Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category


Monday, March 18th, 2013

I wanted to remember what it was like to build a (non Gundam) model kit, so recently bought myself this:


Here’s what was inside:


Given I had built only Gundams for the last 2 decades, my first thought was “Do I still need glue?”. The answer was yes!


There’s the chassis with wheels attached. I’d done a poor job, since the glue I’d bought was crap and the instructions left a lot to be desired. For instance, should the wheels turn?

It wasn’t until I got to the next section that things became much more difficult…


Those ladder rungs, glued on so obviously poorly in the above shot, were typical of many pieces that required pinpoint precision to attach accurately. Again, the instructions could have been clearer. Again, my glue could have actually worked!


Case in point above: see how the wheel is separating even though the glue had been drying for two hours!! (This was exacerbated by the too-much tension in the tread.)

Anyway after considerable frustration, the near-finished product:


And the actually finished version, after the exercise in frustration that was decal application (turned into a comedy of errors since I had a phone chat with SFL after putting the decal sheet in water!):


Actually looks decent, doesn’t it?

So where is this fierce scale model tank right now? Moments after the above shot was made… I broke it and tossed the pieces in the garbage 🙂


Monday, February 25th, 2013

Can you hear it? That’s the sound of excitement…

Can you feel it? That buzzing in the air? That’s the sound of anticipation…

The moment foretold by history has (once again) arrived:

We’re going back to JAPAN!


Yes my friends, it’s all booked and paid for. Japan trip #5 commences early June, and promises to be even more special than ever. Why is this?

My brother is coming with us!

Monster Hunter! Mizube! Manga! Yakitori! Futons! Apple Pies! Sentai! Circle-Heart-Star! Odaiba! Figma! Enoshima! Deer! Gashapon! 3DS Streetpass! Lopeway! Otaku! Yamanote! Gondoliers! Gundam! Dedicate Bronchus! Guyver! Monkeys! Bullet Trains! Kawaii! Spaghetti! Anime! Neko! Mount Takao! UFO Catchers! Chip Stars! Kit-Kats! Trading Cards! Mr Donut! Nendroid! Universal Studios! Idols! Arcades! Vending Machines! Rice! Crows! Fried Rice! Rilakkuma!

Bernard is going to be awestruck. And having him with us will make it like the first time all over again 🙂

I can, quite literally, hardly wait!


Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

OMG! Just the other day, Max Factory Japan announced a whole new series of Figma’s, which included such stuff as Avengers, Bruce Lee, Spider Man, dozens of new anime characters and… well, and this guy:


Yes my friends, a new Guyver figure! And a Figma at that!

It’s like God came down from Heaven to give me an early birthday present 🙂

But the news doesn’t stop there! I also recently read that the long-delayed Alcanfel bio-fighter model kit has not been canceled and will one day be released. Here’s a shot of it, as displayed at Winter Fest 2008:


He’s (one of) the ‘big bads’ of Guyver, and I’d love a good kit of him. Here’s what he looks like in the series:


All this excitement makes me want to spring $270 for the Imakarum Miribalis kit, which is the only bio-fighter I don’t have. Here’s a shot:


It’s available on Amazon right now. But $270?!?! That’s crazy isn’t it? It’s more than double what I paid for Pluqstahl (almost six years ago now!).

But my birthday is fast approaching…

New Year’s Resolution?

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

When I returned from Australia, for some reason I started becoming very aware of the piles of stuff that filled my house. Books to be read. Games to be played. Media to be consumed.

When I was young there was so much I wanted but couldn’t have. Now I can have it all, but – especially in the last year – have been accumulating it faster than I can enjoy it. The reasons are varied (work, World of Warcraft, age), but I’ve never purchased anything I didn’t really want to read, watch or play and, by Jove, it was time to do just that!

So, my first ever (?) New Years resolution: Consume more media!

How much am I talking about here? I will preface by saying we all have little ‘to read’, ‘to watch’ and (some of us) ‘to play’ piles. For instance, I know for a fact quite a few of you – SFL, AW, BS – certainly do. But mine had gotten quite large. As in very large. And it’s time to climb them.

