Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

Here We Go Again

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

Next Saturday we’re taking the train down to New York to go to the 2009 New York Comic Con. You may recall we went last year.

The organizers are saying the event is bigger this year, both in terms of floorspace, exhibitors and attendees. Notable the game company and anime company presence is apparently larger (and both were big last year)! It promises to be a lot of fun and we’re very much looking forward to it.

Needless to say, I’ll be picking up swag for certain readers of this blog as well 🙂

Oh, and I’m also planning on blogging the event from my cellphone, so keep an eye out for that.

Go On – Name Them All!

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

The following image is thanks to this guy:

now_in_color_only_smaller_70s_by_dusty_abell-701198.jpg < 1970s TV Sci-Fi

Click on it and see if you can name them all. Who is that fourth from the left, in the blue-gray suit? (And I assume that is Patrick Duffy as The Man From Atlantis next to him?) And who’s the  girl in the red/blue outfit standing next to Bruce Banner (not to mention the Captain America dude behind her)? Was there some USA Captain America series in the 70’s that didn’t screen in Australia?

As for the spaceships…well you’d have to be a half-man not to recognize them all (note: thats a challenge to AW and BS). Except maybe for the round one above the dalek, with the circles sticking out. It’s familiar, but I can’t quite name it.

And what is Twiki holding?

Share The Joy!

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

It’s been a while since I uploaded a video to youtube, but on the event of the other day’s grand occasion…

…I couldn’t resist!

Enjoy 🙂

Shii Arisugawa

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

One of the things I bought for myself for christmas was an art statue based on the work of illustrator Shunya Yamashita. My first encounter with his art was playing the PS2 game Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria, but it turns out he did some work for Final Fantasy X and other games I had played as well. Although his subjects are typical of most contemporary Japanese genre illustrators (ie. mostly cute girls) he has a unique style which isn’t as blatantly stylized as most anime-type artwork. Click on the middle link on his website (which contains some nudity) to see a gallery which includes his interpretation on some classic characters such as Chun-Li, Yuna and Morrigan.

Anyway, about a year ago Kotobukiya started doing a series of statues based on his art. At last years New York Comic Con I was entranced by the unpainted prototypes of some of these, and couldn’t resist buying one when I saw it in a store just before Christmas.

The character is named Shii Airugawa, and she is (apparently) a school girl. Here’s a shot of the front and back of the box which shows the illustration the statue is based on:

dsc09370.JPG dsc09371.JPG

And here’s what she looked like prior to unpacking:


I was needlessly careful as I was removing her, since it turns out whatever the statue is made of it is both very strong and surprisingly heavy for it’s size (about 7 inches tall, including base). The detail of both the sculpt and the paintjob is astounding, but I suppose this shouldn’t be too surprising since companies like Kotobukiya mastered this art some time ago. Here’s a detail of her without her glasses:


The glasses (and sword) are a separate item, as shown here:


They are made of metal, and I had to carefully cut out one pair and shape it to fit her face. This required bending the side back, and also bending the bridge a little to better fit on her nose. They fit perfectly, and after using a little trick (a tiny piece of weak adhesive putty) to hold her sword in the desired location here she looks all finished:

dsc09377.JPG < Shii Arisugawa

Now she’s standing proudly just below my computer screen, no doubt waiting for the day she may have a friend

Doctor Who?

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Here he is, Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor!


He’s (quite a bit) younger than I am!