20 Minutes Into The Future

October 23rd, 2022

I recently bought these:

It’s a full set of Max Headroom stickers from 1986. Although not labeled as such, these were a Topps product and are mostly based on the TV film that introduced the character, although some images clearly come from The Max Headroom Show.

I was surprised to learn these existed since I’d never heard of them, and while wax packs do exist, I can’t find an image of a box anywhere. I have read claims that the set was released in very limited quantities in the USA only, and another online article claims it was sold as sets only (which can’t be true since there exist wax packs on eBay). It’s a mystery!

The first two-thirds of the stickers resemble fairly standard Topps-style trading cards from the mid 1980s, only they would be mostly meaningless to non-fans since the images seem to be in random order and the backs contain no text; instead being dedicated to two large ‘puzzles’ of Max:

The remaining quarter are foil stickers, which are reflective, slightly embossed and very impressive for a 1986 set. However five of them are extremely unusual, especially if you’re familiar with the character:

These look like poses the actor that played Max (Matt Frewer) did to test the prosthetic or perhaps to be digitized for marketing purposes. I’ve never seen these images on any other Max Headroom product and they seem out of place here!

The backs of the foil stickers contain the origin of Max taken from the film:

This is curious for a few reasons. Firstly I don’t think the film ever screened in the USA (and in fact Max himself didn’t catch on here until about a year after the rest of the world) and secondly it doesn’t say much at all about Max himself! Once again this would have been a confusing product for non-fans.

These didn’t cost me much (<$20) and the stickers are in perfect condition so it’s a fun curio for my collection. I’d love to test and see if a sticker still worked, but I don’t have any doubles so I’ll never know. Likewise I doubt I’ll ever know the true history of this weird product. Do any of you remember these from 1986?

The Big City

October 16th, 2022

We spent the last few days in the city, and lots of fun was had. Here’s a few random snaps.

As with last year we booked a room with a balcony. The weather was (mostly) beautiful and we ate most of our meals out on this balcony.

A random shot of action figures in a comic shop. I didn’t buy any, but lots of other stuff was purchased!

You can’t visit NYC without buying some hot roasted nuts. We always get cashews and they’re delicious.

Only the day we arrived was there any rain, but I probably just held this umbrella just to enable a funny photo πŸ™‚

Random stickers seen on the streets, mostly on scaffolding or electrical boxes.

Don’t know what this was about, but there were signs warning people not to carry weapons onto Times Square. We saw lots of heavily armed police as well. Maybe this was in preparation for a protest?

Corn from the Saturday street fair. It was great πŸ™‚

Day At The Museum

October 14th, 2022

We’re in NYC for Kristin’s birthday trip, and today we went to the Museum of Natural History next to Central Park. We’ve been here before but not for many years, so we were looking forward to the visit.

The museum was enormously popular – we had to join a long line to get in – and once inside we legged it to the Hall of Minerals so we could enjoy it before the screaming throngs arrived. Our plan worked, and we had the gallery almost entirely to ourselves.

There were gems and precious stones and amazing mineral specimens everywhere! Some of the largest and most spectacular examples ever known are there to see, and it was incredible just seeing the variety and abundance of beautiful stones on display (like the tourmalines above), including the famous ‘Star of India’:

They had gems and minerals in both raw and cut versions, and many displays on every aspect of minerology (I liked the science of how gems interact with light). If you like rocks – especially pretty ones – be sure to visit one day πŸ™‚

With the minerals and gems done – and after a break for a (grossly overpriced) lunch – it was time to admire the museum’s famous animal dioramas.

There are dozens of these in various sections throughout the museum, featuring mammals and birds and sea life and even humans. They consist of lifelike taxidermy set in a foreground designed to replicate real life, backed with a painted background. They are eerily realistic, and I can see now why a popular movie was made with that as the plot!

We watched a video about how these are made, and I was surprised to find that almost everything is fake. All the grass and leaves and flowers and snow is fake, and yet it looks incredibly real. I loved these exhibits and if I lived in the city I’d see myself visiting regularly just to sit on the benches and admire them.

A gallery about Earth featured lots of volcano facts and one of the oldest rocks known (over 4 billion years) and hidden away in the back we found a seismograph connected to a pressure plate. Of course I had to try and generate a good signal….

I’m sure you’ll agree the slight injury to my upper sartorius muscle and the subsequent agony I experienced every step during the one-hour trek back to the hotel was absolutely worth it for the satisfaction of knowing I moved the seismograph needle a few millimetres.

And then the dinosaurs! The fourth floor of the museum is essentially dedicated to dinosaurs, and there’s hundreds of skeletons and fossils on display. It’s beautiful and fascinating and undoubtedly the reason the museum draws such large crowds.

A great many of these are real skeletons (as opposed to casts, which are common in other museums) and the museum has owned some for over 100 years. They’ve got one of the biggest known skeletons on display (a titanosaur) and many tiny ones as well. From dinosaurs to prehistoric sea life to early mammals (including prehistoric kangaroos) there’s an incredible variety on display.

Apparently only 15 T-Rex skeletons have been found, and some of those are only bits and pieces. Naturally the museum has the best one on display, it’s the showcase of the entire exhibit (and maybe the entire museum?), and it’s swarmed by people trying to take photos just like mine above.

It is an extremely impressive sight, but not too far away they have an arguably more impressive item: a cast of what is believed to be the most famous fossil in the world, the ‘Berlin specimen’ of archaeopteryx, which paved the way to our current understanding that perhaps dinosaurs didn’t truly die out, they just evolved into birds:

It’s impossible to walk these halls and not wonder what these creatures were like. How they looked, walked or swam? What they sounded like, how they behaved and what they ate? Why did they have spines and plates and sails, or long long necks or tiny feet? How did they live, and how did they die? The displays frequently remind the visitor that very little is known about dinosaurs, and even theories (which constantly evolve) can never be tested.

