Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

Rubber Duck

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

It was an early start yesterday, on the 6:41 am train from Broadmeadow to Sydney.


As with my previous three train trips, I saw only a single Kangaroo on the trip. Once again the glimpse was fleeting and I was unable to photograph it. Here’s an artists impression:


I was in Sydney early, and after dropping my stuff at Adams set out for the city. I had an inkling to hit the shops!


I did the usual places – Kinokuniya, QVB, Pitt Street – before heading to Darling Harbour. There was something there I had to see…




It’s a 3-storey tall inflatable duck art installation, which is floated in Darling Harbour for the Sydney Festival. I’m lovin it!


As I got closer to Darling Harbour I began to see signs advertising dugongs at Sydney Aquarium. I’d never seen a dugong, so decided it was worth a look.

The cost was $38, and the first few displays were decidedly underwhelming. I’d been to this aquarium several times before and feared it may have gone off a bit.

My fears were unjustified! The displays are now themed, and it was just that the first set – Australian river fishes – were just a bit drab. As I wandered through the next I was treated to a kelp forest, a sunken ship, a steampunk themed crab and lobster display and a remarkable ray tank:


And then, the dugongs! Seeing them float around happily almost brought a year to my eye πŸ™‚



They have two, a male and female, who have been there for three years. They are two of the only six dugongs (a south pacific relative of the manatee) in captivity in the world. They eat 50 kg of lettuce each a day!

They are in one of the giant walk-through tanks at the aquarium, which are submerged under the water level of the Harbour.



It’s a very peaceful and special way to see the animals.

There is a mural painted on the walls of the ramp leading down to the bottom of the dugong tank. It details one aspect of man’s history with these beasts:


Sailors jump from a ship pursuing a lovely mermaid…


But mermaids don’t exist and it’s a dugong!


But then later on we discover there is a real mermaid after all πŸ™‚

Fancy a real dugong? Well that would be difficult, but the shop sells the next best thing:


There wasn’t a price tag πŸ™‚

Overall the aquarium was spectacular, and I’m very pleased I visited.


Changing tack a bit, the above is ‘Dark Escape 4D’, a new light gun shooter I played (for $4 a go!) The game is in 3D (you wear glasses) and has a moving seat, an air gun that blasts your face and even a pulse sensor in the gun handle that makes the gun fail if you panic! It *is* a scary game (you sit enclosed in a dark room), but it’s a bit slow for my taste.

I wandered over to The Star casino, where I would boggle at the variety of machines and how geared to Chinese Tourists they have become. $10 of my hard earned dollars went – in equal portions – into the paired games Ice Horse and Fire Horse, mostly because I was attracted by the pretty fantasy horses galloping through the videos πŸ™‚

A bit later I visited an Uggs shop in which no employees seemed to speak English. Do you think Chinese tourists buy a lot of Uggs:


I wasn’t there for the shoes though. A stuffed animal had caught my eye:


Yes it’s real fur, but the price tag scared me away! Will I return?

Two more photos to end this epic post. First, a magazine from 1990 I bought at a comic store:


And lastly, this…


Game Over?

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

I won’t be buying any more games this year, so now is as good a time as any for my annual review of my game-buying habits.

The news isn’t good. In 2012 my game buying dropped to a fifteen-year low, with only 64 games purchased during the year. Dollars spent on gaming dropped to a twenty-year low, with those 64 games costing me just a few pennies over $1k in total. Have I lost the gaming spark?

Here are the much beloved plots:

Screen Shot 2012-12-20 at 11.08.08 AM

^ The above shows purchases by % of totals. With 34 games bought, iOS leads the pack by far.

Screen Shot 2012-12-20 at 11.08.15 AM

^ The above shows % by dollars spent. Mac is a surprising contender here, mostly due to World of Warcraft.

Here are some observations I can make from my game buying this past year:

1) The PSP and DS are very much on the way out. Only three years ago I bought an average of 1.25 DS games per week. In 2012 I only bought four in total.
2) Although I still buy a lot of iOS games, I bought much less in 2012 than I did in 2011.
3) The 3DS has taken off nicely. I expect to see strong growth in my purchasing of 3DS games in the next few years.
4) The Ps3 fell off a cliff, as far as I am concerned.

So what happened? Well I theorize a few things, foremost among them being work. As my job takes up more and more of my time, I obviously have less free time. In addition, I do a great deal of work at home, often spending at least a couple of hours working on email and various administrative tasks almost every single day during the semester. Add to this the fact I taught a summer class and I simply ended up with less free time in 2012.

