Review: Cowboy Angus

May 29th, 2022

This time I went to Hungry Jacks (the Australian version of Burger King) and once again ordered something I’d never usually consider: the Cowboy Angus.

As you can see I got the meal, and it may be a little difficult to see in the above shot but the box the burger was served in was massive. You could have easily fit a couple of Big Macs in there. I was terrified since I eat like a bird these days.

Here’s the marketing shot compared to what I got:

At first glance – and indeed at second – the bacon and onion rings seem absent. Perhaps they’re hiding inside:

So they were, albeit hardly as impressively abundant as the marketing suggests. You will also note the absence of any sauce, since I ‘had it my way’ and ordered the burger without mayonnaise, mustard or ‘sweet sauce’. I’m am not one to spoil perfectly dry food with evil sauces!

The first bite was ok and the second better. I had prepared for the worst after the debacle that was the macca’s burger, but about a third of the way in I realized this was fantastic!

This might be an ugly burger – and obviously it’s much too big – but the taste was quite wonderful. Each bite was an explosion of meaty goodness, with a hint of crispy onion and acceptable cheese. As much as I tried (did I say it was way too big) I couldn’t stop eating it and before I knew it had finished it all!

Of course I’ll never eat one again, but I have to say that overall this Grill Masters Cowboy Angus was delicious and worth the money Bernard is paying me to eat it! But I think that’s enough burgers for now… I think it’s time to try some chicken!

A Room Full Of Old Men

May 28th, 2022

Today I visited the 2022 Newcastle Stamp & Coin Show.

By a stroke of luck when I was at a post office the other day the clerk mentioned the show and given the venue is walkable from mums I of course had to go.

Entry was free and the event was held in a very large hall with the two dozen or so booths reasonably well spaced out. I’d say they were about 60% stamp dealers, 30% coin/currency dealers and 10% supplies.

There were also hundreds of ‘panels’ showcasing articles on various stamp related topics and themes, many of which seemed to be written by club members. I particularly enjoyed a lengthy history (with examples) on depictions of dragons on stamps.

Dealers ranged from those selling inexpensive international stamps to a few selling high end pieces for serious collectors (the most expensive single stamp I saw was A$8900). I was very pleasantly surprised to find a few selling mint unused (Australian) stamps and I invested heavily: watch your postcards for examples of some of these!

The coin/currency dealers were bittersweet. On one hand it was astonishing seeing all the various limited designs of the $1 and $2 coins, but on the other hand they were so pricey! The cheapest I saw the brand new ‘tooth fairy’ $2 was $15! That’s too expensive for me so I’ll hope mum gets that in her change one day and passes it on.

Some individual examples of the coins were incredibly expensive, and I couldn’t determine why. For instance I saw one honey bee $2 coin priced at $185, and it didn’t even seem to be graded. I pondered this briefly and walked on.

Rolled Australian coins of all denominations were available at several sellers, often at a premium. I regretted not asking the price of a roll of old 1c coins. but the stall was busy and the other customers seemed serious.

A multitude of pre-polymer Australian currency was available, and I purchased a few. It was nostalgic seeing the old $100 notes; if I ever received one of them as a child then I felt rich indeed! (For the non-Australians, the country switched from paper to polymer notes in 1992.)

I even saw bundles of every type of pre-polymer note, but the above brick (1000 old $1 notes) was the most astonishing. It wasn’t priced but I believe I overheard the dealer tell someone it was $4000.

I’ll end with two more items that caught my eye. The first was the above sheet of 55 beautiful Japanese stamps issued in 2020 to commemorate ‘international letter writing week‘.

The other was phone cards! Several sellers had them, and I saw examples from Australia, Japan and Europe. One guy explained to me that for a brief while they had been popular with the same people that collect stamps, but now ‘no one wants them’!

I stayed for about 2.5 hours, but even though I was well masked I began to get a bit uncomfortable when the (almost entirely unmasked) crowd thickened so I legged it out of there just before lunchtime.

