Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category


Friday, November 11th, 2011

I upgraded πŸ™‚



Thursday, November 10th, 2011

I’ve become an Aegis otaku. Who’s Aegis? This is Aegis:


Stunning piece of character art isn’t it? Aegis is a (relatively minor) character from the PS2/PSP game Persona 3 that ended up running away with the hearts of male players everywhere. She’s an emotionless android learning to be human, and here’s a shot of how she looks in the game:


She’s got the whole “cute, shy Commander Data” thing going on, but frankly if her personality was that of a crazed, genocidal dog-loving cannibal it would matter because LOOK AT HER!


And look at her the figure companies did, and a wave of impressive Aegis figures did roll forth from such luminaries as Bandai…






Dimension Diver…


Garage kit makers…


And Figma.


That last one, by Figma, is the only one I have. I passed on the Bandai one at comic-con because it was a bit pricey and the others are just bankbreakingly expensive (not that I’d buy them anyway, I’m happy with my Figma!)

Oh, and don’t forget about the Aegis UFO Catcher prize:


Or the cosplayers…


I love how she did the gold bits.

Aegis isn’t going away any time soon. Although, as I said, her role in Persona 3 was minor, Atlus recognizes a bankable character when they see one and she’s soon to be in her own mobile game, is rumoured to have a major role in the (unannounced) Persona 4, and is a playable character in the upcoming Persona fighting game:


And of course she will continue to have the devotion of her fans. “Devotion?” you ask? Yes, devotion. I mean how many other characters out there in the wide world of otaku could move a man to a display of skill as astonishingly astonishing as this Aegis home-made papercraft:


Yes it’s real. And one of the most amazing pieces of papercraft I have ever seen!

Facetiming With The Bear

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Several months ago, my BFF Florence graduated with her PhD (yes, she beat me…) and very soon after went and got herself a bit of a dream job. The only catch: it’s in New Mexico.

At the time she forbade me from doing a ‘Bon voyage’ Florence blog post since she was quite sad about leaving, and I humbly resisted.

But today is her BIRTHDAY and I shall be silent no longer!


She got herself an iPad and we FaceTime frequently. She’s a funny face timer too, since I’m not sure she realizes there’s a camera on the thing judging by some of the faces she pulls πŸ™‚


And yes, even as I type this I fear the next face after she has seen what I’ve posted. But hey, it’s her BIRTHDAY and after all the teasing she does to me I figure she can get some back this once.

So Happy Birthday Florence. Kick back, relax, bask in the attention and fabulous gifts and please forgive your BFF for doing exactly as he has always said he would and post these funny pictures to his blog πŸ™‚


Oh, and the world is waiting for a update to your blog as well! You got us all excited during England and left us hanging πŸ™‚


Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

I present this video without commentary since… well since I’m speechless. Be sure to watch the whole thing!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Here I am with one of my new toys πŸ™‚
