Archive for the ‘The Unknown’ Category

Wildlife Camera (Part 10)

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

It’s been a while, but once again it’s time for some snaps from our backyard wildlife camera! I dusted it off a couple of weeks ago and put it out on the back patio facing away from the house on an angle. Here’s the first shot on it:


If you think that’s me carefully placing a feeder in shot to attract animals… well I’m guilty as charged!

There were about 90 shots on the camera, about 45%  of which were like this…


…and another 45% like this…


Yes that’s me mowing!

The other 10% were very interesting though. Let’s get the squirrel shots out of the way first:

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We saw chipmunks (and birds) eating from the feeder as well, but apparently they are too small or fact to trigger the shutter so there were no photos of them.

However it seems the feeder wasn’t just popular with the squirrels and chipmunks. Here’s the night photos (click on them to enlarge):


Strangely I don’t think this is the cat we usually see in our yard. I bet Yossie and Emi know all about this visitor 🙂


That’s a deer, hiding behind the first bowl (which is full of dead branches yes I know and I will clean it up soon!)


That one is a real mystery. It’s small and sleek and probably dark-furred. Could it be a rat? I think it’s too big for a mole (which we have seen in our backyard before). Any ideas?


A possum! And the first clear shot I’ve got of one on our camera! I wonder where he lives?


Another first: a skunk! A little one as well, probably a baby. This is not surprising to us, since we’ve seen skunks in our yard before (even a mother and two babies a couple of years ago), but this is the first time I’ve caught one on the feeder.

These night shots surprised me because of the variety and because in every case there was only one of each animal. There were however a few shots with no visible animal and I wonder if there were things lurking in the dark beyond the range of the sensor that had triggered it. I fiddled with contrast on some of them to explore with no luck. Perhaps it was just the wind?

I love using this camera and the excitement of looking at the photos. I’ll be putting it out again this time for a month or so 🙂

The Fabulous Owlbear

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

First, read this post Adam did on his blog.

I’ve found a similar example. Here is the owlbear (an owl-bear hybrid monster) as illustrated in the first ever AD&D Monster Manual from 1978:


I have a copy of this book. It’s the 6th printing, from 1980, and was owned by KLS long before I met her. The owlbear in this version of the monster manual looks like this:


Fabulous isn’t it! It’s the only monster in the book that has been coloured in, but we can only dream she had done more as a child 🙂

Speaking of the owlbear… what’s this picture?


Interesting isn’t it? A few years ago it was revealed that some of the unusual monsters in AD&D were based on plastic toys. You can read the full story here (with more wonderful pictures). Based on the toy, and the supposition (which seems reasonable) that the toys were bootleg Ultraman monster toys, it’s obvious the owlbear is nothing more than… a kappa!

The kappa is a japanese water spirit which has a very rich mythology. Here’s an illustration done by Hokusai (famous for his The Great Wave Off Kanagawa) in the early 1800’s:


You can see the resemblance to the toy.

So what of the Ultraman connection? Japanese sentai shows often base their monsters on mythology, and it’s almost certain there is an early Kappa-based foe in one of the first few Ultraman series. I did a search and could only find one before 1978, a kappa-influenced alien named Tepeto in an episode of Ultraseven from 1967:


Not very owlbear-like is he?

So my guess is the original kappa designs (such as Hokusai’s) influenced the chinese toy which influenced the owlbear in AD&D.

What of the owlbear today? Here’s the latest illustration:


A bit literal isn’t it?



The Impossible Dream

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Adam and I were boulevarding around Sydney, or maybe elsewhere, when we came upon a strange vending machine. It was a very tall box – ten feet or so – with a small keyboard and no screen. There was a dial to the right of the keyboard that had a few settings, but none were labeled. A tiny sign had been taped on and said it would print posters of anything the purchaser wanted. It was in the lobby of some building, alongside other more mundane machines. No-one seemed interested in it; we were.

The cost was $0.75. We fed it a dollar coin. It didn’t give change.

Since there was no screen at all it was unusual to use. We put money in and typed ‘Doctor Who’. Nothing happened for a while, then it printed out a poster which came out a slot at the very bottom near the floor. The poster was massive – about the right size to hang on a door. And it was amazing. I seem to recall a montage of heroes and villans done in a woodcut style. Absolutely not what we expected. More money went in.

‘Tardis’ got us a disturbing picture of the Tardis with a screaming face carved into the front panel and a ring (like Saturn) around the light.

I typed ‘Jon Pertwee’ and got something resembling a 1960s bond poster with Pertwee in leather on his bike, babe in arms. It was amazing.

Adam printed out more Doctor Who stuff, including using the same term twice and getting two different posters that seemed to be in a series. He tried the dial, using the same term three times with the dial set differently each time. The posters were different, but we couldn’t work out what the dial did, if anything.