Secondly, I went on two vacations over the summer (Florida, and NM/CA).

Thirdly, even though I am buying fewer games, I find myself spending more time on average playing those that I purchased this past year. Warcraft counts in this category.

The fact remains that gaming is still by far my favourite hobby, and I still play games essentially every single day, it’s just that I don’t seem to be buying as many!

So what were the highlights this year? Well, let’s start with the years biggest disappointments in reverse order:

3) Bug Princess 2 Black Label (iOS) – A massive ripoff from Cave, in which they add a difficulty level to an existing game and deceptively repackage it as a brand new game. I bought this on the strength of all their other titles, and couldn’t believe I’d paid $15 for basically nothing I didn’t already have (even the achievements are identical!)
2) New Super Mario Brothers 2 (3DS) – Don’t get me wrong, this is a great game. But it’s too familiar, too identical to the Wii game. Nintendo did this once before (compare the DS and Wii Animal Crossing games), and I wish they hadn’t done it again.
1) Diablo 3 (Mac) – Not just the biggest disappointment of 2012, once of the biggest game disappointments of all time. I played Diablo 2 for hundreds and hundreds of hours. This one, I could barely manage a hundred. Upon release it was full of mind-bogglingly unusual design decisions that stymied fun at every turn. Patch after patch failed to remedy the situation, and I eventually turned my back on it forever I suspect.

For every bad game there must be a good one, and here’s the best of the year in my opinion:

3) World Of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria (Mac) – How do you breath new life into an 8 year old game? Release an expansion as good as this one. WoW feels as fresh as it ever does, and I’ve enjoyed every minute I’ve spent running around Pandaria (especially with Fyrenze the bear!)
2) Kid Icarus Uprising (3DS) – Nintendo has been slight on brand new games in many years, and I’ll admit I had few expectations for this on-rails 3DS shooter based on a 30 year old NES game. But holy cow, this one ate me up and just wouldn’t spit me out. In some ways, it was Monsterhunterian in it’s addictiveness, and I reckon many years from now I’ll still be pointing to this one as amongst the very best 3DS games. The online modes are awesome as well πŸ™‚

1) Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)

This one isn’t just the best of 2012. It’s not even just the best Wii RPG, or even Wii game. This one goes beyond all that, and I don’t hesitate when I label it as one of the very best RPGs I have ever played. It was crafted by a team that included people that had worked on various legendary RPGs (Xenosaga, Baiten Kaitos, others) and uses an MMO-style exploration and combat system to tell a truly amazing story involving two gargantuan warring robot-continents and the races that live on them. With twists and turns aplenty, and a genuinely likeable cast of characters, I could barely put this one down and when I finally put the controller down after the final boss battle almost 125 hours had passed. I only wish it has lasted longer. If you have a Wii and like RPGs, this game is a no brainer.

Retro Comic Advertisements (part 2)

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

I recently came into possession of, well, lets say many old comics. A good chunk of these will end up being Christmas gifts, so I’m not going to discuss the comics themselves here. But, as I did once before, let’s look at some of the advertisements for a trip down memory lane πŸ™‚

Here’s one from a 1978 comic, and as far as nostalgia goes this one is high up on the scale:


Very cute, isn’t it. What with the fan club being based on Yavin, and “prices slightly higher outside the solar system”! And, the inclusion of an iron-on transfer gives me another blog idea…

Here’s another period SW advertisement, this time from 1984:


A few Christmas’s ago I believe I gave out some of these kits as gifts? Adverts for model kits are very common in 198X comics by the way. As I said to KLS: “That’s what kids did before video games!”

Or maybe they did this:


So much cringe-worthy content in the above ad. And that’s even before you realize what it is actually for! Go on, read it and weep πŸ™‚

Here’s another in a similar vein, this time from 1989:


Ignoring for a moment how ludicrously verbose this ad is (Was it written by someone on their first day of work?), let’s consider this is for a handheld LCD game in 1989! That’s years after consoles had caught on, and in fact even the same year the Gameboy was released. Hard to believe this was money well spent.

Let’s switch gears, and revisit an ad which I suspect was targeted at girls (based on the comic it was in) from 1978:


OMG! Witchcraft?!?! Go ahead and read it! Amongst other things, this ad claims to teach you telepathy, mind control, ‘inhaling cosmic energy’ and THE ABLILITY TO CONTROL TIME (on page 126, no less). Holy smokes I wish they were still in business because I could make things happen if I had those powers!