I’ll revisit this resolution at the end of this year, but here’s the scope of what I’m tackling. All of this just describes what is in the house right now, not anything I expect to obtain in the next few weeks or months…



That’s the English version of Monster Hunter Illustrations, which came out over a year ago and is jam-packed with all sorts of fascinating MH art. It’s on my pile with two additional japanese MH books including the sequel (!) and a different art book on TCG art. These share a shelf with no less than four additional art books (including Genzoman, Queen’s Blade and the recently released Hyrule Historia Zelda art book). I could probably look through all these in a long afternoon.

But that’s hardly all. There are some 30+ volumes of manga (Bleach, Bakuman amongst others), 16 novels (including some purchased five years ago when a local bookstore went out of business), 2 academic texts (one, on cryptozoology, is almost 800 pages long), about 50 comics and 20 odd magazines. This list doesn’t even include the approximately 100+ gamebooks from a collection of over 200 that I haven’t played through.

How much of this can I read in one year?

Movies and TV


I got the above for Christmas. It’s the long-awaited (by me, for one) second full Ultraman series finally translated into English. And it’s 19 hours long. It sits on a shelf right now next to DVD collections of all 4 series of Lexx (over 40 hours in total) and the first three seasons of the Keroro Gunso TV anime (20+ hours). Add to this list 22 more anime DVDs or Blu-Rays adding to more than 35 hours (including the full series of Claymore) and about another 28 hours of UK TV series collections and 30 more hours of (sometimes untranslated) Japanese or Korean series and I start to wonder realistically how we could watch all this in a single year? I haven’t even considered the movies…



I currently have, unplayed and in most cases still shrinkwrapped:
– 8 PS3 games (including Hyperdimension Neptunia 2 and Resonance Of Fate)
– 6 Nintendo DS games (including Pokemon Conquest and Shepherd’s Crossing 2)
– 17 (!) PSP games, almost all RPGs, many of which look great (including God Eater Burst and Ragnarok Tactics)
– 11 3DS games, many of which were Christmas gifts (including Theatrythym Final Fantasy and Paper Mario Sticker Star)

That’s 42 games on my ‘to play’ list. With some embarrassment I’ll reveal I have already preordered about 6 more online, and yet right now much of my gaming time is spent playing Warcraft. I think I’ll have to be more disciplined 🙂

Will I succeed? Can I possibly consume all this media before getting overrun? Also, will I stop buying more until what I have has been enjoyed? I’ll revisit this post at the end of the year, and it will be interesting to see how effective my resolution has been!

Review: Peter Davison’s Book Of Alien Monsters

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

I recently acquired this fine tome:


If you’re thinking it look familiar, well it should. However this was the first in the series, and therefore one may presume it doesn’t suffer from the sequelitis of its brethren.

Such a thought would however be patently incorrect, for this is yet another book of short stories that fail to impress, engage or leave an impression. In short, a book written for babies by hacks. With no exception the alien monsters in the book are violent, menacing or dangerous and for that reason I imagine this book would be quite a thrill for kids. But the resolutions are so obvious (or worse, telegraphed) and the stories end so abruptly that I was left wishing for the occasional twist or surprise (“Oh? The alien is actually friendly?”)

Many of the nine stories in this book are very similar, with least half having the same setup: colonists on alien planet don’t realize those dumb animals are actually sentient and aggressive aliens. The other half are equally repetitive: alien life form on Earth hides itself from all but children and ends up possessing and/or eating them. In the world of Peter Davison, there are no good aliens!

Here’s a retelling of the core of many of the stories in this book:

Pletrac huddled in the cave, unsure if the branches at the entrance would be enough to hide them. Vorg groaned quietly at his side, his leg probably broken. Pletrac moved the survival blanket up over his head to try to muffle the sound. How could they have ended up like this? The scouts hadn’t said anything about the creatures being intelligent – or even hostile – and the scans had identified them as one of the best food sources on the planet. The first had offered no resistance at all as they approached, large black eyes watching them seemingly mindlessly. Pletrac could still remember the hideous ululations it had made after Vorg electo-lanced it, and how quickly the others had burst up from the water and onto the land, tentacles coiling furiously. They were amphibious! Somehow they had escaped – the aliens probably afraid of the fire – but there were too many of them, and Vorg was badly injured. Now they would wait in this cave until help arrived. Help that didn’t even know yet that they were in danger…
…Outside the cave
Kron-pirr waited, biding his time. The injured one would soon die, he knew, and the other would need sleep. When that time came, Glork’fth would surely be avenged!

Writing that gave me more enjoyment than reading the entire book 🙂

Verdict: save your shekels