Postcrossing 750!

December 3rd, 2022

I’ve been a Postcrossing member for a little under four years now, and recently received my 750th postcard! I still love using the service, and every card received is a little treasure in my PO Box. It’s been about a year since I passed 500, so here’s an update about the recent arrivals.

That’s my top 10 countries, sorted by received cards. As usual Germany dominates the service, and collectively German users have now sent over 10 million cards! Russia on the other hand will probably eventually lose the second spot, since cards from there have all but ceased this year due to the war.

These are the countries from which I’ve only received a single card. Can you point to all of them on a map? There’s a longer list of countries from which I have not received any cards, and it’s always a nice surprise when I get the first one from a ‘new’ country.

Card images are anything you can imagine but I’ve been getting a larger percentage of animal cards recently. I suspect the reason may be that ‘tourist’ cards are becoming rarer so people are buying generic cards online. The above are three of the better animal cards received, but by far the weirdest (even perhaps disturbingly so) animal card I’ve got this past year is this one:

Is that a real life Mr Snuffleupagus?

The above are some ‘Postcrossing meetup’ cards I’ve received this year. These are cards printed by Postcrossing users and shared at gatherings. These seem popular in Asia, and the above are from China, Taiwan and Singapore. Very often multiple people sign the back of each, and you can see the back of one of them below.

This is a card featuring the art of ‘Tom of Finland’, a famous Finnish artist known for his gay art. As you can see the sender also used a stamp of the artist that was issued several years ago. Cards where the stamps match the front are very rare and always appreciated.

The stamps continue to impress, and the above is only a small selection of the hundreds I’ve received this past year. Russian stamps seem to be getting bigger every day, and Chinese and Japanese ones more colorful. Some stamps were particularly notable…

The Finnish stamp at top left is not just circular but also die-cut so that the country is removed! The top right stamp is the new German Postcrossing stamp released only a few weeks ago. The bottom left shows a lenticular Olympic stamp from The Netherlands and the bottom right is a selection of several vintage stamps a Japanese user sent me. I was so impressed with her doing this I sent a response card – my first one ever – blanketed with vintage American stamps. She was suitably pleased 🙂

This was probably the most unusual stamp: a braille stamp from Hong Kong! The dots (which read ‘good morning’) seem to be plastic adhered onto the stamp.

The above shows the backs of two cards. People write all sorts of things, from interesting to mundane, but occasionally go to impressive levels decorating or making the back unique. The one on the right is one of the meetup cards, and I’m impressed by the rubber stamps some users have!

From the 250 new cards since the last update, what were my favorites? It was a hard decision, but these three bubbled to the top:

The left one was from Japan and the sender said she bought it in a ‘big bookstore in Tokyo’. If I find this same card for sale, I’d buy it too! The middle card is a vintage card from France that is embossed and has glitter on it. And the right card is just a lovely photo of a man and a baby. There’s nothing on the back explaining the photo (not even artist credit) so we can only imagine who they are.

These days I can send/receive 25 cards at a time, and am averaging about that amount per month. So it may take a little under a year to get to the big 1000 cards received. When I do, I’ll post another update 🙂


November 23rd, 2022

It’s ‘craft week’ this week (kls and I are using the days off to do a lot of craft kits we have), and I decided it was a good time to build this:

It’s the LEGO Atari Video Computer System, or VCS (later renamed the 2600). This kit looks like a remarkable reproduction of the original console only in LEGO, and has a few play features as well.

An immediate nice touch is the retro-style manual. There were about 20 of bags of pieces inside the giant box but as with all LEGO kits these days the bags were all numbered and assembly was easy and a lot of fun. All told it took me about 6-7 hours over two days.

It’s very big! I haven’t checked but it feels about life-sized and once finished it’s much heavier than the NES I made a couple of years ago. It also looks wonderful:

The switches all move, and the two on the right have rubber bands attached to they bounce back up like on the original 2600! This version however has a surprise: you can slide the cover forwards to reveal a nostalgic diorama:

Here’s some detail:

Look at the little me playing 2600 back in 1982 🙂

The controller feels life sized and it astonishingly accurate. The stick even moves (and due to rubber bumpers returns to the vertical position):

And of course the cartridges can be slotted in and out of the console or stored in the little caddy that is part of the set:

And lastly the set includes three small dioramas based on the three included games. These are cute but I would have loved this set even without them:

Overall this is an amazing kit. It looks great, it was great fun to build, and it hit all the nostalgia buttons. The only possible negative is that it’s quite large and I’m not sure where to put it!

With an NES and now a 2600 reproduced in LEGO do you think they’ve got more planned? If I were to make a prediction, I’d guess a first generation Apple Macintosh may be in the cards for a LEGO kit one day…?

61 More Hours Of Ultraman!

November 19th, 2022

I said it would be a year between updates, but I haven’t slowed down in my watching of the entire Ultra franchise. So here, reviews of the last five series/movies I’ve watched.