Speaking of making things happen, here’s another way to make money, again from 1978:


I really have no comment, except to say that younger readers perhaps don’t understand the appeal of the above ad since they didn’t live through stuff like this:


What’s that you ask? More fanclubs? How about this one:


“Alf’s favourite menu”? The mind boggles…

Oh, here’s an ad for…


… a cardboard box! I wonder how many could they have possibly sold?

The early 1980s are when action figures started in a big way (1977 actually, with Kenner’s 3.75″ Star Wars figures). Of course this led to Masters Of The Universe, and the many knockoffs by other companies. Such as these guys:


They look so much worse than I remember. And yes I do remember ladies and gentleman, and if I ever find my sticker collection I’ll explain all in that post πŸ˜‰

Speaking of Masters Of The Universe, check this gem out:


I had a rage attack when I saw this one, gibbering on about how there was no way the screenshots could have possibly looked like those obviously painted images on the bottom right. So I did some snooping, and let’s see if I was correct…

intellivision_masters_of_the_universe_screen_2 intellivision_masters_of_the_universe_screen_4

I rest my case!

I end with one last ad. In comics of the 80s, it is quite common for ads to contain superheroes, probably to get kids attention even better. This is a classic example of one such ad:


Let’s ignore for a second the fact that Superman apparently can move at sublight speeds and has a computer-brain and consider what is being sold here. A Magic Snake is a piece of plastic that can be folded into 23 trillion shapes and looks about as much fun as, well, reading the comic this was printed in. Even with the assistance of Superman, it’s hard to believe what sort of child would have found this product interesting…


Yes, I’ve had it for 30 years πŸ™‚

Here’s What My Brother Is Going To Buy Me For Christmas

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

The world turns, but the more things change, the more they remain the same. Take, for instance, the eternal struggle of what to buy me for gifts? As I did once before, I received the following message from my Brother:

Yo sibling! I’ve learned that the Christmas gifts you’ve gotten me are mighty indeed, and I want to reciprocate in kind. Any suggestions?

Well brother-of-mine, your sources are true, for I have indeed obtained some of the mightiest gifts you will ever receive from me! Since it is the wish of all men to one-up each other in terms of gifts, I understand your motive. Thus, I will humbly offer some suggestions…

Books Category

Blood Sword (books 3-5)


Well known as one of the best ever gamebook series, I only have the first two installments and the latter 3 continue to elude me. It’s not that they are particularly hard to find, more hard to afford. Prices online seem to range from ~$30 (for book 3, Battlepits Of Krarth) to $250+ (for book 5, The Walls Of Spyte). Yes, we all know they are being rewritten, simplified, and converted to the Virtual Reality system for a reprint, but – let’s face it – as a purist only the original version is acceptable as a Christmas gift πŸ™‚

?????? Chronicle


I’m not going to lie – this one will be difficult! This is (of course…) the Japanese Fighting Fantasy doujin magazine that has published every two years (or so) since 2003. Details are scarce. Who publishes it? What’s in it? Where can it be purchased? Does it even exist? I have confidence the answers to all of these will be in my hand when I open my Christmas gifts!

Fighting Fantasy Second Age


When one completes their Fighting Fantasy collection, one must seek gratification elsewhere. Therefore, my attention has turned to the Czechoslovakian-only sequel series, Fighting Fantasy Second Age. Bernard’s going to have to work quite hard to find a book in this insanely rare series (book #1, Island Of Exiles, is shown above), possibly including (but not restricted to) personally scouring the shelves of used bookstores in Prague! But he will no doubt be motivated by thinking of my smiling face on Christmas morning πŸ™‚



It’s not particularly rare or expensive, it’s 33 years old, it’s (cough) ‘written’ by the best Doctor Who ever, and it has an awesome cover. I want it. Make it happen please?

Toys Category

Remembrance Of The Daleks figure set

remembrancesetboxed copy

I’ve got a pretty large collection of Daleks at this point, of all sizes, but I don’t have this amazing set. Sure it’s wildly overpriced and possibly impossible to find, being limited as it was to one store and released as a limited edition two years ago…. but hey, it’s Christmas!

Revoltech Yamaguchi MH Rathalos Liolaeus



This Japanese monster hunter toy is a little tricky to find… in the colour shown above. While I – and, let’s face it anyone – would love to own this, the impossibly hard to find limited ‘Silver Rathalos’ version is the one that would bring a tear to my eye on Christmas day! Could a young mans dream come true?

