLS and I. We had no real goal, and just perused the seemingly endless amount of otaku shops.

Here’s a creative display of new manga:


An area of merchandising that was nonexistent on our first trip a dozen years ago was food. It’s quite common now to see food merchandise for most series. Here’s a selection of monster hunter snack food items:


We also went to Yodibashi camera in Akiba, pretty much the most amazing store on Earth. Here is KLS perusing a $8500 4K TV:


And a charmingly marketed men’s razor:


Lunch was Italian. I had spaghetti and KLS a mushroom pizza. As we were waiting I checked my DS for street passes. It’s very easy to get them here on the subway. I’ve obtained 51 in just two trips out with the DS.


KLS headed back early and I hit the game shops and centers and failed to win anything great. I was pretty ruined when I got back. But not too ruined to be giddy with excitement when we discovered Ultraman on TV πŸ™‚


Tomorrow we’re off to Kyoto for two days on the bullet train!