Ultraman Tiga (1996, 52 episodes 20.4 hours)

Ultraman Tiga was the first new series in 15 years, and was a relaunch of the entire franchise in Japan. It was a phenomenon when it came out and to this day Tiga remains one of the more popular Ultramen of all time.

Set in a new universe from the original Ultras, Tiga tells a familiar story of Earth threatened by giant monsters and aliens. A defense force called ‘GUTS’ works to save humanity, and one member (Daigo) has the ability to transform into the giant Ultraman Tiga and send the aliens packing.

The writing is very abbreviated, because they try to fit hour-long stories into half hour episodes. The characters know nothing about the enemies one episode and the next say something like “oh that must be the true devil from the hell realm” seconds after sighting a foe. It’s all a bit bonkers and out-of-control but it’s heart is in the right place and it grabbed me fairly quickly. The second half is much better, with a fantastic episode featuring the original Ultraman and a very strong series ending. I loved the romance in particular, which is expanded upon in the various films in which Tiga would eventually appear.

As a late 90s show the early CGI effects are slightly embarrassing today, but this series is acclaimed for its music with a notable theme song and track reserved for the romantic scenes.

Tiga was the first Ultra series I watched on TV, since it was dubbed and screened in the US in the late 1990s. In time I bought a few DVDs (which I still own), but the licensor in those days changed the characterization and didn’t release every episode so this new release of the series was long-awaited.

Ultraman Dyna (1997, 51 episodes, 21.5 hours)

Ultraman Dyna followed on from Tiga – literally starting the week after the final Tiga episode! We have a new team (Super GUTS), a new hero (Asuka) and a new Ultraman (Dyna). At first I was a bit put off: Asuka is a very different character from Daigo in Tiga, but the writing is strong and the charm of the characters won me over fairly quickly.

The effects are better, the quality of the writing better and in general I’d say this is a better show than Tiga. Despite Tiga resurrecting the series for a new generation (and let’s be clear, this is very much a kids show), many of the Dyna scripts dealt with adult themes including aging and loss and the pathos was high. The ending was magnificent, and it may have even brought a single tear to a 50-year-old eye. Overall one of my favourite Ultra series so far.

Superior 8 Ultra Brothers (2008, 1.5 hours)

This film was a monster hit when it was released in Japan and tells the tale of an alternate Earth in which seven very normal men learn than in an alternate universe they are the hosts of Ultramen. When a threat comes to their Earth, can they transform and save the world?

I loved the hell out of this. It stars the original actors from the first four Ultra series as well as the from Tiga, Dyna and Ultraman Gaia. They all play their original characters, and it’s great to see them all interacting as ‘normal’ people in what seems to be our world. The slow-burn before they transform into their respective Ultras is fantastic, and the 8 giants defeating the mega-villian is very satisfying. It’s basically just two hours of fan-service for anyone that has ever enjoyed Ultraman, and an easy recommendation.

Ultraman Zearth 1 & 2 (1996/7, 2 hours)

Here we have a two-film series of a ‘joke’ Ultraman! He’s afraid of dirt, uses an electric toothbrush to transform, and the secret team that defends earth uses a gas station as its base.

Everything about this show is silly, and it’s incredible that it was made as a cinematic feature! There’s a lot of very dry jokes, and I suspect many more than were lost on me since they’re based on Japanese culture. Was it funny? No. Was it good? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes, but only out of a bizarre fascination of its weirdness.

Ultraseven X (2007, 12 episodes, 5 hours)

This was a ‘darker’ series made for adults that played late-nights in Japan. It’s easily the strangest Ultra series I’ve seen, given that there’s very little actual Ultraman and most of what is happening isn’t explained until the last episode.

In short: a dystopian Earth is being controlled behind the scenes by weird aliens, and when they open a portal to another Earth and try to invade Ultraseven comes through, possesses a dying man, and fights the aliens. The show is a bit like Ultra-Q since it’s a series of monster-of-the-weeks with the true villains only being revealed at the very end.

Even stranger are the fight scenes: when Ultraseven turns up, he usually defeats the monsters in seconds. One quick beam or blade attack and they’re dead. No wrestling; very few punches. His strength is off the charts and he doesn’t mess around! This is very interesting for an Ultraman show, and I liked they took the chance to do this.

Ultimately the show once again seemed to have a bolder idea than it could convey, but it wraps up fairly well with some nice fan-service in the final episode.

Ultraman (2019/22, 19 episodes, 10.5 hours)

This Netflix series is based on the Ultraman manga that has been running for over a decade now. It’s yet another retelling: now the Ultraman are not ‘giants of light’ from another star, they are suits worn by young men that seem to have extraordinary abilities. Or are they…?

This cgi-animated series is fantastic, with tight storytelling and incredible fight scenes. At first I was (very!) put off by the Ultra’s being suits, but this becomes a non-issue fairly quickly as the intrigue and mystery – not to mention action – caught me. The characters are great, especially Ultraseven and the unusual Bemular, and I couldn’t wait for season two.