We then switched to fantasy monsters (dragons, beholders, demons) and collected armloads of giant, unique, incredible door posters. I vividly remember a poster depicting a dark tangled forest in astonishing detail with monsters very well hidden behind almost every tree. The poster was printed in such a way that the setting sun seemed to glow like an actual light source. We were baffled.

I inspected the posters very closely and found no copyrights or trade marks at all. The machine itself had nothing written on it. It was a complete mystery.

I forget how things ended. I don’t remember leaving; we just kept printing posters over and over. It was addictive. I wish it was real.

But it wasn’t of course. It was just the dream I had last night.

How Far Can You See In The Woods (part 2)

Saturday, March 14th, 2015

If you’ve been reading the comments of the previous blog post, you will have seen Bernard coded the simulation I described. You can play with it here. This simulation doesn’t answer the original ‘field problem’, but instead the more general problem of ‘can you see your friend if you’re both standing in a forest’?

{A quick note: if it appears to crash your browser, just force-quit because the code is in an infinite loop. This happens a lot with high wood density and low tree radius. On an ipad, force-quit by returning to the home screen then double tapping the home button and swiping the browser up to close it.}

I’ve done some analysis using this early version of the simulation, and here’s a table of results:

Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 8.24.51 AM

That’s a surface plot of the percent chance to see your friend indexed by wood density (0.1 = 10% trees) and tree radius. A few comments:

– The distance between you and your friend is randomized.
– The tree position is randomized.
– The tree radii are unphysical, and the code doesn’t seem to support non-integer (cm) values.- I used 2500 trials each, except when radius was low (percentage ~ 0) where I dropped to 250.

Interestingly you can see the percent chance increases with tree size, but decreases with wood density. You are more likely to be able to see your friend if the trees are large, and less likely if they are close together. Currently there is no upper-bound on tree size, and it seems the percent chance simply increases as they get bigger and bigger.

As for the distance question, I’m happy to report that Bernard also added metrics to help you calculate this. I’m going to pick 20% wood density and 7m tree radius (!!) as an example. Here’s a simple representational plot of one such forest complete with friends:

Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 8.20.23 AM

In the above – generated by the simulation – the friends are far apart and can’t see each other. The obvious question is what is the relationship between distance and ability to see each other, and here are the metric results from 1000 trials with these parameters:

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We can’t read too much into these since position is randomly chosen, but on first glance it seems (in this case) the friends were more likely to see each other at about 50 meters. However if you look at the bottom plot, you’ll notice there were quite a few occasions around the 50m mark where they could not see each other. I’d estimate about 20 or so, which means only about a 60% chance (seen/total) of seeing each other at about 50m. Glancing at the two plots it is, as we’d expect, the case that the chance to see each other decreases with any distance beyond standing adjacent.

So the results are interesting, but these are early days yet. Were I to modify the current code, here’s what I would do:
– Input wood density input as an integer between 1 and 99
– Input tree radius in cm
– Output result plots as percent chances per distance – one plot, rather than two, of (times seen at that distance)/(total times separated by that distance)
– Add variable tree radii
– Add foliage transmission support- Make the map circular, and distribute the trees according to a Gaussian distribution (this is more physical) {This may be for V2.0}

If and when these adjustments are made, you may see part 3 of this post 🙂

How Far Can You See In The Woods?

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

This is one I’ve been thinking about for a while: how far can you see in a forest?


I’ve always been intrigued by the effect forests have on our vision. Even in forests where trees are far apart that you can’t touch two at a time, you usually can’t see too far. When Bernard and I went up to the Grand Canyon last year, the forests there are very light on underbrush and the trees have a decent distance between them and you still can’t see much further than a few dozen feet. When I was camping in January and I got up early and saw pademelons everywhere, I couldn’t see them beyond a few meters into the woods.

So I’ve been thinking, is there an equation that governs view distance in a forest? Which naturally led me to try and devise one myself.


Once you sit down and think about it, you find it’s a bit of an open-ended problem. So I decided to start by thinking about an easier problem, and then expanding from there. So consider this one:

You stand somewhere on one side of a flat field, and your friend stands somewhere on the other side. The field is full of trees. What is the percent chance you can see your friend?

This is not a brain teaser with an easy answer, and the result will depend on many things:
– Where you stand
– Where your friend stands
– The size of the field
– The number of trees
– The size of the tree trunks

Problems with many unknowns can get difficult to solve quickly, so the first step is to eliminate some. The first two (location of you and your friend) can be expressed as the distance between you and them. The last three (field size, tree count and tree size) can be expressed as a ‘wood density’ (ie. the total cross-sectional area of the trees divided by the area of the field).

I speculate the general solution is some function of the distance between you and them, and the wood density. But how does one calculate the result?


As I teach my students, always approach a problem from extremes. The two extremes here are easy:
– If the wood density is zero (there are no trees) the chance you can see your friend is 100%
– If the wood density is 100 (the field is chock-a-block with trees) the chance you can see your friend is 0%

So we expect an answer somewhere between 0 and 100%. This may seem trivial, but there are problems in which the percent range can be much tighter and it’s useful to know we have the full 100%.

