Ramen 18: Working Class Chicken

June 14th, 2022

It’s time for the last of the Southern Hemisphere chicken noodle reviews. Did my search of local supermarket shelves reveal a worthy product at last?

Suimin Noodles with Chicken (1440 kJ, 13.7 g fat, 1600 mg sodium)

Aside from my hyperbole and possible exaggeration, one common denominator in my reviews of the Australian chicken noodles is the taste (or lack thereof) descriptions. To my sensitive palate, many of these have tasted nearly identical, and that’s not a good thing.

Suimin joins the club: an earthy and dirty taste coupled with thick sticky noodles. It’s a hearty cup to be true, but not one I’d ever voluntarily eat: 0/10

Fantastic Gluten Free Chicken Noodles (671 kJ, <1 g fat, 856 mg sodium)

I’ll start by acknowledging that this product caters to a specific audience, and should be commended for it’s low fat and sodium. That said, this is another ‘Fantastic’ brand noodle product and the two I’ve already reviewed from them are amongst the worst I’ve ever tasted.

Let’s not flog a dead horse: ‘gluten free’ here essentially means ‘taste free’ which ironically makes this slightly better than the other Fantastic ones which tasted horrible. Still a woeful noodle: 1/10

Yoodles Brown Rice Chicken Noodles (1140 kJ, 3.4 g fat, 1260 mg sodium)

This one screamed ‘hipster’ and I was scared of it. As a result I left it for last, and when I opened it, saw the plastic-looking noodles and the bounteous flavor packets my dread increased. But I had to try it, so I did…

It was easy to prepare, but I chose to omit the ‘fat packet’ since adding oil or grease to these things turns my stomach. So strictly speaking I tried a modified version of the product. And it was fantastic! By a very wide margin this is the best chicken noodle I’ve tried here in Oz! Delicious noodles that resemble spaghetti coupled with a subtle but chickeny taste meant I ate the whole thing even though I wasn’t even hungry. If I lived in Australia, I’d fill my cupboards with these: 8/10

Over the past two years I’ve reviewed a total of 48 plain chicken noodle products. In doing this I’ve tasted good and bad and even found one so great I eat it almost daily! I’m not aware of any other products I’ve yet to try, so maybe – finally – it’s time for this series to go on a hiatus for a while…

Challenge Complete!

June 13th, 2022

Today I went for a big long walk. I saw many things and the weather was beautiful. But you don’t want to hear about my 32k steps or the guy that accidentally burned to death, since something much more important happened today!

My lunch today was a hamburger, small fries and a small frozen coke. A delicious meal, and only $5. I enjoyed it, as I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the three days before that.

Yes my friends, I ate the exact same lunch seven days in a row! I set myself this challenge after having done it for four days, and it is with no small amount of pride that I can now say I completed it!

Philistines may say this isn’t any sort of an achievement, just the no-talent-required result of handing over $35 to a charming McDonald’s employee. While they are obviously wrong, I’ll concede that my particular achievement is more special than it may at first seem. I didn’t just eat the same lunch for a week, I ate the same lunch every day for a week at seven different McDonald’s!

In order, they were purchased from the Myer Food Court Sydney, George Street Sydney, Kotara, Jilliby, Newcastle, Broadmeadow and Charlestown. I daresay I’m the only person in the world that has completed this challenge.

At first this was easy, but after a while it became a true challenge. By day five I dared to dream I’d be able complete this, but the last two days in particular were a real trial. Now it’s done I’m sure you’ll agree this is a phenomenal achievement, and a true showcase of my strength of will and culinary focus.

While congratulations aren’t necessary, I’ll thank you in advance for sharing you opinions in the comments. As for myself, I felt I needed to do something to acknowledge my victory. I gave it some thought, and in the end felt only one thing was appropriate: a quick stop at Maccas for an apple pie and a frozen coke 🙂

Thrice Odds & Ends

June 12th, 2022

Spent the morning cleaning and the afternoon going for a stroll around the neighborhood. A good chance for a few more catch-up photos.

We played memory the other night. Of the 54 pairs, I won 25-2. Lots of laughs were had 🙂

The farmers markets are held at the showground, and this sign brought me all the way back to visiting ‘The Show’ as a kid. It’s still the best fair I’ve ever attended, and I’d love to go again.

I’ve been sorting mums postcards into binders, and filled 4 large ones with just cards sent by me! Should I do a blog post on some of the earliest ones?

This slightly less than life sized bust is at a local antique shop. Alas, I doubt I’d have the weight in my luggage to bring it back with me…

Ramen 17: Chicken Down Under

June 11th, 2022

Please understand I’m trying these chicken ramens so you don’t have to…

Coles Chicken Flavored Noodles (1650 kJ, 16.6 g fat, 1316 mg sodium)

Without a doubt I prefer cup ramens to bricks these days, so this store brand had a steep hill to climb. And it barely tried: the noodles were weirdly sticky and the ‘taste’ was just herby salt.

I’ve formed a theory that the Australian ‘chicken’ taste is quite different from the US one, since none of those taste anything like the ones I eat in America. To me they taste more of earth and beef and, in this case, something I don’t want to eat: 0/10

Simple Chicken Noodles (1300 kJ, 13.3 g fat, 1100 mg sodium)

At this point – with five antipodean noodles under my belt – I was beginning to despair. I eat a Gefen cup almost every day back home; would nothing down here even attempt to come close to the glory of that pristine taste?

‘Sinple’ is the Aldi store brand, and to cut to the chase, I hated it. Once again I tasted soil and ash and burned toast. Do they even know what chickens are here in Oz???! Score: 1/10

Fantastic Chicken Noodles (1600 kJ, 17.1 g fat, 1890 mg sodium)

This is a larger size of the Fantastic one I tasted last week, which I proclaimed as one of the worst ramen I’d ever tasted and scored it a generous -8/10. I’ll give you one guess how much I enjoyed eating it again.

Let’s put it this way: My ethics and honor mean that I buy every (plain) chicken ramen I ever see and taste them all. Even if I know or even suspect I won’t like one I’ll still give it a go. Last week I bought both Fantastic ramens at the same time, and of course had no idea I’d hate them both. I’ll say now, hand on heart, that if I found this second one after I’d eaten the first I would have pretended I hadn’t seen it and walked away. An easy -10/10

Between these three we have an average score of -3/10, and I despair for Australians that are sold this dreck. And yet I’ve got three more to try so all hope is not yet lost. Stay tuned…

Odds & Ends Again

June 10th, 2022

Went with Sue today again, to visit another sea cave. Unfortunately, the tide was too high:

The cave leads to other caves, and they are all apparently somewhat dangerous even at low tides. It’s a lot taller than the photo suggests: three or four times my height. It was a shame we couldn’t explore, but the water was quite deep at the entrance and the waves surging.

There’s another shot of Adam from my second visit last week. We played magic again all day, and he won again overall, although it was closer than the first time. I wish I could play magic with him more often 🙂

On the last morning in Sydney (with mum) I took a walk out to the end of Mrs Macquaries Point to snap this lovely shot. This was perhaps the coldest I’ve felt on this trip since the wind off the harbour was icy, but away from the wind it was sunny and nice.

I’ve eaten loads of the above! In fact I’ve eaten 24 pies so far, and I’m sure there’s another dozen going into my gulliver before I leave. My limit is four in a meal now, and I can hardly believe I used to effortlessly eat twice that.

Speaking of limits, due to excessive over-buying of stamps (remember the stamp show?) I’ve sent a silly amount of cards. I wager most of you have received some by now. Watch your mailboxes: there will be more!