And then, last year, it arrived. While it was half the length of season one, it ramped up the stakes and action tenfold and even added a few new Ultras. I binged the whole thing in one go and absolutely loved it. A third and final season has been announced, and I can hardly wait!

So what’s next? Well I’m already well into Ultraman Gaia, have about 5 or 6 other series already in-hand ready to watch, as well as more on the way. But what I really want to see is the film Shin Ultraman, which has only recently been announced for a US cinematic release in January. Will it be the film that finally gets me into a cinema again, or will I watch it while I’m in Japan. Wait and see…

Gumball Machines

November 10th, 2022

As a child, no trip to a grocery store was complete without a coin spent on a gumball machine, usually near the exit. The same was true for visits to the mall or cinema or any other place where the machines could be found.

There were two types of machines: those that vended lollies, and those that gave toys. Usually the lollies – almost always gum – only cost 5 or 10 cents. Toys cost more – up to 50 cents! – and we’re usually either ‘super balls’ or a motley collection of plastic trash.

As far as the lollies were concerned, I always preferred the standard gumball, and would often spend the coin mum or dad have me on one. Sometimes a machine would sell a (child’s) handful of tiny gum pieces, and since these seemed to be better value for money I could never resist them. As I grew older the gumballs became more exotic – some even had fizzy crystals inside – and I occasionally bought them all the way up until I left Oz.

As mentioned the toys were usually dreadful: cheap tchotchkes from China that would have cost the machine owner considerably less than 20c apiece! But as a kid I hardly cared, and one type of toy in particular I loved: the tiny rubber car. These were about an inch long, molded from hard unpainted rubber, and usually quite detailed for their size. If ever I saw a machine that sold these I always had to get one, and as a young boy I had a small, prized collection of them. Coming home from grocery shopping was always more fun with a tiny rubber car in my pocket!

Recently I’ve been paying attention to the gumball machines in our local shops, and all the photos in this blog were taken these past weeks. There are fewer machines than there used to be – Covid killed many it seems – but they’re remarkably similar to the ones I recall from my youth. The stock of machines is remarkably similar to what I remember from my youth, and still contains mostly gumballs, super balls and disposable ‘toys’.

The above was the closest I could find to the rubber cars of my youth. These are about the same size, seem to be made of similar material (or perhaps a flexible plastic) but as you can see are painted now, which gives them an extra dash of sophistication. At $0.75, I couldn’t resist buying one…

I reckon I would have loved this tiny rocket as a kid. It’s probably the ‘worst’ in the machine, but it’s also the one that my young imagination could have easily thought of as an alien spaceship. For me, that would have been enough 🙂

A Review of Every Movie We Saw This Year At The Drive In!

October 29th, 2022

Another season at our local drive in has ended, and I thought it would be fun to review every single film we saw this year. To keep things short, the reviews are five words only, and most were written immediately after the films ended and therefore were first impressions. Lastly we saw several films twice, and in each case we reviewed them both times. Here’s a seasons worth of film reviews, in order…

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 – Jim Carey steals the show.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Left early due to boredom.

Dr Strange in The Multiverse of Madness – Bonkers in the best way.

Everything Everywhere All At Once – Starts well but ends weak.

Dr Strange in The Multiverse of Madness – Better than the first time.

Top Gun Maverick– An entertaining military recruitment film.

Jurassic World Dominion – Dirt on an old boot.

Thor: Love And Thunder – Fun overall despite excessive comedy.

Lightyear – Charmless and a bit boring.

League of Super Pets – The best DC universe film?

Nope – Best film of the year.

Nope – Even better on second viewing.

Black Phone – Didn’t tread any new ground.

Bullet Train – We left after 20 minutes.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes – Most entertaining film of 2022.

Bullet Train – Stupid but also slightly entertaining.

Minions: Rise of Gru – A very predictable kids film.

Beast – Written and directed by fools.

The Invitation – Should have been called ‘Crapula’.

Tremors – Six degrees of monster worms!

Brain Dead – Seventeen percent on rotten tomatoes.

Dawn of The Dead – Grim and chilling zombie archetype.

Phenomenon – Jennifer Connelly is a star!

The Woman King – Spoiler: the king is male.

Pearl – Equal parts disturbing and funny.

Jurassic World Dominion – Time to flush this franchise.

Spider Man: No Way Home – One of the MCU’s best.

Lyle Lyle Crocodile – Many smiles for this crocodile.

Black Adam – Objectibly terrible; I enjoyed it!

Black Adam – The Rock meets CGI cutscene.

Halloween Ends – It never should have started.

That’s a lot of films, and we absolutely got our moneys worth from our season pass. While some of the films were objectively awful, even a bad film can be watchable at a drive-in, and it’s always fun to go. You can bet we’ll be getting the pass again for 2023 and doing this all again next year 🙂

Incidentally while Nope was probably the ‘best’ film of the year, Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes was unquestionably my most entertaining. The fight scenes in particular were the work of genius, and I had a big smile on my face throughout the entirety of the film. Watch it!