But what if there is only one tree? Consider these possibilities:

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 9.02.17 AM

On the left you (A) can’t see your friend (B) because a tree is smack in the middle. In the middle you can (the tree doesn’t block your view), but on the right you can’t either because the tree just blocks your view. Any general solution must account for all such possibilities (and an infinite amount more).

So how to calculate a percent chance for one tree? There is no way I can surmise to solve this via a general equation solution, so the required tool is computer simulation, specifically Monte Carlo simulation. In essence: generate a very large amount of ‘maps’ (of you, your friend and one tree) and calculate the percent chance from solving each and adding them.

For instance, if the only possible configurations were those shown above, the chance of seeing your friend would be 33.3% (only one in three maps). Of course there are many, many maps though (as many as you want actually), and it would be impossible to solve them all, so a more rigorous method is needed.


Here’s how I would do it – and I welcome any theorists to give their techniques in the comments. This is (at this point), for one tree only:

1) Randomly generate your position (A) on the edge of the field
2) Randomly generate the position of your friend (B)
3) Determine the vector connecting the two of you (AB)
4) Randomly determine the position of the tree
5) Determine if the vector between A and B is blocked by the tree

This last step is trickier than it sounds, and the easiest way to do it (aside from a clever technique I discuss below*) might be to:
5a) Calculate the vector passing through the center of the tree perpendicular to the vector AB (this just requires some vector algebra)
5b) Calculate the intersection of these two vectors (more vector algebra)
5c) Calculate the distance between the point of intersection and the center of the tree (easy)
5d) If this distance is less than the tree radius, line-of-sight is blocked

The simulation would repeat the above steps many (n) times, incrementing a counter (p) by 1 every time you could see your friend. The final result would simply be (p/n)*100%

I imagine with only one tree the percent chance would be very high. But what about many trees?

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 9.20.19 AM

That’s only 3 possible examples (from a pool of infinity) of five trees (well, six on the left!). You can see how much more complex the problem seems to become.

Interesting though, the simulation wouldn’t change much. The only difference would be to step 4 above, which would become:
4) Randomly populate the field with trees, saving their positions in an array

And then step 5 would be repeated for every tree. You wouldn’t have to test every single tree against line-of-sight for each AB vector, you could just stop when one blocked the view.

With this modified algorithm, I’d save (into my output file) the following:
1) Position of you (A)
2) Position of friend (B)
3) Size of field
4) # of trees
5) % chance of seeing friend (output of simulation)

Tests would have to be run to find out how many times the simulation needed to be ran. One thing I learned writing my simulation for my PhD was how few runs were actually necessary. My code would have happily ran all day long simulating billions of photos (each of which required hundreds of calculations) but in the end I stopped at only 1000. I found that the variability of the results for photon counts above 1000 was essentially 0, so there was no need to run more. It would be interesting to do the above coding and plot the results vs ‘maps’ ran and see where the plot gets flat. I bet it’s lower than we’d expect.

Once the basic simulation was in place, modifications I would add include:
– Variable tree size. The wood density would decide the total cross-sectional area of trees, and you could rather easily vary the radius per tree and keep track of total area so as not to exceed the desired density
– Foliage. Trees (bushes) could have a ‘transmission ratio’, possibly linked to a secondary radius (to discriminate between trunk and leaves). So line of sight could be half-blocked for instance if you were viewing your friend through leaves (as opposed to blocked by a trunk)
– Variable field size. The field is nothing more than a construct to give some constraint to the problem. It would be trivial to instead solve the following: You and your friend stand in a forest full of trees. What is the percent chance you can see your friend?

I strongly suspect the results would show a strong proportionality between the magnitude of AB, the wood density and the chance of seeing your friend, and it’s likely an equation could be fitted to allow for a general solution.  It’s tempting to suppose the trivial result would simply equal wood density (ie 50% trees = 50% chance), but my gut tells me it isn’t that simple.


One interesting consideration is the dimension of the field, and how it may affect results. I have mostly ignored it here, but it may be worth considering. Consider the following examples:

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 9.41.13 AM

Each permutation has 6 trees, but the first two have very narrow fields, both of which will lead to very low chances to see your friend (for random A, B positions). It’s true that the ‘wood density’ varies strongly between the first two the one on the right, and I wonder if that will be enough to correlate the results. In other words, can the exact field dimensions actually be ignored?


So lets return to the general problem, and what has caused me to think about all this: How far can you see in the woods?

It’s a much more interesting problem to imagine, but I think I may save it for another post  🙂

About that clever technique: It occurs to me a completely different way of solving this would be to do it graphically and exploit hardware graphics techniques. For instance, make the trees sprites and draw a vector between A and B and see if there is a collision with a tree. Do this enough times and save the results. The resolution (and I don’t mean computer screen resolution) would be necessarilly less, but maybe this technique – which saves a lot of coding and vector algrebra calculations – could work?