It was time to order another bold and unusual burger from a fast food joint… but you can read about that one tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunburned Country

May 27th, 2022

Sue picked me up today and we went to Belmont Lagoon:

This is a lagoon nestled between Lake Macquarie and the ocean, which has a rich history from ancient times (aboriginal heritage describes the lagoon as being formed from the tears of the weeping moon) through the late 1880s (when the area was heavily mined) and into WW2 (when an antitank wall allowed seawater to enter the previously freshwater lagoon). Now the area is mostly wild, and today it was very quiet and as you can see the water was still. We saw crabs and little fish in the waters, but no other wildlife.

We then headed over to Caves Beach for a bit if spelunking! Sue had planned well, and the tide was out so were able to enter all the scary caves…

…from which we thankfully emerged unscathed ๐Ÿ˜‰

As you can see the weather was lovely today, and writing this several hours later I think I may have even got a bit sunburned.

We also had a quick stop at Redhead beach. This is a location where I almost perished many times as a child, tossed and turned by the merciless waves and attacked by wild jellyfish and rabid dogs. Australia in the 70s and 80s knew how to turn boys into men!

Oh and I’ve already sent loads of these, so watch your mailboxes ๐Ÿ™‚


May 26th, 2022

I went shopping for a while yesterday to the local mall, and things seemed fairly pre-Covid to me. Australia seems to have moved on more than the USA, and mask wearing is almost nonexistent. I’m still wearing mine, if only because I don’t want to risk catching it before I return!

The weather was beautiful, and the walk home from the mall was actually quite warm. Even so the Australians still talk about the cold, and it’s amusing how I seem to have adjusted to real cold compared to the brisk temperatures they find uncomfortable here ๐Ÿ™‚

And then today, I went to visit Adam for some card flopping!

We played 12 games in total, using 4 decks each made from cards from two sets (Jumpstart and Crimson Vow). This was about 6 hours of Magic, and we’ve still got more packs to open, decks to build and games to play!

As usual Adam won virtually every game (he’s like a Magic AI) but it was great playing the game for the first time in years and catching up, and I’m already looking forward to our next games next week.

It was also relaxing to have a day where I didn’t walk 20,000 steps! It’s not as easy now as when I was a stripling ๐Ÿ™‚

Review: BBQ Bacon Angus

May 25th, 2022

I had a discussion with Sue the other day about art, and she stated that anything is art. Therefore let me create a piece of ‘food review art’ and tell you about my dinner the other night, a BBQ Bacon Angus burger!

This is an Australian McDonald’s menu item. Ordering this was an extremely brave and unusual step for me, since as most of you know I always just order the same thing (which at maccas would be a Big Mac meal). But I’m working as Bernard’s proxy here as a taster of new things, and I reckon this was one item he needed to hear about.

Here’s what the marketing photo looked like, compared to the one I got:

It’s a somewhat close approximation, although the cheese on mine wasn’t fully melted and the bacon was invisible from the outside. Peeping under the lid wasn’t promising:

Where’s the bacon?!? (Hidden in the back at the left if you look closely.) It didn’t look very appetizing but I was very hungry and it was time to see how this guy tasted…

At first things seemed promising: the bbq sauce was sweet and the meat tasted like a steak patty on a 1980s-era steak sandwich. But then I hit the cheese which gave me pause (it was a little rubbery) and then the ham bacon which stopped me dead (it was barely cooked and 50% fat).

I was about halfway through when the true horror of this Trojan burger revealed itself. But first let’s take a detailed second look at the official marketing photo:

Look at that white stuff at the bottom. What is it?!? Mayonnaise? Some evil sauce? I don’t know, but what I do know is it tasted awful.

Since my burger wasn’t symmetric, it wasn’t until I was at least halfway through that I hit a large deposit of this white stuff, and tasting it was like a punch to my face. I was immediately full of revulsion (had I eaten some already?) and regret (why didn’t I get a Big Mac?) and I’m sure I set some sort of speed record stuffing the remaining half of the burger into a bag and hurling it into the nearest trash can.

I’ll never eat one of these again, and truthfully wish I’d never had one in the first place. On a scale of 1 to 10, this gets about a -5.