Archive for the ‘Otaku’ Category

The Barcode Battler

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

For christmas, I purchased the following for myself from ebay:

dsc00303.JPG dsc00297.JPG

You read that correctly – a barcode battler!

Now in the unlikely event you are not familiar with this magical device, it is an electronic game with a barcode scanner built in. The idea is that barcodes can be converted into powerful combatants that fight each other to see who is strongest. The thing was introduced in Japan in 1991, and brought to the US in 1993. It disappeared from stores almost immediately…

Here’s shots of two of the included cards, and a screenshot of the action:

dsc00302.JPG dsc00298.JPG

You can see, in the shot, that my warrior ‘Chip Chopper’ (on the left) seems woefully outmatched by ‘Fruit Juicer’ on the right. I had valiantly fought through the entire 25 combatants of ‘Era 1’ to get this far, but would soon concede that I had no hope of further victory.

Therein lies the problem with the system. Although it is far more sophisticated than I ever expected (it even has a savefile!), it relies on randomness to a fault. Battles are simple affairs, but at almost all times you are hopelessly outmatched by the opponent, and victory is determined solely by the roll of the dice. My ‘winning strategy’ was to repeatedly use the item ‘Rocket Gun’ – which gave me a one-turn boost to my attack strength –  and then hope I could 1-hit KO the opponent before he fought back. Victory rewarded a meagre increase in stats that made clearing Era 1 easier as I proceeded, but the opponents of Era 2 (and there are five Eras) were so much stronger than Era 1 it seems the game is designed around using barcodes other than those included to continue.

But the problem with this is that there is no diagnostic mode. Certain barcodes only work at very particular times, and there is no mechanism where you can just scan some random barcode (such as from a box of cereal) and have the game identify it as a warrior, or item, or spell etc. So I may have a barcode that is a health item for instance, but the game will only ever accept it during the tiny interval when health items can be used. This is dumb and frustrating, and very, very poor design (not the least because the manual states many barcodes “will have no effect at all”).

But, consider:
1) I have wanted one of these things for over 15 years,
2) It cost me $6 plus shipping on ebay, AND it was factory sealed, and
3) I spent perhaps 4 hours playing with it the other day, and even if I never use it again already count it as a prized possession!

So in other words, this was easily in the upper echelon of (self-purchased) Christmas loot 🙂

To answer your question about how I could identify my opponents? Well since the system itself has no text ability, it provides codes that must be cross-referenced to the manual. Yes it’s laughable, but hey, this was 1991!

dsc00300.JPG < Dynamic names!

Cross one thing of my “List of amazing items I have to get around to tracking down and buying one of these days” lists…

Jingle Bells?

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Christmas is fast approaching, and in fact I am taking a break from wrapping gifts to do this post. I have already sent large parcels to friends and family in Australia, and as soon as I get a commitment of reciprocation from BS, I’ll send something his way as well 🙂

Today we were in a certain local store shopping for a certain someone, and found this item on the shelf:

1206081146.jpg < Wheat Field?!

It’s a scale model field of wheat, intended for use as part of a model train diorama. It was fantastically detailed and very beautiful, and both KLS and I were agog it it. Until we looked at the back:

1206081146c.jpg < Holy Moses!!

You have to (painstakingly) assemble the field from tiny pieces! Lord in heaven this would take forever, and you know it’d never look as good as the photo on the cover.

Truly a gift suited only to the most maniacal of train otaku!

Attack Of The Clones

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

First, a shot of Momo and her clone army:

screenshot_112608_064223.jpeg < Pengomomo

Secondly, a shot of a perfect Christmas gift for AW that I will unfortunately be unable to mail overseas:

lego.jpg  < Oh!

And lastly, a promise that thsi post has given me a good idea for another 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Birthdays

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Happy 45th Birthday Doctor Who!

Happy 4th Birthday World Of Warcraft!

Although both are entirely different, they are two of my favourite distractions in life. Countless hours of enjoyment have been (and no doubt will continue to be) derived from these creations.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the two could somehow be combined?

Megaton Week!

Monday, November 10th, 2008

 As far as history goes, last week was quite a week wasn’t it? I mean, how can the most important presidential election in a millenium be topped? Could it even be possible?

Hold on to your britches folks, cause this week is even bigger!

I speak of course of the fact that two of the most awaited games of all time are to be released within a day of each other: Animal Crossing: City Folk and World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King!

cf.jpg cf2.jpg < Animal Crossing

lk.jpg lk2.jpg < Lich King

Animal Crossing is out Wednesday, Lich King thursday. I’ll buy both. In fact I’ll be at Wal-Mart on midnight wednesday night to get Lich King the second it goes on sale. Then I’ll play it like a maniac through the weekend. Of course during this time I’ll also play Animal Crossing, a game which by it’s very nature demands the player to play every single day without ever missing one!

Which will prevail? I have, for a few years now, alternated between saying that both Animal Crossing (previous versions) and WoW are both the most addictive games ever. The first Animal Crossing (on gamecube) I played every single day with no exceptions for six months. That said, my Warcraft character has 100 days (2400 hours!) total playtime!

It’s a good thing Winter is almost here. I may not be going outside for a while 🙂

Edit: as an addendum to my post, although Animal Crossing ships this week, it has a street date of Sunday. So my WoWing will be unimpeded for 2 days!