One of the most thought-provoking comments I read today is that there are a many questions we all have about dinosaurs that we don’t know the answers for when applied to animals still alive today. Dinosaurs therefore will always be beyond our understanding: monsters and myths, surviving only as fossils. We can only ever guess and wonder at their reality.

It was a full day at the museum, and this doesn’t include everything we saw. If you’re ever in NYC put this place on your list; I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Ramen 20: Chicken Ramen Fes!

October 4th, 2022

Time for some more chicken ramen reviews. Who thought this series would get to 20 entries?!?

Nissin Ramen Noodle Artificial Chicken Flavour (490 Calories, 17 g fat, 2530 mg sodium)

First thing we notice is that this is a mega sodium bomb, with two or three times the sodium of the normal cup ramen. Second thing is the naruto inclusions (the white things with red spiral). Are these real dehydrated fish? Perhaps, but they didn’t taste like it.

Once prepared the ramen smelled strongly of garlic and had a very earthy/cavelike taste that was not to my liking despite the noodle texture being just right. KLS enjoyed it though, and ended up eating most of it. I think this is a quality product, albeit not for me. 5/10

FF IDWIDW Braised Chicken Instant Noodles (300 Calories, 12 g fat, 1680 mg sodium)

Presentation was nice with the big plastic cup, but this became a liability once prepared since it wasn’t insulated and was too hot to pick up. The ramen came with 3 flavor packets and a (somewhat useless) fork and looked appetizing once ready.

However it was spicy. Very spicy: easily the spiciest of any I have tried so far. It didn’t have any sort of chicken taste and for me was just painful (I took two bites) but KLS – once again – thought it was good and ate more than half. She only found it a ‘little bit’ spicy! Not chicken flavor, and not for me: 3/10

Gefen Instant Noodle Imitation Chicken Fat & Sodium Free (187 Calories, 0 g fat, 574 mg sodium)

The label doesn’t lie, and this is probably the ‘healthiest’ ramen I’ve yet covered. With no fat, very little sodium and less calories than a chocolate bar is this even food? And yet, it’s a product from Gefen, aka the gods of ramen, and I eat their normal chicken ramen multiple times a week. I couldn’t wait to try it…

Alas, this product was a major disappointment. As with a few other low-fat cup noodles I have reviewed, the noodles aren’t fried and are therefore different in texture. I don’t know what they’re made of but the change means they don’t actually cook in the cup, and after putting in boiling water and waiting for twice as long as I usually would the noodles were still rigid and connected to each other.

Secondly, it has no taste. In fact you can duplicate my experience at home by ‘eating’ hot water, because that’s basically what it tasted like. Is it worth it to sacrifice taste to save calories? I think not.

Sadly I have nothing good to say about this travesty of a product, and must conclude that Gefen not only makes the very best ramen on Earth, they also make one of the very worst: 0/10.

Look at this cool chicken ramen hand towel! This was another item in the treasure package AW sent me from Japan, and as you can see it was released in 2018 to celebrate 60 years of chicken ramen. Even the chickens love eating chicken-flavoured noodles!

It makes me want to go back to Japan to investigate the plain chicken ramen options available there these days…

The Box Of Treasures

September 25th, 2022

This came in the mail the other day:

It’s a box from Adam’s sister (let’s call her AC) in Japan! It’s a large box and had been traveling for almost 3.5 months! It was sent surface mail which could be the topic of a blog post in and of itself (but I shall save for another time).

The box was a big surprise, and I couldn’t wait to open it. But never in my wildest imagination did I expect the contents:

Look at this pristine condition burger box from McDonald’s! Back in April Macca’s Japan had a Shin Ultraman collaboration which featured the return of two chicken burgers which would be sold in Ultraman boxes. AC sent me two of these boxes! Aren’t they beautiful πŸ™‚

But it didn’t stop there! Inside the box was also three of the special Ultraman branded plastic cups, also from McDonald’s. These are even prettier than the burger box and have immediately become the stars of my ‘Ultraman fast food packaging’ sub-collection!

I don’t know any details behind the acquisition of these items – AC included limited commentary in the box – so I assume she went to McDonald’s herself and purchased a Shin Chicken Tatsuya burger with accompanying McFizz Aomori Fuji Apple beverage. And yet the burger boxes are absolutely spotless and look unused… did she have a black market connection? However she obtained these, I appreciate it.

If you’re not aware, these items are in collaboration with the brand new Shin Ultraman film that opened in Japan in May. I want to see this film more than any film that ever existed but it hasn’t yet been released outside of Japan so I continue to wait. I’m guessing Amber saw the movie, since the box also contained this extraordinary item:

I believe this is a cup purchased from a Japanese cinema! The side of the cup features the movie logo, and underneath it says ‘fantasy special effects film’ just in case you’re one of the handful of Japanese movie-goers that hasn’t heard of Ultraman! The cup is large and the Ultraman on top – in his Spacium Beam pose – is large and dynamic. This is an amazing item that will proudly be displayed on my shelf for ever!

And this wasn’t everything in the box. There were a few other Ultraman items, an extraordinary hand towel (that you’ll see in a future post), a clear file (how did AC know I was planning an upcoming clear file post?!?) and two more incredible Gotochi postcards including this one:

I need to go back to Japan so I can send some of these special postcards myself…

Thanks AC; this box was like Christmas coming early πŸ™‚