Material Handler Lego Technic


Remember that chat we had during the summer where I told you how every single Technic series includes a crane? Here’s another! You’re really going to have to pull out all the stops to get this for me for Christmas though, since it isn’t released until January 13, 2013! Maybe this one waits until my Birthday? πŸ™‚

Dungeon & Dragons Trading Card Sets


TSR released factory sets of AD&D Trading cards each year from 1991 until 1993. Naturally, I’m mostly interested in the largest set – released in 1992 which contains 750 cards. Factory complete, sealed and unopened examples of these are wildely available. After all, who would want them now? And as I’m sure you know, this would be a fine gift for a fellow such as myself!


Gone Petshopping (Pet Shop Girls)


Seriously… just go read last year’s entry again and understand I’m serious about this one!


Rune Factory 2 and 3 (DS)

Rune_Factory_2_A_Fantasy_Harvest_Moon_(NA) 51MxqoHx27L._SL400_

I practise self-flagellation daily for missing both of these. I played the first, loved it, and somehow not one but two sequels snuck out without me realizing. Once I had found out of their existence… BAM! The resellers had hoarded and driven the prices up to levels this poor college professor could never afford πŸ™

Wizardry Gaiden III: Scripture Of The Dark (Gameboy)


Despite my greatest hopes, the Wizardry titles I requested for gifts last year never eventuated. At the time, I withheld this one from the list, since it’s so… painful. Back in 2006, I managed to acquire the first two Japanese Gameboy Gaiden titles. Both are boxed, in perfect condition, and beloved by me. And yet, the third has ever eluded me! This fact has been known to keep me up at night, and if only for the good graces of my brother, I could eternally sleep soundly were it finally in my hands. And yet, the task may be Herculean indeed. For this game, now 20 years old, has become almost a footnote in history. Let us see if it can be unearthed?

The Legend Of Zagor Boardgame


You know how sometimes you have this awesome dream that you own something awesome and have an awesome time playing with it? Well in my dreams, it’s always The Legend Of Zagor boardgame. This near-mythical conversion of an FF book into a game includes a computer voice! Here’s hoping the first thing I ever hear that voice say is “Happy Christmas from your beloved brother!

And there we go, a relatively short and modest list of items intended to assist with my Christmas shopping. Times-a-wasting, so get to it! πŸ˜‰

Poster Boy (part two)

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Earlier this year, this post caused a few chuckles. Who doesn’t love terrible old photos?

Certainly not me! So with pride, two more:



Lovely aren’t they? Thanks to my brother for fishing these out of an abyss πŸ™‚

Now, some analysis. Obviously these two photos were taken at the same time as before, and painful as it may be to admit, the calendar dates it as 1987. The bottom picture (these were taken in my room) shows bits of the same posters as before. But there is now more to be seen, so much more!

For starters, in the top picture, in which I’m pulling off an early Monkey D Luffy look, the wall behind me is plastered in vaguely homoerotic art. Most prominent above me is a Depeche Mode poster (circa 1985), but I can also see Duran Duran, U2, Howard Jones, Nik Kershaw and (dare I admit it?!) Wham. Can anyone decipher any of the other posters?

Ignoring my outfit for now (and frankly, for ever), let’s investigate what I hold. In my right hand is my yellow (yes, yellow) Sharp QT12 cassette player. This may have been my second favourite possession in those days. In the other hand? Well, lets just say this poster is proof for anyone who doubted this post (specifically the third-last paragraph).

But, as much as you’ll guffaw at the photo with me in it, the true gem for me is the lower of the two photos. Here we see a very rare example of my artistic skills of the day! On the dresser and back of the door you can see four pictures that I drew. The one partially cut off is an Alphaville picture, possibly the cover of Forever Young. The other three show my renditions of the following…

The white dragon from Caverns Of The Snow Witch:


The cover of Afternoons In Utopia, done in a very minimalistic style:


And a ‘Mezzodaemon’ from Fiend Folio:


If you look very closely, you can also see gamebooks in the little bookshelf in the lower left (under a statue of Mary)!

I love this photo. All the same sorts of things I rave on about now are right there – 25 years ago. I just love that I was drawing massive drawings of monsters from gamebooks and sticking them on my wall.

Next time I see some college nerd strutting his stuff, I can say with confidence “Let me tell you kid, I was drawing mezzodaemons even before you were born!” πŸ™‚